The Trouble With The Two State Solution

Israel allows mosques, and Christian churches

Your question better stated is why can't the moslems enjoy life in any of the other many moslem countries?
The Knesset Charter (a.k.a. Basic Law) explicitly states that Israel is a Jewish state.

Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty - Wikipedia

Jewish immigration law restricts immigration to Jews, spouses of Jews, and legal guardians of Jews. If any Western country restricted immigration to Whites, spouses of Whites, and legal guardians of Whites you'd be the first person to denounce it as White supremacy. Do you think for one second that Israel would allow itself to become a Jewish minority state?
The Knesset Charter (a.k.a. Basic Law) explicitly states that Israel is a Jewish state.

Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty - Wikipedia

Jewish immigration law restricts immigration to Jews, spouses of Jews, and legal guardians of Jews. If any Western country restricted immigration to Whites, spouses of Whites, and legal guardians of Whites you'd be the first person to denounce it as White supremacy. Do you think for one second that Israel would allow itself to become a Jewish minority state?
Israel is a Jewish state. It was dreamed of by Jews to be a homeland for Jews and it was created by Jews; nonetheless, by law all Israelis have the same rights under the law. Israel has a special law for immigration of Jews, but it has other laws for the immigration of non Jews that are typical for other liberal democracies.
Your link is by immigration lawyers advising people who want to emigrate to Israel to hire an immigration lawyer but acknowledges that non Jews can also emigrate to Israel if they meet certain conditions. All nations have restrictions on Immigration and Israel's conditions for non Jews are similar to those of the US. There are separate laws for Jews. Your claim that only Jews can emigrate to Israel is simply false.
Your link is by immigration lawyers advising people who want to emigrate to Israel to hire an immigration lawyer but acknowledges that non Jews can also emigrate to Israel if they meet certain conditions. All nations have restrictions on Immigration and Israel's conditions for non Jews are similar to those of the US. There are separate laws for Jews. Your claim that only Jews can emigrate to Israel is simply false.
I didn't claim that only Jews can emigrate [sic] to Israel.
You don't think that non-Jews can be spouses of Jews or guardians of Jews?
Same difference, you still falsely claiming that there must be a Jewish connection to emigrate to Israel. The question is, why tell these lies? Are you trying to falsely demonize Israel to suggest the Jews who were torttured and murdered by Hamas or taken as hostages deserved it?
Israel encouraged and funded Hamas so they would never have a 2 state solution. They needed an enemy because fatah had calmed down and renounced violence. The Christians and Muslims tried hard to stop them, but they were recruiting in the meanest refugee camps..

Hamas rockets have no guidance system and until this month were very ineffective.
Israel created Hamas to be a Counterweight to the PLO and Fatah PLEASE tell us why Abbas rejected Olmert’s plan ? They could have had their “ state “ in 2008
Israel created Hamas to dilute support for the PLO. Their existence is also used as a justification for the genocide of Palestinians. Israel recently cut off the water supply to Gaza. This is considered a war crime. But I guess it's okay for Jews to do it because of muh Holocaust, right?
I see you have NOTHING to say about what happened Oct 7th Says a lot about you You see NOTHING wrong with babies being beheaded, women raped in front of their kids, kids tied up and killed in front of their parents, pregnant mothers with their stomachs LITERALLY torn open with the dead FETUS stabbed many times with the umbilical cord attached, houses set on fire 🔥 with families inside, parading in the streets of Gaza with a naked Israeli female, etc etc G-D only knows what the hostages are going through MAYBE Hamas should have thought of the repercussions BEFORE Hosever, that’s OK because they’re only Jews; right?
The trouble with two State solutions, is that one State, the Gaza Strip, doesn't want the State of Israel to exist.

That's no good it?

So....let's start again with another solution!
The trouble with two State solutions, is that one State, the Gaza Strip, doesn't want the State of Israel to exist.

That's no good it?

So....let's start again with another solution!
Hamas states their conflict is not with Jews but “ Zionists who occupy Palestinian “ If you look closer their stated goal is a Islamic One State IN PLACE of Israeli
Hamas states their conflict is not with Jews but “ Zionists who occupy Palestinian “ If you look closer their stated goal is a Islamic One State IN PLACE of Israeli
Yes, this. I was listening to an interview with a well-known Palestinian American who said (paraphrased) that Jews can live on the land, but Jews can't be masters of the land. Which reads to me as thinly disguised, "Jews should know their place".
You can not leave our country without permission. It is called a passport and visa.
Wrong. You need nothing to leave the USA. You need a passport and visa to enter most other countries. as far as I know, you don’t even need a passport to re-enter the USA, just proof that you are a citizen or legal resident.
Gaza is not your country! Why can't they leave by ship?
I don’t believe Gaza has any ports. But if they left by ship, they could never get off the ship because no other country will accept Palestinians as immigrants and very few will accept them as visitors. They have made themselves persona non grata all over the world by their own conduct,
Wrong. You need nothing to leave the USA. You need a passport and visa to enter most other countries. as far as I know, you don’t even need a passport to re-enter the USA, just proof that you are a citizen or legal resident.
Planes trains and borders will ask for passports. Mexico used to be nothing, not sure of today.
The trouble with the two state solution is that it leaves another enemy state on Israel's border, a state which refuses to admit that Israel has a right to exist. A state which will have an army and arm itself for future attacks on Israel. What country on the planet would agree to have a state formed right on their border which would be hell bent on wanting to eliminate you from existence?
Two state solution?

What problem are they trying to resolve?
Is Israel going to withdraw from East Jerusalem and the Area C? Is Israel going to allow an uninterrupted movement of people and goods between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip? No. No. As such, all talks about a two-state solution is meaningless.
Israel created Hamas to be a Counterweight to the PLO and Fatah PLEASE tell us why Abbas rejected Olmert’s plan ? They could have had their “ state “ in 2008
As usual, Tinmore has nothing to say about the rejection

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