The True American Taliban, San Fransisco School Board Votes to Destroy Historical Mural

The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


I particularly like this line:

"I understand the importance of art, and it should be the last thing we do, to attempt to cover any kind of art up," he said. "The starting point has to be from those who feel they are harmed and how that is unacceptable, especially given the history of this country. When we don't listen, we don't learn."

First, he is advocating destroying it, not "covering it up". Second, butthurt is not harm. Maybe these kids could use some spine assistance if a mural hurts their feeewings.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.
Communism is less than 200 years has no roots in history, in order to ingrain itself in a society it must erase or muddy the history of the host country, it is like a tick on a dog, everyone that is not the tick knows the tick must go but the tick feels it is just as much a part of the dog as anything else attached to it and then proceeds to suck the life out of it...
....communism uses re-education camps to erase a countries heritage by teaching the youth that the heritage is wrought/rife with evil, the fact that this is happening at a school is necessary for the left since schools are the re-education camps for them...EDIT: if you read on down the thread you will see this play out exactly as I have described. [end edit-7/09- 2:24 am]
....communism in the ussr only gained popular acceptance as a legitimate form of government after it's victory against the european nazi' in WWII

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?
This would probably be the way to go since the mural may not be ugly enough to be considered art

I disagree.
I believe this is far more deliberate & sinister.
That the Kosher Globalists break down culture to break down society.

They want a world without the West due to so called anti-Semitism in Western culture.

Nationalism makes us strong, Liberalism makes us weak.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


My thought is this is further proof that California is no longer part of the USA.

Also, further proof that multi-culturalism, and diversity was always a lie.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?

"Arnautoff, a Russian-born communist and social critic, was hired with Federal Art Project funds as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, a series of government programs meant to help lift the country out of the Great Depression of the 1930s.

"He was one of a group of artists to paint murals at San Francisco's Coit Tower that prompted anti-communists to delay the tower's opening. Arnautoff's piece, called "City Life," shows urban workers crowding around a newsstand of socialist newspapers and magazines. The piece faced criticism for failing to include the conservative-leaning San Francisco Chronicle."

It was painted by a fucking commie.

Burn that shit down. Destroy it.

Fuck commies and all they do.


I feel it is rather useless to complain about these things and so my approach is to one-up these idiots. Taking such stance it is my firm belief that simply painting over the mural doesn't go nearly far enough. For proper rectification of this situation the school district needs to tear down the school and the ground must be transformed into a pauper's cemetery. Anything short of such measure does nothing to erase the bigotry that forever haunts the grounds and restricts the liberal upbringing of future students. This situation calls for surgery (with assistance from a native-American medicine man) and not simply the application of a cosmetic band-aid.

Share the Wealth,
I don't care enough about the specific reasons why San Francisco decided this way so I don't have an opinion on that.
However, as an ex-San Franciscan (Go Niners!) and mainstream center left democrat, I can say the left doesn't do themselves any favors with much of their censorship efforts. Especially perhaps millennials. I follow Bill Maher on this POV.
That said, there are cases where tearing down stuff makes sense.
Such as civil war monuments which were not put up historically during the civil war but by KKK types much later to glorify white nationalism. That's not history, that's white nationalist propaganda.

Moving the mural to a museum would be one thing, but painting over is hiding it, and that seems wrong.
But agree with you in general.
But you are confused because the USSR was not at all communist.
yes, so confused...every time a collapsed left wing state is mentioned I'm reminded of how confused or wrong I really am.

What is left wing about a central dictatorship out for its own power and pleasure, while the majority get bare substance?
That is capitalism, feudalism, dictatorship, right wing, etc.
It is not at all socialism.
Socialism is where a democracy decides to invest tax money into an enterprise in order to reduce prices or some other benefit.
When only a few benefit at the cost of others, that is capitalism.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Meanwhile, this Black Panthers mural is celebrated as is the violent nature of blacks...I should add, no other group has terrorized America and the American people like blacks have.
How about protesting modern real time threats to Americans? Why not spend our time protesting wetbacks and blacks?
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Meanwhile, this Black Panthers mural is celebrated as is the violent nature of blacks...I should add, no other group has terrorized America and the American people like blacks have.
How about protesting modern real time threats to Americans? Why not spend our time protesting wetbacks and blacks?

I know the answer...Because Republicans are PC programmed, cucked nutless pussies for the most part....THATS WHY.
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
Holy Shit.

You're an actual liberal?

I thought I was the only one left.


Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
Holy Shit.

You're an actual liberal?

I thought I was the only one left.


The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?

Texas sucks and the mural should stay! I live in the San Francisco area.
The mural may be offensive, but it is history not art, and therefore not only should be retained, but even more so if it is offensive. The point of history is to remember offensive things so we do not repeat them.

WTF is offensive about Europeans civilizing a land and establishing a country? The various murals are history and art and should be celebrated. That is unless you prefer third world countries in which the inhabitants are procreated through rape and incest, houses are mud huts, and sanitation is shitting a few feet from the mud hut.

True civilization was in the Americans BEFORE the invading European imperialists turned this into a colony for slavery and extortion.
The Missisipians, Puebloans, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Olmecs, had cities of stone with more than a million people, 500 years before the European invasion.
There was almost no rape or incest until the European invaders took over.
The economy of war the Europeans brought with them was powerful, but totally corrupt, cruel, and vicious.


This is a current image that is lived in now, but is also 500 years old.
The mural may be offensive, but it is history not art, and therefore not only should be retained, but even more so if it is offensive. The point of history is to remember offensive things so we do not repeat them.

WTF is offensive about Europeans civilizing a land and establishing a country? The various murals are history and art and should be celebrated. That is unless you prefer third world countries in which the inhabitants are procreated through rape and incest, houses are mud huts, and sanitation is shitting a few feet from the mud hut.

The USA merely took over from British, French & Spanish colonials.

It's not like this land wasn't previously colonialized by Whites.

The USA merely shifted away from British Imperial might.

They the Liberals should prefer that the USA won freedom.

Because if the USA remained a British colony the whole World would likely be under British rule.

Doesn't matter that we rebelled from the British, we still are the British imperialists and colonialists.
We still continually murdered and stole land from the natives.
The British never got beyond the Appalachian mountains.
It took almost another century to murder our way coast to coast.
USA imperialism is not different or better than British imperialism.
The whole thing is really just a continuation of Roman imperialism.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.
Communism is less than 200 years has no roots in history, in order to ingrain itself in a society it must erase or muddy the history of the host country, it is like a tick on a dog, everyone that is not the tick knows the tick must go but the tick feels it is just as much a part of the dog as anything else attached to it and then proceeds to suck the life out of it...
....communism uses re-education camps to erase a countries heritage by teaching the youth that the heritage is wrought with evil, the fact that this is happening at a school is necessary for the left since schools are the re-education camps for them...
....communism in the ussr only gained popular acceptance as a legitimate form of government after it's victory against the european nazi' in WWII

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?
This would probably be the way to go since the mural may not be ugly enough to be considered art

Communism is not only the all human families live, but most tribes, religious orders, etc.
But you are confused because the USSR was not at all communist.
Communism means collaborative ownership of the means of production, and that require collaborative planning and profit sharing. Was anything collaborative in the USSR?
The USSR was Stalinism, which is state capitalism.

State capitalism? Same as Venezuela, right?

Actually yes I would agree. Chavez at first seemed to want to try to improve things, but eventually it appears he was more interested in just improving things for himself and a few others.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?

Texas sucks and the mural should stay! I live in the San Francisco area.
Fuck you, then. Stay the fuck out. Let us detach ourselves from your communist republic.

Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
Holy Shit.

You're an actual liberal?

I thought I was the only one left.



I am liberal enough to be against the War on Drugs.
Too bad the Democratic party is not liberal any more.
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
Holy Shit.

You're an actual liberal?

I thought I was the only one left.



I am liberal enough to be against the War on Drugs.
Too bad the Democratic party is not liberal any more.

Well they will liberally spend your money on their pet projects. But so will the other team.

I oppose the Nanny Statist from either side. From the Big Gulp grabbers to the Anti-Drug crusaders.

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