The TRUE cost of carbon-based fuels

That must be your conception of wit. Unfortunately, you failed to dispute the point I made.

You didn't "make a point", little retard, you just said something stupid and clueless. "Externalities" are as real a part of the economic equation as 'labor costs'. They aren't something political, as you ignorantly and insanely assume. And BTW, learn to spell, moron. It's the 'externalities' are significant and important, not your "the externalizes are mostly a figment of liberal imagination".

The externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are about 5 orders of magnitude smaller than quacks like you make them out to be. They are a political issue, just as every economic issue becomes a political issue, because there's always an army of quacks who use fake facts to justify their agenda.
The only externalities that they do not give a crap about are those associated with killing freedom.
That must be your conception of wit. Unfortunately, you failed to dispute the point I made.

You didn't "make a point", little retard, you just said something stupid and clueless. "Externalities" are as real a part of the economic equation as 'labor costs'. They aren't something political, as you ignorantly and insanely assume. And BTW, learn to spell, moron. It's the 'externalities' are significant and important, not your "the externalizes are mostly a figment of liberal imagination".

The externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are about 5 orders of magnitude smaller than quacks like you make them out to be. They are a political issue, just as every economic issue becomes a political issue, because there's always an army of quacks who use fake facts to justify their agenda. The real data indicates that the externalities of fossil fuel use are insignificant compared to the benefits.

So squawks the stooge for the fossil fuel industry in his delusional denial of the facts.
You didn't "make a point", little retard, you just said something stupid and clueless. "Externalities" are as real a part of the economic equation as 'labor costs'. They aren't something political, as you ignorantly and insanely assume. And BTW, learn to spell, moron. It's the 'externalities' are significant and important, not your "the externalizes are mostly a figment of liberal imagination".

The externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are about 5 orders of magnitude smaller than quacks like you make them out to be. They are a political issue, just as every economic issue becomes a political issue, because there's always an army of quacks who use fake facts to justify their agenda.
The only externalities that they do not give a crap about are those associated with killing freedom.

True. For instance, the externalities of Obama's scheme to reduce the production of CO2 means the cost of energy will increase be several orders of magnitude. gets in a huff over the supposed costs of pollution but doesn't give a rats ass if poor people have to pay three times the current price of energy. You know whenever they talk about the cost of pollution they are shedding crocodile tears because their schemes are going to cost consumers many times more.
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You didn't "make a point", little retard, you just said something stupid and clueless. "Externalities" are as real a part of the economic equation as 'labor costs'. They aren't something political, as you ignorantly and insanely assume. And BTW, learn to spell, moron. It's the 'externalities' are significant and important, not your "the externalizes are mostly a figment of liberal imagination".

The externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are about 5 orders of magnitude smaller than quacks like you make them out to be. They are a political issue, just as every economic issue becomes a political issue, because there's always an army of quacks who use fake facts to justify their agenda. The real data indicates that the externalities of fossil fuel use are insignificant compared to the benefits.

So squawks the stooge for the fossil fuel industry in his delusional denial of the facts.

You haven't posted any facts, so how could I "deny" them? My disinclination to view the fossil fuel industry as an enemy doesn't make me a "stooge." On the other hand, you are genuinely my enemy. Everything you post in this forum is intended to restrict my freedom, raise my taxes and force a lower standard of living on me.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. I hope windmill falls on you and kills you.
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You didn't "make a point", little retard, you just said something stupid and clueless. "Externalities" are as real a part of the economic equation as 'labor costs'. They aren't something political, as you ignorantly and insanely assume. And BTW, learn to spell, moron. It's the 'externalities' are significant and important, not your "the externalizes are mostly a figment of liberal imagination".

The externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are about 5 orders of magnitude smaller than quacks like you make them out to be. They are a political issue, just as every economic issue becomes a political issue, because there's always an army of quacks who use fake facts to justify their agenda.
The only externalities that they do not give a crap about are those associated with killing freedom.

hyperbole much :thup:

externalities are foisted upon the taxpayer (in this case- you) and you respond "thank you sir may I have another!!!" :eusa_clap:
It's always funny when progressives ignore a basic fact about economics: Businesses pass on expenses to the consumer. :lol:

shit stain...not all consumers buy what the polluters are selling. FAIL!!! In this case that would be an externality as they have to pay for it anyway. Get it now?
It's always funny when progressives ignore a basic fact about economics: Businesses pass on expenses to the consumer. :lol:

shit stain...not all consumers buy what the polluters are selling. FAIL!!! In this case that would be an externality as they have to pay for it anyway. Get it now?
Gosh, you're dumb. In case you didn't notice, you didn't refute the basic fact I posted.

You pay for things you have no idea you're paying for. Drive a gas-powered car? Don't own a car? Ride a bike? Walk? You're paying the tax on diesel fuel. The vast majority of stuff you buy is shipped by truck -- and the cost of the diesel fuel tax is added on to the price of the stuff.

You don't have to buy a product to be affected by the taxes on that product.
For instance, the externalities of Obama's scheme to reduce the production of CO2 means the cost of energy will increase be several orders of magnitude.

You either don't know what "order of magnitude" means or are choosing to lie to our faces.
Russia just signed a 30 year deal with China to supply fossil fuel while Barry Hussein and his followers babble about gigantic batteries and windmills. The world still runs on fossil fuel while Saudi princes get richer and the American middle class gets poorer.

Obama has two options
1. Invest in fusion until we can use it to move pass fosil fuels.
2. Mandate solar of at least 2kw on each new home.

"invest"..that means government spending money. Where do they get money? From taxpayers.
free enterprise will create the next energy source...not the government.

"mandate"...that means pass laws which force people to do things under threat of punishment.
In this case pay for something...which is just more re distribution of money from productive the government distribute..No..we see through that scam.

Not to mention that any new law requires a bureau of clerks and unionized govt employees, offices, budgets, etc.... to "implement" and "regulate"..bigger government wasting yet MORE taxpayers money..

Statists HATE free enterprise and smaller government.
We tried unbounded unregulated shit in the early 20th century. Learn history and wake up.

Unbounded and unregulated?
What are you talking about?
Are you trying to distort and pretend that people are against regulations on businesses?

Show me one link where anyone, anywhere ever said they want no regulations on business.

Is this more of the leftwing "they want dirty water and polluted air" meme?
The externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are about 5 orders of magnitude smaller than quacks like you make them out to be. They are a political issue, just as every economic issue becomes a political issue, because there's always an army of quacks who use fake facts to justify their agenda.
The only externalities that they do not give a crap about are those associated with killing freedom.

hyperbole much :thup:

externalities are foisted upon the taxpayer (in this case- you) and you respond "thank you sir may I have another!!!" :eusa_clap:

What about the externalize if increased energy cost that is foisted on all consumers?

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