The Trouble With The Two State Solution

Gaza is also not their country. Sadly the people are victims of the radical leadership. Why can they not live in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, or any other country.

And, why should it be a problem for them to live in Gaza, they can build it into whatever they like? Hell, looks to me like the Gaza strip is mostly waterfront. I would love to live in the Mediterranean sea.

The only problem in Gaza is the education and the leadership. Teaching the Arab/Palestinians false history and hate. Leadership made up of tyrants who get rich off the people.

Leave by ship, get rid of the leadership and make that area of Israel great.

It is time to let Israel rule Gaza and the West Bank. Too small of an area for a welfare state.
You have the understanding of a child, or the dishonesty of a Trumper
Well, that's exactly what Israel is trying to do to the Palestinians. The Pals have a right to self determination. Gaza is a prison. No one can leave that area without Israeli permission. Christ, Gazans can't even fish without getting shot at by the IDF. Who the fuck shoots at people fishing!
YAWN .. STILL not capable of telling us why Abbas rejected Olmert’s proposal
You’re right.. The thought never entered his head
you are wrong, I never said that

why would you present a comment that misrepresents another person's comment. Is it because you ignorant, or are you simply of low intelligence and can not engage in a conversation with another person.

It is sad to see how your stupidity deprives you of an opportunity to learn.
Gaza is also not their country. Sadly the people are victims of the radical leadership. Why can they not live in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, or any other country.

And, why should it be a problem for them to live in Gaza, they can build it into whatever they like? Hell, looks to me like the Gaza strip is mostly waterfront. I would love to live in the Mediterranean sea.

The only problem in Gaza is the education and the leadership. Teaching the Arab/Palestinians false history and hate. Leadership made up of tyrants who get rich off the people.

Leave by ship, get rid of the leadership and make that area of Israel great.

It is time to let Israel rule Gaza and the West Bank. Too small of an area for a welfare state.
The only problems in Gaza, are the war crimes the IDF commits on a weekly basis. And no, they can't build whatever they want, because Israel restricts building materials into the area and routinely shuts off electricity to the area and that's a war crime.

Israel is an apartheid regime that deserves the condemnation of the entire world.
Why do Jews have a right to an ethnostate, but no other ethnic group does?
Other's Chinese, Arabs, Japs, Pakis' etc all are allowed. It's European Western countries that are not allowed and this has been orchestrated by Jews. The idea, proposed by Kalergi in Practical Idealism about 100 years ago, was to flood white countries (Europe) with so many non whites so that they would have to mix and thus breed out any concept of nationalism, ethnic ancestral pride.
The trouble with the two state solution is that it leaves another enemy state on Israel's border, a state which refuses to admit that Israel has a right to exist. A state which will have an army and arm itself for future attacks on Israel. What country on the planet would agree to have a state formed right on their border which would be hell bent on wanting to eliminate you from existence?

if they had a state, the results might not be immediate, but in

the 2 state solution is mostly rejected by the kind of fundy who thinks that the jews must be converted or killed on order for jesus (or maybe trump. fundies often confuse the 2) a few centuries without the constant settlement, harassment and prosecution they may be able to chill to the extent of peace enjoyed during the ottoman times.
if they had a state, the results might not be immediate, but in

the 2 state solution is mostly rejected by the kind of fundy who thinks that the jews must be converted or killed on order for jesus (or maybe trump. fundies often confuse the 2) a few centuries without the constant settlement, harassment and prosecution they may be able to chill to the extent of peace enjoyed during the ottoman times.
Please sober up before you post.
The only problems in Gaza, are the war crimes the IDF commits on a weekly basis. And no, they can't build whatever they want, because Israel restricts building materials into the area and routinely shuts off electricity to the area and that's a war crime.

Israel is an apartheid regime that deserves the condemnation of the entire world.
if 1% of what you stated is true than Israel would of destroyed the Arabs long long long ago
The problem with a two state solution is that Palestine would be one of those states and it is committed to eradicating the other state.
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if 1% of what you stated is true than Israel would of destroyed the Arabs long long long ago
Actually, 99% of it is true.

The following is a partial list of 54 items, prohibited to import into the Gaza Strip, by the Israeli colonial authorities. It was revealed by the Israeli ministry of defense after it was taken to the court of law by Gisha – The Israeli Human Rights Organization:

sage, cardamom, cumin, coriander, ginger, jam, halva, vinegar, nutmeg, chocolate, fruit preserves, seeds and nuts, biscuit and sweets, potato chips, gas for soft drink, dried fruit, fresh meat, plaster, tar, wood for construction, cement, iron, glucose, industrial salt, plastic/glass/metal containers, industrial margarine, tarpaulin sheets for huts, fabric (for clothing), flavor and smell enhancers, fishing rods, various fishing nets, buoys, ropes for fishing, nylon nets for green houses, hatcheries and spare parts for hatcheries, spare parts for tractors, dairies for cowsheds, irrigation pipe systems, ropes to tie green houses, planters for saplings, heaters for chicken farms, musical instruments, size A4 paper, writing implements, notebooks, newspapers, toys, razors, sewing machines and spare parts, heaters, horses, donkeys, goats, cattle, chicks

Now what did those items have to do with Israeli national security?
Actually, 99% of it is true.

The following is a partial list of 54 items, prohibited to import into the Gaza Strip, by the Israeli colonial authorities. It was revealed by the Israeli ministry of defense after it was taken to the court of law by Gisha – The Israeli Human Rights Organization:

Now what did those items have to do with Israeli national security?

With over 6000 missiles fired from Gaza, the idea that items are prohibited is a joke!
Actually, 99% of it is true.

The following is a partial list of 54 items, prohibited to import into the Gaza Strip, by the Israeli colonial authorities. It was revealed by the Israeli ministry of defense after it was taken to the court of law by Gisha – The Israeli Human Rights Organization:

Now what did those items have to do with Israeli national security?

First, I suspect that your list is pre-2010 and not current. 2nd, some of those items could be used for military purposes, like chemical warfare. 3rd,

Israel says that the importation curbs are in place to pressure Hamas.

An Israeli government document obtained in response to the lawsuit describes Israel's blockade as "economic warfare": "A country has the right to decide that it chooses not to engage in economic relations or to give economic assistance to the other party to the conflict, or that it wishes to operate using 'economic warfare'. "An Israeli government spokesman in June 2010 added that the blockade is intended to bring about a political goal and that Israel "could not lift the embargo altogether as long as Hamas remains in control" of Gaza.

In the past Israel expressed concerns about Hamas using building materials for military means.

4th, no country should be expected to exist with a bordering neighbor that will use any and all weapons or other means of destruction to murder it's citizens and destroy their country. If the palestinians want to live peaceably then the Israelis will oblige, but you can't co-exist with people who are firing rockets across the border into civilian areas or sending in terrorist murderers to kill as many Israelis as possible. Quite frankly, I think Gaza is a failed political exercise and should be reduced to ruble.

With over 6000 missiles fired from Gaza, the idea that items are prohibited is a joke!
Spices! They restricted spices? They restricted donkey's? That has nothing to do with Israeli national security. As long as Israel maintains an illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza, they are going to get rockets. End the occupation and no more rocket fire.

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