The True American Taliban, San Fransisco School Board Votes to Destroy Historical Mural

Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.
With this liberal trend of destroying historical artifacts that "offend their pwwwecious feeewings," do you know who else destroyed historical artifacts of people they don't like? Nazis, muslim inbreds and Chairman Mao's "Red Guard." So these baby-tantrum liberal insects are in wonderful company, aren't they?
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.

It is a public school and they are not the Taliban. I hope they will listen to reasoning from the art world. With most of the works of it's kind gone it's important to save it.

The board, citing the feelings of students who were offended by the images, said that destroying the piece, located in George Washington High School, would be a form of reparations for historic racial injustices against African Americans and Native Americans.

Academics, educators petition to save controversial school mural

In fact, petitioners argued, painting over the mural would accomplish the opposite.

“It exposes and denounces in pictorial form the U.S. history of racism and colonialism,” according to the petition. “The only viewers who should feel unsafe before this mural are racists.”

There is no public disagreement over the meaning of the images, said Charles Palermo, editor of and a professor of art history at the College of William & Mary.

It was painted by Russian artist Victor Arnautoff, a communist who was highly critical of America’s history of racism, Palermo said.

The school board “voted to destroy a significant monument of anti-racism. This is a gross violation of logic and sense,” according to the petition. “What remains is a mistake in the way we react to historical works of art — ignoring their meaning in favor of our feelings about them — and a mistake in the way we treat historical works of art — using them as tools for managing feelings, rather than as objects of interpretation.”
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
Holy Shit.

You're an actual liberal?

I thought I was the only one left.



I am liberal enough to be against the War on Drugs.
Too bad the Democratic party is not liberal any more.

Well they will liberally spend your money on their pet projects. But so will the other team.

I oppose the Nanny Statist from either side. From the Big Gulp grabbers to the Anti-Drug crusaders.

They have no basis telling me what I should want, and they clearly are not helping those half a million they imprisoned over pot.
Painting over this work of art is illiberal.

"Years later, we may not like what we see in that visual record and want to do things differently. Slavery is one such example. We as a people don’t engage in that practice now. But, it was part of our history that no amount of painting over will change.

Instead of applying a coat of paint over the San Francisco public school mural depicting the life of George Washington, therefore symbolically erasing the depiction from memory, why not celebrate the fact that the work is the result of the Federal Art Project, a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal that helped lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression?

Look at it. Confront it. Learn from it. Ask questions about it. And support any artist who is talented and courageous enough to engage in the process of recording events which form a record of our history.

The Roman Catholic Church is held responsible for the subjugation of the Native American population of California in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet we continue to celebrate the prominence of that church in our state.

Study San Francisco’s George Washington mural, don’t paint over it
But it's their school and they don't like it. It's not as if there aren't a billion pics of George Washington in this country. There were lots of murals painted by WPA artists during the Depression, but most of them are now long gone. For one thing, it's not very attractive and for another, after 80 some years, it's probably pretty grody.

"Taliban" my ass.
I disagree.
These 1930s murals are becoming quite rare, and they not only are memorials of what they depict, but the 1930s painters as well. I found them very attractive myself, and paintings do not get "grody". Most art in museums is 10 times older, but still perfectly clean, because they normally are not touched by human hands. It is what our oily fingers touch that gets "grody", like stair railings.
The burning of the Library at Alexandria....


The ironies with these fucking liberals is just so thick.

They want to destroy art, burn books, and eradicate history.

And yet.....

They never shut the fuck up about Americans once owning slaves that ended in 18fucking65. Thanks to Republicans. As of yet, has never been an actual slave owner.

Yet these fucking book burning fascists always leave out the number of Native American tribes that owned slaves and fought for the confederacy along with.....THE BLACKS.

These stupid fucking ignorant fat spoiled elitist cocksucking fascists sure don't address those facts, do they?

Every fucking left winger is a fucking loser. Piss on their graves like me. There is a certain righteous pleasure while you do it.
They want to destroy art, burn books, and eradicate history.

Nah their reasoning was too shallow and stupid for that. It's all about the feelings of the kids who whined, not revering a mural/pictorial depicting America's racist history. That's the irony, they said destroying the mural that depicts our racist past, in stark terms, would be like reparations for historic racial injustices.
They want to destroy art, burn books, and eradicate history.

Nah their reasoning was too shallow and stupid for that. It's all about the feelings of the kids who whined, not revering a mural/pictorial depicting America's racist history. That's the irony, they said destroying the mural that depicts our racist past, in stark terms, would be like reparations for historic racial injustices.
I am not specifically talking about them. I am talking about the entire overall movement and it is clearly indicative of what we see actually taking over in government. We see aoc.among many others just repeating the same stupid tired rhetoric of identity politics. It is a runaway train and there is no stopping it.

The actual irony is they blame Trump since Trump is not assuming the usual position of the typical white Republican over the last 30 years. That is a simple punching bag and weak kneed scaredy cat conservatives being silent for so long. Trump has taken on the mantle of being more Machiavellian in his approach. Instead of being the punching bag, he throws it back. The left see that as him being the aggressor and him dividing the country.

The fucking irony is it has been the left through their political correctness and identity politics strategy that has been dividing and successfully conquering our culture into thinking that we are supposed to utterly and completely ashamed of our American heritage.

That is what we are seeing and it is more and more fucking clear as they chant for communism louder and louder.

The ironies are not lost on me. The one thing I know for sure about history is we the people don't learn from history.

Now, we see why societies don't and it is because large groups of mobs prevent people from knowing by destroying it.

Carry on.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?

Texas sucks and the mural should stay! I live in the San Francisco area.

It should stay, have a nice day princes.

The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Remember when the left always accused the right of being the American Taliban and leading us into a theocracy?

Now here they are over a decade later and they are doing it.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Remember when the left always accused the right of being the American Taliban and leading us into a theocracy?

Now here they are over a decade later and they are doing it.

It's simple, they want to destroy anything that doesn't fit their propaganda and agenda, which is as un-American as it gets.

The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Remember when the left always accused the right of being the American Taliban and leading us into a theocracy?

Now here they are over a decade later and they are doing it.
The left have been doing this a lot longer than a decade. I have posted this before, I am sure you have seen it.

Please watch this and see the leftists plan to take down the western free market system that they call capitalism.

The Frankfurt School

1920s and that is where our absurd PC culture now had its origins.
The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Remember when the left always accused the right of being the American Taliban and leading us into a theocracy?

Now here they are over a decade later and they are doing it.
The left have been doing this a lot longer than a decade. I have posted this before, I am sure you have seen it.

Please watch this and see the leftists plan to take down the western free market system that they call capitalism.

The Frankfurt School

1920s and that is where our absurd PC culture now had its origins.

Fuckin' Commies.

I am tired of being right about commies.

The San Fransisco school board vote to paint over an 83 year old mural depicting the life of George Washington. The commies think real American history is offensive, sounds just like the Taliban, doesn't it? They think everything that doesn't reflect life by their standards is offensive and must be destroyed.

San Francisco to Paint Over Historic George Washington Mural

Trump should designate the mural as a national historic treasure. Your thoughts?


Remember when the left always accused the right of being the American Taliban and leading us into a theocracy?

Now here they are over a decade later and they are doing it.
The left have been doing this a lot longer than a decade. I have posted this before, I am sure you have seen it.

Please watch this and see the leftists plan to take down the western free market system that they call capitalism.

The Frankfurt School

1920s and that is where our absurd PC culture now had its origins.

No wonder the left is never satisfied when they get what the want.

It's not really what they want.

They always want more, because the real goal is destruction of American cultural and society.

Sure enough, they even admit it.

Frankfurt School - Wikipedia
They are also using the mao method by systematically getting rid of the FOUR OLDS as the chinese put it.


Under the mao revolution, they used the young people to spread their cultural marxism. They wore red scarfs and eventually known as the RED GUARD.


The young were indoctrinated and turned in their elders that did not fit the new revolution. An estimated 60 million people were put to death by starvation or other methods.

Cannot happen here right?

Look at our schools and look at what they are doing to our traditions, our old ideas, our culture.

We are allowing it.

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