The Trouble With The Two State Solution

Two state solution?

What problem are they trying to resolve?
EXACTLY !!! Which is why the “ two sides” will NEVER agree . For those who are for the “ One State Solution “ I have a question that has NEVER been answered. Why should Israel agree to it? There will be NO response 🇮🇱✡️
Because no other ethnicity was subjected to a Holocaust.
I have a “ better answer “ With that logic, why should there be a Palestine State? Why should there be Arab or Muslim Countries? Why should you have “ states” where NO JEWS are allowed? There will be no response from the poster who asked that question
EXACTLY !!! Which is why the “ two sides” will NEVER agree . For those who are for the “ One State Solution “ I have a question that has NEVER been answered. Why should Israel agree to it? There will be NO response 🇮🇱✡️
To what solution Israel may agree?
Two state solution?

What problem are they trying to resolve?
Holy crap. If you don't understand my post then just say you don't understand my post. If you are that dense then I will not be unable to dumb it down any further for you. By the way, my OP has 11 likes so, apparently, they understood what I wrote.
Holy crap. If you don't understand my post then just say you don't understand my post. If you are that dense then I will not be unable to dumb it down any further for you. By the way, my OP has 11 likes so, apparently, they understood what I wrote.
No; he’s not dense or stupid. He has stated his beliefs that Israel does not have the Right to Exist. I have asked many times why Israel should even Consider it and of course there is no response. 🇮🇱
I don’t believe Gaza has any ports. But if they left by ship, they could never get off the ship because no other country will accept Palestinians as immigrants and very few will accept them as visitors. They have made themselves persona non grata all over the world by their own conduct,
If they tried to leave by ship, the IDF would blow them out of the water. Hell, they executed, in cold blood, an American citizen on the Mavi Marmora.
I have an answer but it doesn’t answer my initial question. WHY?? Would/Should Israel agree to something that will eventually eliminate them?
Israel shouldn't agree on that.

Is your answer acceptable for the both sides?
Israel shouldn't agree on that.

Is your answer acceptable for the both sides?
Doesn’t answer my question which was WHY should Israel even CONSIDER a “ one state solution?”
Israel shouldn't agree on that.

Is your answer acceptable for the both sides?
Israel shouldn't agree on that.

Is your answer acceptable for the both sides?
Just in case my first post didn’t go through; Your response doesn’t answer my question as to WHY Israel 🇮🇱 would be crazy 😝 enough to consider it
Doesn’t answer my question which was WHY should Israel even CONSIDER a “ one state solution?”

Just in case my first post didn’t go through; Your response doesn’t answer my question as to WHY Israel 🇮🇱 would be crazy 😝 enough to consider it
Israel can't draw the Arabs out of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and make these areas 'Jewish'.

Israel can't occupy the Gaza Strip and install its military administration there for a long-term period.

Giving the configuration of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a two-state solution isn't relevant anymore.

It is my response to why a military solution to the current war isn't possible and why Israel should consider something else that goes beyond a paradigm it has used to.

And now my question - what do you propose as a long-term resolution?
Israel can't draw the Arabs out of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and make these areas 'Jewish'.

Israel can't occupy the Gaza Strip and install its military administration there for a long-term period.

Giving the configuration of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, a two-state solution isn't relevant anymore.

It is my response to why a military solution to the current war isn't possible and why Israel should consider something else that goes beyond a paradigm it has used to.

And now my question - what do you propose as a long-term resolution?
Tell me why you object to Olmert’s peace ☮️ proposal
Tell me why you object to Olmert’s peace ☮️ proposal
I don't. Where did you get that from?

Are you sure that Israel will agree to withdraw from the Area C and make Jerusalem virtually independent city-state?
I don't. Where did you get that from?

Are you sure that Israel will agree to withdraw from the Area C and make Jerusalem virtually independent city-state?

I don't. Where did you get that from?

Are you sure that Israel will agree to withdraw from the Area C and make Jerusalem virtually independent city-state?
That’s what he proposed Let me ask YOU a question. Why do YOU believe Abbas rejected 🙅‍♀️ it?
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That’s what he proposed Let me ask YOU a question. Why do YOU believe Abbas rejected 🙅‍♀️ it?
My guess - Abbas was sure that the Arab world would reject this initiative and dump him in a dustbin.

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