What is the meaning of Indigenous?

Indians understood ownership, but not the kind of private ownership as understood today. But ownership by their collective people

ex: The ancestral Sioux most likely lived in the Central Mississippi Valley region and later in Minnesota for at least two or three thousand years. The ancestors of the Sioux arrived in the northwoods of central Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin from the Central Mississippi River shortly before 800 AD.
What is our collective understanding of these two questions?

Who owns the ocean? Who owns the air?
You are so sick. Truly sick in your insistence that somehow you may be Indigenous to the land, and delegitimizing anything that may have happened from the day Columbus crashed on this shores.
Show my post alleging that about me.
Actually, since it's the governments fault the treaties were broken, and that land subsequently resold. The government would be responsible for compensating the people whose property was being reposessed.
Do you believe in reparations?
Now you claim you pissed off a lot of posts and at last you allege you did answer in post 73. That is not your first post. I did not ask others by name. It was a general question. It is not a game. I picked up the essay from Facebook hoping some could avoid being rude and giving us all a good explanation. Which you seem not to be willing to do.

As to others, I shall reply to decent and honest things they claim.
We explained. You did not like the explanations.
Now you profess outrage that you did not get the answers you wanted while you attempted to delegitimize all Indigenous people who arrived here 40,000 years ago as not being Indigenous of the land, but of Siberia.

No one is going to bother with this perverse game of yours anymore.

You played it. You showed your cards. You lost.
We explained. You did not like the explanations.
Now you profess outrage that you did not get the answers you wanted while you attempted to delegitimize all Indigenous people who arrived here 40,000 years ago as not being Indigenous of the land, but of Siberia.

No one is going to bother with this perverse game of yours anymore.

You played it. You showed your cards. You lost.
No We didn't. And it took you all of 73 posts to claim you replied. What you did is obfuscate. To the point you are aching for a fight. A fight I refuse to do. And you lied about me again above. I did not say if I like comments or not. So for the record, some tried to inform us. Others went wild and took this all the hell off of track. I am still looking for where you told me about you. I am not a bit outraged.
No We didn't. And it took you all of 73 posts to claim you replied. What you did is obfuscate. To the point you are aching for a fight. A fight I refuse to do. And you lied about me again above. I did not say if I like comments or not. So for the record, some tried to inform us. Others went wild and took this all the hell off of track. I am still looking for where you told me about you. I am not a bit outraged.
You poor pathetic victim .

Boo hoo.

You are beyond outraged which is why you keep posting about your victimhood.
Actually, since it's the governments fault the treaties were broken, and that land subsequently resold. The government would be responsible for compensating the people whose property was being reposessed.
Would you be willing to lose your property and receive the amount in yesterdays dollars that the natives got in yesterdays dollars?
You poor pathetic victim .

Boo hoo.

You are beyond outraged which is why you keep posting about your victimhood.
You are a pathetic Democrat and are the only party outraged.
I doubt it. He was a sea Captain. He'd probably only ever heard about the riches to be had in India, and wanted to get there by water.

Even Auld Phart's History Channel has this one:

From the Spanish port of Palos, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus sets sail in command of three ships—the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina—on a journey to find a western sea route to China, India and the fabled gold and spice islands of Asia
Some people are questioning the word Indigenous in order to take away what actually belongs to Indigenous people. Their lands, their identity, their history.

The Muslim Arabs started doing it to the Jews by saying that they are all Europeans, and some Americans have lately been doing the same to the Indigenous First Nations of this Continent.

Attempting to change the meaning of the word Indigenous in order to make colonizers look like they are the native people of the land by simply being born that is an affront to all indigenous people who have had to put up with massacres, persecution, expulsions, theft of land by all governments which became the power of those lands.
I noticed you said "some people".

Ain't that the truth. It is always some people saying something that some other some people object to.

Can't please all.
I would simply define indigenous, as the first to settle previously unpopulated territory. And to settle, means to occupy for the long term. Not just passing through.
Bandits Driven Out of Asia. A Hideout Is Not a Homeland.

The Indigians were roving gangs of thieves. They were too incompetent to get any long-term value from the natural resources, so they had to go to the next tribal area and kill the savages there. They never settled anywhere, and they never belonged in America in the first place. The Whites looked on it as an uninhabited continent that they could develop to create prosperity.

These Whites hadn't been able to make anything out of themselves in Europe because of Birth-Class Supremacy there. That has taken control here and must be eradicated just like the useless savages were.
What should be said about "American Injuns" but is not: They were impaired by an utterly failed culture, and no matter whether it was Europeans, Asians, or someone else, they were going to be conquered when the newcomers arrived.

They were still hunter-gatherers. They had no iron, and essentially nothing that could be made into a durable blade. They had not invented the wheel. They had no domesticated animals who could help them to do work. The horses that we now picture them riding were not indigenous to this continent; they were brought here (and released) by Spaniards. They had no concept of the world, and were utterly incapable of navigating anywhere outside the sight of land.

They could do nothing with WOOD. The could cut down trees with crude instruments and trim the trunk and branches, but they would have been totally unable to produce a BOARD.

We modern idiots are reluctant to draw the obvious conclusion that these people were hindered by an inferior culture, and if they were still living here uninterrupted, some 530 years after Columbus first saw the Americas, they would not have advanced one centimeter, figuratively speaking.

When you are defeated, you lose. It ain't your territory any more. Deal with it. It is true throughout human history.
We had the intrusion by a poster discussing Treaties. I responded is all my point is.
Patriots Aren't Big on Little Big Man

The race traitors in the government made all those treaties. So they weren't broken, because they didn't represent the will of the
American people.

The feralphiles on the reservation gave rifles to the Sioux, who ran away from the reservation and murdered Custer's heroes with those same rifles.
I found this on Facebook. It is well written and makes tons of sense.

Are you indigenous?

Matt Walsh

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The whole concept of “indigenous people” is arbitrary, if not totally nonsensical. What makes a person “indigenous” exactly? How long does their lineage have to be present here? If I can trace my family back 100 years, is that not good enough? 200 years? 300 years? The absurd reality is that if you are a white person living in the United States of America, and your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower 400 years ago, you still somehow do not count as either native or indigenous. This is not your native land, even after four centuries. Then where exactly is your native land? If you are not indigenous to this place, the place where you were born, and your parents were born, and your grandparents, and your grandparents grandparents, then where are you indigenous? The answer is nowhere. The cultural powers that be want you to consider yourself ancestrally homeless. You belong nowhere. You are a usurper and an invader no matter where you go. You have no native home, no matter how long your family has lived here.
Nobody applies this standard to the so-called “indigenous people.” None of them “originated” here. They all descend from people who came here at some point in the past and fought over the land and killed each other to claim whatever slice of it they possessed before the white settlers arrived. Those settlers fought for it too, and won. They built a life for themselves through work and toil and hardship and blood. Yet we are supposed to live in a state of perpetual shame over this history.
Well, I refuse to play that game. This is my home. I am native to this country. I originate here. I belong here. I am proud of our history. I am proud of the men who built our civilization. I celebrate those men. I will continue to celebrate them. Were they colonizers? Sure they were, and I celebrate that too. They colonized. Meaning they forged into an unknown wilderness and built a life for themselves, expanding western civilization in the process. It was a virtuous act. And through it, they earned the right to call this place home, and for all of their descendants through the ages to do the same.
That is why they get the holidays, they earned them.
Indigenous means original inhabitants.

So if you had an uninhabited island and the French colonised it, the indigenous people are French.

That was quickly sorted.

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