The True Meaning of Thanksgiving: The Birth of Private Enterprise in America all do realized the Plymouth Plantation was a failure in the end, don't you. :lol:

Who cares? Can't you just be happy for the settlers for being able to sit down and share a meal amongst those less fortunate? all do realized the Plymouth Plantation was a failure in the end, don't you. :lol:

Who cares? Can't you just be happy for the settlers for being able to sit down and share a meal amongst those less fortunate?

Who was the less fortunate?

The ones who didn't have direct access to the limited food supply at the time.

Capitalism and greed aren't mutually inclusive you know.

The sooner some of you weird ass libs around here realize that, the smarter you might become. all do realized the Plymouth Plantation was a failure in the end, don't you. :lol:

Who cares? Can't you just be happy for the settlers for being able to sit down and share a meal amongst those less fortunate?
Of course. But I don't need to be happy to see libertarian dweebs writing revisionist history. all do realized the Plymouth Plantation was a failure in the end, don't you. :lol:

Who cares? Can't you just be happy for the settlers for being able to sit down and share a meal amongst those less fortunate?
Of course. But I don't need to be happy to see libertarian dweebs writing revisionist history.

Like the left never tries to 'revise' history :rolleyes:

How about this...

None of us were alive or present during this time period, so none of us REALLY know what happened. Let's just leave it at that and move on, becuase you're going to listen to what suits YOUR beliefs, and the right is going to listen to what suits THEIRS.

It gets kind of tiring and ridiculous at the end of the day, frankly. all do realized the Plymouth Plantation was a failure in the end, don't you. :lol:

Who cares? Can't you just be happy for the settlers for being able to sit down and share a meal amongst those less fortunate?
Of course. But I don't need to be happy to see libertarian dweebs writing revisionist history.

No dweebs or revisionism here.

That has to be the biggest pile of bullshit revisionism in the history of at least the last week. Collectivism!!! but the good guys through arduousness endeavor finally win out, what a farce. I wish I had time to research the idiocy that corporate tool writes, but my eyes are so full of the glory of money I can hardly see. If there were an award for taking the modern times and reading backward into a past so different from today, he would win it. Monday morning quarterback idiocy 200 plus years later. Too comic.

In other words, you know absolutely nothing about it, and haven't bothered to find anything out about it. You just "know" that it's "bullshit revisionism" based on the fact that you don't want to believe it's true.

Typical leftist "proof". "I want this to be the case, so it is, and that's IT!"
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Who cares? Can't you just be happy for the settlers for being able to sit down and share a meal amongst those less fortunate?
Of course. But I don't need to be happy to see libertarian dweebs writing revisionist history.

Like the left never tries to 'revise' history :rolleyes:

How about this...

None of us were alive or present during this time period, so none of us REALLY know what happened. Let's just leave it at that and move on, becuase you're going to listen to what suits YOUR beliefs, and the right is going to listen to what suits THEIRS.

It gets kind of tiring and ridiculous at the end of the day, frankly.
Yes, it does. It's gotten crazy this politicizing freaking's some rep for you, you selfish bastard!
Of course. But I don't need to be happy to see libertarian dweebs writing revisionist history.

Like the left never tries to 'revise' history :rolleyes:

How about this...

None of us were alive or present during this time period, so none of us REALLY know what happened. Let's just leave it at that and move on, becuase you're going to listen to what suits YOUR beliefs, and the right is going to listen to what suits THEIRS.

It gets kind of tiring and ridiculous at the end of the day, frankly.
Yes, it does. It's gotten crazy this politicizing freaking's some rep for you, you selfish bastard!

Selfish? I believe I've repped you exponentially more than you've repped me lately.
There are obvious problems with the extrapolation of elements of "private enterprise" of a heavily agrarian period in which market exchange was characterized by independent farmers and artisans to a heavily industrialized period of corporate capitalism characterized by limited social mobility and inequality of opportunity. To add insult to injury, this article seems to operate with a poor technical understanding of socialist/communist economic theory. Apart from the common failure to distinguish between productive "private" property and personal "possessive" property as used in Marxist terminology (watch factories are collectively managed; watches aren't), this was a lovely gem:

The less industrious members of the colony came late to their work in the fields, and were slow and easy in their labors. Knowing that they and their families were to receive an equal share of whatever the group produced, they saw little reason to be more diligent in their efforts. The harder working among the colonists became resentful that their efforts would be redistributed to the more malingering members of the colony. Soon they, too, were coming late to work and were less energetic in the fields.

How is "communism" compatible with assignment of labor without consideration of varying abilities? That seems to fly directly in the face of communism, inasmuch as it entails distribution of labor assignments based on abilities. Compensation offered without consideration of labor performance also seems quite at odds with socialism and its meritocratic nature (as it's reliant on labor performance measurement to determine remuneration), and more akin to capitalism and its remuneration mechanism for the product yielded by the result of the combination of one's labor and one's capital...which means that those with much capital can labor less than those with little.

In short, like the idiotic story about the wise university professor and the naive egalitarian class, this is another empty, pathetic, and intellectually bankrupt anti-socialist chain message, just as creationists will often distribute scientifically ignorant commentary in an attempt to "dispute" evolution.

However, I am not surprised to see another little mythical story advanced that ignores the nature of the brutal slaughter of the indigenous American population, which was the most widespread and long-lasting genocide the world has ever known. As long as so-called Western democracies are permitted to maintain state policies of ethnoreligious supremacy of a certain group and retain the title of "the only democracy in the Middle East," I don't expect much attention to be paid to that issue, of course.
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There are obvious problems with the extrapolation of elements of "private enterprise" of a heavily agrarian period in which market exchange was characterized by independent farmers and artisans to a heavily industrialized period of corporate capitalism characterized by limited social mobility and inequality of opportunity. To add insult to injury, this article seems to operate with a poor technical understanding of socialist/communist economic theory. Apart from the common failure to distinguish between productive "private" property and personal "possessive" property as used in Marxist terminology (watch factories are collectively managed; watches aren't), this was a lovely gem:

The less industrious members of the colony came late to their work in the fields, and were slow and easy in their labors. Knowing that they and their families were to receive an equal share of whatever the group produced, they saw little reason to be more diligent in their efforts. The harder working among the colonists became resentful that their efforts would be redistributed to the more malingering members of the colony. Soon they, too, were coming late to work and were less energetic in the fields.

How is "communism" compatible with assignment of labor without consideration of varying abilities? That seems to fly directly in the face of communism, inasmuch as it entails distribution of labor assignments based on abilities. Compensation offered without consideration of labor performance also seems quite at odds with socialism and its meritocratic nature (as it's reliant on labor performance measurement to determine remuneration), and more akin to capitalism and its remuneration mechanism for the product yielded by the result of the combination of one's labor and one's capital...which means that those with much capital can labor less than those with little.

In short, like the idiotic story about the wise university professor and the naive egalitarian class, this is another empty, pathetic, and intellectually bankrupt anti-socialist chain message, just as creationists will often distribute scientifically ignorant commentary in an attempt to "dispute" evolution.

However, I am not surprised to see another little mythical story advanced that ignores the nature of the brutal slaughter of the indigenous American population, which was the most widespread and long-lasting genocide the world has ever known. As long as so-called Western democracies are permitted to maintain state policies of ethnoreligious supremacy of a certain group and retain the title of "the only democracy in the Middle East," I don't expect much attention to be paid to that issue, of course.

I'm Sorry Were You looking for a Public Rest Room and didn't quite make it? Why not change Your Pants and I'll fix you up a nice BLT Sandwich, and We can Probe more into Your Dysfunction?

Let's start with a Few Basics.
Love God with All of Your Being, Love Others as You Love Yourself.
Equal Justice Under The Law is True Justice, Equal Distribution is Not.
One Industrialist, One Producer, One Free Mind, is More Valued than an Army of Corrupted Non Thinking Incompetent Bureaucrat's.
Communism Does not Serve Equality or Justice, It just Transfers the Property from the Rightful Owner to The Privileged Few. There is no Justice there, but Force of Will. The Mistakes are generally buried in Mass Graves.
I Prefer to exchange Value For Value, Not Value at the point of a gun, or the threat of chains or prison.
People are Not Your Property.
Slavery is a Crime against Man and God.
You have No Right to take from Another What You have not Earned or Purchased, or Received by Consent.
Part of Our Unalienable Rights from God are Life, Liberty, Property, and The Pursuit of Happiness, and the Freedom of Religion.
Totalitarianism is Bad.

It's bad to Kill (Murder) People because They Convert to Another Religion.
It's bad To Kill (Murder) a Girl or Woman, after She is Raped. This is a Horrible Sin against God and Man.

You are confusing "William Bradfords Account of The Pilgrim's Settlement with Grimm's Fairy Tales or Maybe The Arabian Nights ( One Thousand and One Nights)?

Happy Thanksgiving Saladin.
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I gather that you lacked an interest in rebuttal of my comments. Thank you for making that apparent.
Thanksgiving for the realists among us.

The Buzz Log - Myths and Facts About Thanksgiving - Yahoo! Buzz
Thanksgiving Day Facts: Pilgrims, Dinner, Parades, More
The first Thanksgiving |

from above links

"But it's the 1621 Plimoth Thanksgiving that's linked to the birth of our modern holiday. The truth is the first "real" Thanksgiving happened two centuries later."

"In the culture of the Wampanoag Indians, who inhabited the area around Cape Cod, "thanksgiving" was an everyday activity.

"We as native people [traditionally] have thanksgivings as a daily, ongoing thing," says Linda Coombs, associate director of the Wampanoag program at Plimoth Plantation. "Every time anybody went hunting or fishing or picked a plant, they would offer a prayer or acknowledgment.""
Thanksgiving for the realists among us.

The Buzz Log - Myths and Facts About Thanksgiving - Yahoo! Buzz
Thanksgiving Day Facts: Pilgrims, Dinner, Parades, More
The first Thanksgiving |

from above links

"But it's the 1621 Plimoth Thanksgiving that's linked to the birth of our modern holiday. The truth is the first "real" Thanksgiving happened two centuries later."

"In the culture of the Wampanoag Indians, who inhabited the area around Cape Cod, "thanksgiving" was an everyday activity.

"We as native people [traditionally] have thanksgivings as a daily, ongoing thing," says Linda Coombs, associate director of the Wampanoag program at Plimoth Plantation. "Every time anybody went hunting or fishing or picked a plant, they would offer a prayer or acknowledgment.""

Just So You are Enjoying Your Holiday Weekend with Your Family Midcan! :):):):):)
I gather that you lacked an interest in rebuttal of my comments. Thank you for making that apparent.

Saladin, Much good has come out of Western Philosophy and Culture as well.
What is You Position on Slavery?
What is Your Position on Equality in Justice, in Relation to Believer and Non Believer, Male and Female?
What is Your Position on Unalienable Rights?

Our System is not perfect, it has It's faults, yet it also has processes to remedy. Totalitarianism does not. We can Buy, Sell, Trade, or do without. We can support or Boycott. We can Strike. We can Break Away, and form entities that compete. We can find new ways. We discover, Invent, Improve. What has Your favorite System of Government contributed lately? Invented? Developed? Discovered?

I do blame Alexander Hamilton for redirecting the Republic away from True Federalism, as spoken of in the Constitution. American Indian Relations alone would have been totally different had Jefferson and Madison prevailed. The Powers, and the means would not have existed to accomplish the wrongs that were done. Andrew Jackson's Trail of Tears would not have been possible. The Armies throughout All the Campaigns would have operated under different restrictions. When The Referee has a vested interest in outcome, when he has interest on one side, players in the game, investment, He is far from Impartial. The Scheming from the Start attracted those with Power and Money, the result of which was not Free Market, but Convoluted Monopolies, that do not share the interest of the people.
Still, the Free Market manages to survive, The Producers, Working hard, be They Rich or Poor, because that is Their Nature. Live and Let Live, Value for Value, being absent in any Society is to It's Shame.

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