The Trouble With The Two State Solution

The question is, that the "events" started long before October 7, and even long before 1948.
Sure. October 7 changed everything. In that sense, it very much is a starting point. But we aren't discussing starting points. We are future-looking towards solutions. Do you have any suggestions?
Sure. October 7 changed everything. In that sense, it very much is a starting point. But we aren't discussing starting points. We are future-looking towards solutions. Do you have any suggestions?
Kill 7500 Hamas Fighters , Deport the rest ( Fighters ) to The West Bank Or Cyprus / Turkey ... and have Laotian and Irish & Japanese UN Peacekeeping Troops in the remaining 2/3rds of Gaza
Kill 7500 Hamas Fighters , Deport the rest ( Fighters ) to The West Bank Or Cyprus / Turkey ... and have Laotian and Irish & Japanese UN Peacekeeping Troops in the remaining 2/3rds of Gaza
I would suggest not deporting Hamas jihadis to Judea and Samaria.
Ok kill 11 K Hamas Fighters capture 2500 and transport them to The Jordanian Frontier and have US Marines occupy the remainder of Gaza after Israel turns 1/3 of Gaza into a buffer zone
So, there other thousands of Palestinians (and not only them) become terrorists and continue their attacks against not only Jews, but Americans, too. Because they will fight against any occupation regime.
Realistically, the solution is to figure out who can babysit the Hamas jihadis and their civilian supporters for the two or three generations it will take for them to lose their "let's kill all the evil Jews" mentality.
Yeah, as much as the idea of deportation is ... unsavory, at best, it does seem to create long-term solutions.
The problem is that for Turkey is much cheaper give weapons to local Arabs in situ to fight Israel rather then keep refugees.
Realistically, the solution is to figure out who can babysit the Hamas jihadis and their civilian supporters for the two or three generations it will take for them to lose their "let's kill all the evil Jews" mentality.
The answer is simple. Nobody can. They'll see any "babysitter" as an "occupant". And you hardly can simultaneously hate people, discriminate them, occupy their land, randomly kill then, and expect than they won't fight back.
The answer is simple. Nobody can. They'll see any "babysitter" as an "occupant". And you hardly can simultaneously hate people, discriminate them, occupy their land, randomly kill then, and expect than they won't fight back.
Which leaves deportation as the only solution, doesn't it?
No I didn't decide. Actually I wasn't born yet, but after seeing Sharon in action, I did come around to thinking the gop was right, and we should not have recognized Israel.

But the Pales were kept in refugee camps because the Arab States wanted them there, as a political tool, and Jordan certainly didn't want any more. You cannot logically blame the zionists for the Arab states' decisions. They could have built a homeland better than Israel with all they spent fermenting the misery.

The Palestinians kept their housekeys. They didn't want to assimilate. They wanted to go home. Every Arab country is not like every other.
And just to clarify for those who may not understand my position:

The real solution was for Palestine and Gaza to take the self-determination and sovereignty offered to them, even if on less territory than they wanted, and build a flourishing homeland for their people.

But that opportunity died on October 7.
I think they need their own countries. They seem to not like each other, and Muslims are forbidden to pay or charge interest on loans, and I know that won't play for the other team at all. Which side do you think the bankers are rooting for?

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