The TRUE cost of ousting Gaddafi

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
There are reports that between 20000 and 35000 shoulder fired surface to air rockets are missing. Many have been reported to have already appeared on the black markets.

Yes we spent very little money and lost no lives. "BUT" those weapons have yet had a chance to get into the wrong hands (we hope)

Soldiers of our armed forces are trained to face and secure such dangers. As it stands be you for this mission or not we had NO PLAN to deal with the possible end results. I hate to see any American life lost but at the rate we are going it may well end up being possibly thousands of innocent lives rather than hundreds of soldiers (who are paid and trained to face such risks)

This leading from behind without a thought about future outcomes is far more dangerous than most of you are willing to admit.

Thousands of rockets possibly equal how many airliners shot out of the sky?

Some 20,000 missiles have gone missing in Libya, ABC News reported Tuesday, raising fears that they have fallen into the wrong hands in an unstable region.

ABC News' Brian Ross reported that the disappearance of the weapons from unguarded warehouses was made public at a recent White House meeting.
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My point is we have NO IDEA what the true cost in lives and money will be. Has everyone forgotten that we armed and empowered UBL?
How can you say such shit after what Bush did?

Because a great victory for America is a defeat for the Republican Party.


I am not the republican party. I am me. These are my concerns. Besides the GOP was split on this issue when it arose. Some were for, some were against. Personally I was indifferent but felt that if we go in we need to do it right.
By the way Chris if you want to use a movie spy to characterize yourself you should use Mr. Bean

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There are reports that between 20000 and 35000 shoulder fired surface to air rockets are missing. Many have been reported to have already appeared on the black markets.

Yes we spent very little money and lost no lives. "BUT" those weapons have yet had a chance to get into the wrong hands (we hope)

Soldiers of our armed forces are trained to face and secure such dangers. As it stands be you for this mission or not we had NO PLAN to deal with the possible end results. I hate to see any American life lost but at the rate we are going it may well end up being possibly thousands of innocent lives rather than hundreds of soldiers (who are paid and trained to face such risks)

This leading from behind without a thought about future outcomes is far more dangerous than most of you are willing to admit.

Thousands of rockets possibly equal how many airliners shot out of the sky?

Sounds like Hannity. Let's find the next fear mongering target to exploit. Geez. leave them the F alone and maybe they will leave us alone.
There are reports that between 20000 and 35000 shoulder fired surface to air rockets are missing. Many have been reported to have already appeared on the black markets.

Yes we spent very little money and lost no lives. "BUT" those weapons have yet had a chance to get into the wrong hands (we hope)

Soldiers of our armed forces are trained to face and secure such dangers. As it stands be you for this mission or not we had NO PLAN to deal with the possible end results. I hate to see any American life lost but at the rate we are going it may well end up being possibly thousands of innocent lives rather than hundreds of soldiers (who are paid and trained to face such risks)

This leading from behind without a thought about future outcomes is far more dangerous than most of you are willing to admit.

Thousands of rockets possibly equal how many airliners shot out of the sky?

There are all sorts of un accounted for Weapons now. However the Stingers are clearly the biggest problem. Just a couple dozen of those in the wrong hands could be used to carry out a very large terrorists strike in which dozens of Flights are shot down across the US, or where ever.

As far as the cost of this one, Obama and the Dems are once again being totally dishonest.

did we stop calculating the cost of Iraq as soon as Saddam fell? I am more than sure we will make many Financial Commitments, and Spend much more money, trying to make sure Libya does not fall into Chaos. The Amount will probably Dwarf what we spent so far.
There are reports that between 20000 and 35000 shoulder fired surface to air rockets are missing. Many have been reported to have already appeared on the black markets.

Yes we spent very little money and lost no lives. "BUT" those weapons have yet had a chance to get into the wrong hands (we hope)

Soldiers of our armed forces are trained to face and secure such dangers. As it stands be you for this mission or not we had NO PLAN to deal with the possible end results. I hate to see any American life lost but at the rate we are going it may well end up being possibly thousands of innocent lives rather than hundreds of soldiers (who are paid and trained to face such risks)

This leading from behind without a thought about future outcomes is far more dangerous than most of you are willing to admit.

Thousands of rockets possibly equal how many airliners shot out of the sky?

Sounds like Hannity. Let's find the next fear mongering target to exploit. Geez. leave them the F alone and maybe they will leave us alone.

So you are saying the US should not be concerned about 30,000 easy to use and very effective man carried Surface to Air Missiles not accounted for?

Man it must be nice to not worry about anything.

1 guy can take down a 757 On Take off or Landing with one of those things easy. They are truly a real threat, and it was extremely irresponsible of us to help Create a situation where they could end up in the hands of our enemies.
Who gives a crap about Libya?

Don;t we have enough to concern ourselves in this country. Y'all wanted Ghaddafi gone, so it is. Now you want to go on and find what may be the next skelelton in the closet...please spare us all.
I doubt replacing the semi friendly dictators in Egypt and lybia with the muslim brother hood or worst is good. I don't believe it was victory for America. Not at all.
Who gives a crap about Libya?

Don;t we have enough to concern ourselves in this country. Y'all wanted Ghaddafi gone, so it is. Now you want to go on and find what may be the next skelelton in the closet...please spare us all.

I agree. We need to get all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa. It's really not our problem.
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Who gives a crap about Libya?

Don;t we have enough to concern ourselves in this country. Y'all wanted Ghaddafi gone, so it is. Now you want to go on and find what may be the next skelelton in the closet...please spare us all.

My concerns aren't for Lybia. Try exercising some reading comprehension.
Who gives a crap about Libya?

Don;t we have enough to concern ourselves in this country. Y'all wanted Ghaddafi gone, so it is. Now you want to go on and find what may be the next skelelton in the closet...please spare us all.

I agree. We need to get all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa. It's really not our problem.

Matthew your worse than a leaf in a stiff wind.
Who gives a crap about Libya?

Don;t we have enough to concern ourselves in this country. Y'all wanted Ghaddafi gone, so it is. Now you want to go on and find what may be the next skelelton in the closet...please spare us all.

My concerns aren't for Lybia. Try exercising some reading comprehension.

Why concern ourselves with it at all? It is none of our damned business. Ghaddafi dead..Ghaddafi alive. it makes no nevermind. We need to focus on America. The rest is spin and distraction
"I'm not saying anything that isn't true. And if you think I am I challenge you to prove me wrong."

Well, here goes...

A story I linked to in the other thread you started on this topic gave 5-10,000 as the number of unaccounted-for missiles: U.S. aid to help find Libyan missiles - I haven't seen a source for 20-35,000 missing SAMs. And not every unaccounted-for missile has fallen into terrorist hands: some have been used, destroyed, or simply improperly cataloged. From all of the sources I've seen, 20,000 is the total number of such weapons that were present in the country, not the number unaccounted for.

""BUT" those weapons have yet had a chance to get into the wrong hands (we hope)"

I can't quite parse this sentence, but for the record I don't hope that weapons will fall into the wrong hands.

"As it stands be you for this mission or not we had NO PLAN to deal with the possible end results."

This strikes me as very implausible. The US military spends a lot of money working on plans. Given the lessons of history, securing weapons following a rebel victory would surely be on people's minds. I don't sit on NSC meetings, but based on the book "Obama's Wars", detailed military planning goes on at the highest levels in advance of actions (as it presumably did in every modern White House). Perhaps the best evidence that there was a plan is that the US government is actively securing missiles as we speak:
Who gives a crap about Libya?

Don;t we have enough to concern ourselves in this country. Y'all wanted Ghaddafi gone, so it is. Now you want to go on and find what may be the next skelelton in the closet...please spare us all.

My concerns aren't for Lybia. Try exercising some reading comprehension.

Why concern ourselves with it at all? It is none of our damned business. Ghaddafi dead..Ghaddafi alive. it makes no nevermind. We need to focus on America. The rest is spin and distraction

Read my damn op if you want to know why it matters. Simply responding in a knee jerk reaction to a threads title makes you look foolish.

Either that or your just really naive.
"I'm not saying anything that isn't true. And if you think I am I challenge you to prove me wrong."

Well, here goes...

A story I linked to in the other thread you started on this topic gave 5-10,000 as the number of unaccounted-for missiles: U.S. aid to help find Libyan missiles - I haven't seen a source for 20-35,000 missing SAMs. And not every unaccounted-for missile has fallen into terrorist hands: some have been used, destroyed, or simply improperly cataloged. From all of the sources I've seen, 20,000 is the total number of such weapons that were present in the country, not the number unaccounted for.

""BUT" those weapons have yet had a chance to get into the wrong hands (we hope)"

I can't quite parse this sentence, but for the record I don't hope that weapons will fall into the wrong hands.

"As it stands be you for this mission or not we had NO PLAN to deal with the possible end results."

This strikes me as very implausible. The US military spends a lot of money working on plans. Given the lessons of history, securing weapons following a rebel victory would surely be on people's minds. I don't sit on NSC meetings, but based on the book "Obama's Wars", detailed military planning goes on at the highest levels in advance of actions (as it presumably did in every modern White House). Perhaps the best evidence that there was a plan is that the US government is actively securing missiles as we speak:

I hate to burst your bubble but didn't you disqualify someone's response in my other thread because they couldn't use the quote function?

Just sayin.....

Ps. The point isn't the amount of them missing its the damage that even a few dozen could do.
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My concerns aren't for Lybia. Try exercising some reading comprehension.

Why concern ourselves with it at all? It is none of our damned business. Ghaddafi dead..Ghaddafi alive. it makes no nevermind. We need to focus on America. The rest is spin and distraction

Read my damn op if you want to know why it matters. Simply responding in a knee jerk reaction to a threads title makes you look foolish.

Either that or your just really naive.

OK. give me a minute to peruse your OP. I'll get back to ya. Somehow I feel that Ghaddafi still ain't gonna matter much.

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