The Trouble With The Two State Solution

Because no other ethnicity was subjected to a Holocaust.
Bullshit. Jews weren't targeted for genocide (many non-Jews also died in the camps and no order to exterminate Jews has ever been discovered). The 6 million number is religious, not historical. And other peoples have been targeted for genocide (e.g. Ukrainians and Armenians). No one is arguing that Ukrainians and Armenians should have their own ethnostates. At least no one in the mainstream.
Bullshit. Jews weren't targeted for genocide (many non-Jews also died in the camps and no order to exterminate Jews has ever been discovered). The 6 million number is religious, not historical. And other peoples have been targeted for genocide (e.g. Ukrainians and Armenians). No one is arguing that Ukrainians and Armenians should have their own ethnostates. At least no one in the mainstream.

The term "Final Solution" was a euphemism used by the Nazis to refer to their plan for the annihilation of the Jewish people. Some historians argue that the usual tendency of the German leadership was to be extremely guarded when discussing the Final Solution.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

Thanks for your ignorance, stupidity and Racism . The FINAL SOLUTION only applied to Jews. The CONCENTRATION CAMPS started to be built in 1933. Ever hear of Mein Kampf?

The term "Final Solution" was a euphemism used by the Nazis to refer to their plan for the annihilation of the Jewish people. Some historians argue that the usual tendency of the German leadership was to be extremely guarded when discussing the Final Solution.

Final Solution - Wikipedia

Thanks for your ignorance, stupidity and Racism . The FINAL SOLUTION only applied to Jews. The CONCENTRATION CAMPS started to be built in 1933. Ever hear of Mein Kampf?
You Leftist always hear code words and dog whistles that no one else can understand.
The trouble with the two state solution is that it leaves another enemy state on Israel's border, a state which refuses to admit that Israel has a right to exist. A state which will have an army and arm itself for future attacks on Israel. What country on the planet would agree to have a state formed right on their border which would be hell bent on wanting to eliminate you from existence?

Can't do it. Arabs want to exterminate Jews and won't take no for an answer.

hamas 301kb.JPG
EXACTLY !!! Which is why the “ two sides” will NEVER agree . For those who are for the “ One State Solution “ I have a question that has NEVER been answered. Why should Israel agree to it? There will be NO response 🇮🇱✡️

Arab Jews left the Arab world from 1948-1973. If not for Zionism they would still be there.
It's so cute you think they did it voluntarily.

Asher, They prospered in the Arab world from Libya and Morocco to Iraq and Iran. This is the legacy of European Zionism. Arab nationalism came out of Palestine.
Well, then why move to Arab Palestine?
Your response is TELLING !! Instead of condemning because Jews will have no freedom you actually CONDONE it and blame Jews for wanting to move back to their religious roots

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