The True American Taliban, San Fransisco School Board Votes to Destroy Historical Mural

The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Remember when the left always accused the right of being the American Taliban and leading us into a theocracy?

Now here they are over a decade later and they are doing it.
The left have been doing this a lot longer than a decade. I have posted this before, I am sure you have seen it.

Please watch this and see the leftists plan to take down the western free market system that they call capitalism.

The Frankfurt School

1920s and that is where our absurd PC culture now had its origins.

No wonder the left is never satisfied when they get what the want.

It's not really what they want.

They always want more, because the real goal is destruction of American cultural and society.


You'd think the school board would have better ways to spend 600K.

Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
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Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
I believe some have been moved before--there is that artist who paints people kinda simplified, big boned; he might have been Mexican or painting Mexicans? I can't remember who he was; I never cared for his work but he is pretty famous. Anyway, they have moved some of his murals to museums. I suppose you have to cut out the whole wall and carefully move it. It would tax a school's budget, I'm sure.
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
I believe some have been moved before--there is that artist who paints people kinda simplified, big boned; he might have been Mexican or painting Mexicans? I can't remember who he was; I never cared for his work but he is pretty famous. Anyway, they have moved some of his murals to museums. I suppose you have to cut out the whole wall and carefully move it. It would tax a school's budget, I'm sure.

Yep, I think you're referring to Diego Rivera, here is an article about moving one of his murals, also in San Francisco.

The delicate art of moving, photographing Diego Rivera mural

I'm sure the budget to move the GW mural would be in the millions. Maybe for those that feel strongly about preserving it could start a GoFundMe account. But, we'll hear crickets unless it's about building walls.
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
I believe some have been moved before--there is that artist who paints people kinda simplified, big boned; he might have been Mexican or painting Mexicans? I can't remember who he was; I never cared for his work but he is pretty famous. Anyway, they have moved some of his murals to museums. I suppose you have to cut out the whole wall and carefully move it. It would tax a school's budget, I'm sure.

Yep, I think you're referring to Diego Rivera, here is an article about moving one of his murals, also in San Francisco.

The delicate art of moving, photographing Diego Rivera mural

I'm sure the budget to move the GW mural would be in the millions. Maybe for those that feel strongly about preserving it could start a GoFundMe account. But, we'll hear crickets unless it's about building walls.
Yes! That's him! Thank you!!

I truly don't think the GW mural is worth anywhere near that much. Do you? Have you seen it? I'm no art connoisseur, but imo it's not very attractive or even interesting. There's a children's home/counseling center I've visited many times that has a big mural painted by the kids of their town. Now that's interesting, if not museum worthy. But really, who needs another pic of George Washington? I just love the guy to death, but this is such an overblown overreaction. Well, when the people who want to paint it over are called "Taliban," I guess the overreaction part is pretty obvious.
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
I believe some have been moved before--there is that artist who paints people kinda simplified, big boned; he might have been Mexican or painting Mexicans? I can't remember who he was; I never cared for his work but he is pretty famous. Anyway, they have moved some of his murals to museums. I suppose you have to cut out the whole wall and carefully move it. It would tax a school's budget, I'm sure.

Yep, I think you're referring to Diego Rivera, here is an article about moving one of his murals, also in San Francisco.

The delicate art of moving, photographing Diego Rivera mural

I'm sure the budget to move the GW mural would be in the millions. Maybe for those that feel strongly about preserving it could start a GoFundMe account. But, we'll hear crickets unless it's about building walls.
Yes! That's him! Thank you!!

I truly don't think the GW mural is worth anywhere near that much. Do you? Have you seen it? I'm no art connoisseur, but imo it's not very attractive or even interesting. There's a children's home/counseling center I've visited many times that has a big mural painted by the kids of their town. Now that's interesting, if not museum worthy. But really, who needs another pic of George Washington? I just love the guy to death, but this is such an overblown overreaction. Well, when the people who want to paint it over are called "Taliban," I guess the overreaction part is pretty obvious.

Oh, just on aesthetics I think the GW mural is hideous looking.. I could argue that the mural could be removed just for the the fact that it doesn't appear to be a very good one. However I think the cost involved to move would be about preserving it, no matter how bad it is, you still have to cut the wall out, carefully cut it up into pieces, find a new home for it and pay for that, move it, put it back together and then repair the wall it came from.

I personally don't have an issue if kids from all around the district came and created their own mural on top of this one. I think that's a good idea and it could incorporate many themes to include George Washington. Saying this with the understanding that it affects my life in now way, shape or form if they keep it, cover it up or move it, I think the school district is the best to decide.
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
I believe some have been moved before--there is that artist who paints people kinda simplified, big boned; he might have been Mexican or painting Mexicans? I can't remember who he was; I never cared for his work but he is pretty famous. Anyway, they have moved some of his murals to museums. I suppose you have to cut out the whole wall and carefully move it. It would tax a school's budget, I'm sure.

Yep, I think you're referring to Diego Rivera, here is an article about moving one of his murals, also in San Francisco.

The delicate art of moving, photographing Diego Rivera mural

I'm sure the budget to move the GW mural would be in the millions. Maybe for those that feel strongly about preserving it could start a GoFundMe account. But, we'll hear crickets unless it's about building walls.
Yes! That's him! Thank you!!

I truly don't think the GW mural is worth anywhere near that much. Do you? Have you seen it? I'm no art connoisseur, but imo it's not very attractive or even interesting. There's a children's home/counseling center I've visited many times that has a big mural painted by the kids of their town. Now that's interesting, if not museum worthy. But really, who needs another pic of George Washington? I just love the guy to death, but this is such an overblown overreaction. Well, when the people who want to paint it over are called "Taliban," I guess the overreaction part is pretty obvious.

Oh, just on aesthetics I think the GW mural is hideous looking.. I could argue that the mural could be removed just for the the fact that it doesn't appear to be a very good one. However I think the cost involved to move would be about preserving it, no matter how bad it is, you still have to cut the wall out, carefully cut it up into pieces, find a new home for it and pay for that, move it, put it back together and then repair the wall it came from.

I personally don't have an issue if kids from all around the district came and created their own mural on top of this one. I think that's a good idea and it could incorporate many themes to include George Washington. Saying this with the understanding that it affects my life in now way, shape or form if they keep it, cover it up or move it, I think the school district is the best to decide.

My problem is the school boards rational. They said that destroying the piece, which exposes and denounces in pictorial form the U.S. history of racism and colonialism, would be a form of reparations for historic racial injustices against African Americans and Native Americans.

It's Yucki, or we just don't like it on our walls are both better rationals. I like the kids doing their own too.

Also by sheltering children from their feelings of being offended instead of teaching them that it's okay to be offended by those images, and how to handle those feelings, they are doing the children a disservice.

But, that's life.
I'm mixed on this issue but have to agree with the above. I'm not the parent of a black child that has to have their kid on a daily basis walk by their ancestors being portrayed as nothing more than chattel while an old grey white dude is celebrated. That's the context of this mural.

I appreciate George Washington as our first president and military leader during the revolutionary war and that should continue to be celebrated. I'm not so sure the public school system of San Francisco should concern itself with maintaining positive portrayals of slavery and dead Indians. As stated above, it's their school, not yours.

With that said there is a historical significance with the mural, I can understand preserving somewhere else if the school district chooses to have it removed and the people of that district have the right to voice their opinions. However, not sure if it's even possible to move and at what cost?

Or, perhaps it should stay and help promote teachable moments for everyone.

I'd be cool to have a real conversation about this but you'd have to ignore the wingnuts who will post that California isn't real America or how racism is really cool, while excoriating others for throwing out the race card. Next thing you know one of them will post a pic celebrating the original black panthers while completely missing the point that the black panther mural didn't denigrate anyone else. It's the same shit day in and day out.
I believe some have been moved before--there is that artist who paints people kinda simplified, big boned; he might have been Mexican or painting Mexicans? I can't remember who he was; I never cared for his work but he is pretty famous. Anyway, they have moved some of his murals to museums. I suppose you have to cut out the whole wall and carefully move it. It would tax a school's budget, I'm sure.

Yep, I think you're referring to Diego Rivera, here is an article about moving one of his murals, also in San Francisco.

The delicate art of moving, photographing Diego Rivera mural

I'm sure the budget to move the GW mural would be in the millions. Maybe for those that feel strongly about preserving it could start a GoFundMe account. But, we'll hear crickets unless it's about building walls.
Yes! That's him! Thank you!!

I truly don't think the GW mural is worth anywhere near that much. Do you? Have you seen it? I'm no art connoisseur, but imo it's not very attractive or even interesting. There's a children's home/counseling center I've visited many times that has a big mural painted by the kids of their town. Now that's interesting, if not museum worthy. But really, who needs another pic of George Washington? I just love the guy to death, but this is such an overblown overreaction. Well, when the people who want to paint it over are called "Taliban," I guess the overreaction part is pretty obvious.

Oh, just on aesthetics I think the GW mural is hideous looking.. I could argue that the mural could be removed just for the the fact that it doesn't appear to be a very good one. However I think the cost involved to move would be about preserving it, no matter how bad it is, you still have to cut the wall out, carefully cut it up into pieces, find a new home for it and pay for that, move it, put it back together and then repair the wall it came from.

I personally don't have an issue if kids from all around the district came and created their own mural on top of this one. I think that's a good idea and it could incorporate many themes to include George Washington. Saying this with the understanding that it affects my life in now way, shape or form if they keep it, cover it up or move it, I think the school district is the best to decide.

My problem is the school boards rational. They said that destroying the piece, which exposes and denounces in pictorial form the U.S. history of racism and colonialism, would be a form of reparations for historic racial injustices against African Americans and Native Americans.

It's Yucki, or we just don't like it on our walls are both better rationals. I like the kids doing their own too.

In the end though, they just don't like it on their walls, right? I can appreciate a Russian artist who moved back to the USSR and from what I understand being a devout communist create a mural for our school children to see the "real" life of George Washington, I have to wonder if this is the best way to go about that teaching the children.

From my understanding minority parents and children weren't in on the joke.

Also by sheltering children from their feelings of being offended instead of teaching them that it's okay to be offended by those images, and how to handle those feelings, they are doing the children a disservice.

But, that's life.

Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students? They don't like the mural, the school district is being accountable to it's constituents. The mural is old, other than that is it really significant?
Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students?
Well yeah sort of in this case. They have this big mural that makes people feel offended they need to teach them that it was the intended purpose. Maybe a plaque or something.

But they don't want it there and the cost to move it likely exceeds it's value.

I don't think it makes them the Taliban. The Taliban would blow up the wall and most of the school too, with the kids in it.
Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students?
Well yeah sort of in this case. They have this big mural that makes people feel offended they need to teach them that it was the intended purpose. Maybe a plaque or something.

But they don't want it there and the cost to move it likely exceeds it's value.

I don't think it makes them the Taliban. The Taliban would blow up the wall and most of the school too, with the kids in it.

Yeah, I think comparisons to the Taliban are ridiculous.

Maybe a plaque, I could see that as a solution, certainly cheaper.

Do you think if a pubic school in a Jewish community that showed a mural of WWII depicted a Jew in an oven would be appropriately challenging the student body?
Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students?
Well yeah sort of in this case. They have this big mural that makes people feel offended they need to teach them that it was the intended purpose. Maybe a plaque or something.

But they don't want it there and the cost to move it likely exceeds it's value.

I don't think it makes them the Taliban. The Taliban would blow up the wall and most of the school too, with the kids in it.

Yeah, I think comparisons to the Taliban are ridiculous.

Maybe a plaque, I could see that as a solution, certainly cheaper.

Do you think if a pubic school in a Jewish community that showed a mural of WWII depicted a Jew in an oven would be appropriately challenging the student body?

Damn that's a tough one.

The Nation that did that was utterly destroyed. That atrocity did not help build the nation where the school is. So maybe not.
Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students?
Well yeah sort of in this case. They have this big mural that makes people feel offended they need to teach them that it was the intended purpose. Maybe a plaque or something.

But they don't want it there and the cost to move it likely exceeds it's value.

I don't think it makes them the Taliban. The Taliban would blow up the wall and most of the school too, with the kids in it.

Yeah, I think comparisons to the Taliban are ridiculous.

Maybe a plaque, I could see that as a solution, certainly cheaper.

Do you think if a pubic school in a Jewish community that showed a mural of WWII depicted a Jew in an oven would be appropriately challenging the student body?
The mural showed a few slaves working around the yard, not getting gassed, ferchrissake. Yeah, okay, there was a dead Native American at the white guy's feet, iirc. Not cool.
Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students?
Well yeah sort of in this case. They have this big mural that makes people feel offended they need to teach them that it was the intended purpose. Maybe a plaque or something.

But they don't want it there and the cost to move it likely exceeds it's value.

I don't think it makes them the Taliban. The Taliban would blow up the wall and most of the school too, with the kids in it.

Yeah, I think comparisons to the Taliban are ridiculous.

Maybe a plaque, I could see that as a solution, certainly cheaper.

Do you think if a pubic school in a Jewish community that showed a mural of WWII depicted a Jew in an oven would be appropriately challenging the student body?
The mural showed a few slaves working around the yard, not getting gassed, ferchrissake. Yeah, okay, there was a dead Native American at the white guy's feet, iirc. Not cool.

The dead indian represents genocide, I'm just asking if that is an appropriate topic for a graphic on a school wall.
Do you think it's the public school districts job to offend its students?
Well yeah sort of in this case. They have this big mural that makes people feel offended they need to teach them that it was the intended purpose. Maybe a plaque or something.

But they don't want it there and the cost to move it likely exceeds it's value.

I don't think it makes them the Taliban. The Taliban would blow up the wall and most of the school too, with the kids in it.

Yeah, I think comparisons to the Taliban are ridiculous.

Maybe a plaque, I could see that as a solution, certainly cheaper.

Do you think if a pubic school in a Jewish community that showed a mural of WWII depicted a Jew in an oven would be appropriately challenging the student body?

Damn that's a tough one.

The Nation that did that was utterly destroyed. That atrocity did not help build the nation where the school is. So maybe not.

Well, you could put the mural in Germany as opposed to the U.S. if that helps, it's their history. Personally, I wouldn't give a flip how old the mural was, I wouldn't want me kid to have to look at it day in and day out.

my overall poin is there is a valid point of view to have the mural removed, it's not just something for over zelous SJWs or "snowflakes" as the right makes it out to be.

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