What is the meaning of Indigenous?

Very psychological game you play by calling out someone else's anger, if indeed they are angry.

I, for one, get very angry with ignorant posts on the threads. What of it?

You can either accept that your article is full of it, or continue to defend it.

Where are You indigenous of, and do not say somewhere in America.
Thank you and I admit that due to the fake way posts show up, some talking as if they are pissed off, I do mention anger. I personally do not get angry at ignorant posts. It is my chance to try to educate or inform them.
I am not bothered by your post. I see no value in it at all is my message.
You do not get to tell me where I am indigenous of.
You may ask.
My genealogy is well traced. Back to Jamestown colony.
Thank you and I admit that due to the fake way posts show up, some talking as if they are pissed off, I do mention anger. I personally do not get angry at ignorant posts. It is my chance to try to educate or inform them.
I am not bothered by your post. I see no value in it at all is my message.
You do not get to tell me where I am indigenous of.
You may ask.
My genealogy is well traced. Back to Jamestown colony.
You are not indigenous to the North American continent. Your people do not not go back scores of thousands of years.

You are a fraud.
Thank you and I admit that due to the fake way posts show up, some talking as if they are pissed off, I do mention anger. I personally do not get angry at ignorant posts. It is my chance to try to educate or inform them.
I am not bothered by your post. I see no value in it at all is my message.
You do not get to tell me where I am indigenous of.
You may ask.
My genealogy is well traced. Back to Jamestown colony.

I usually ask people (I can't ask you here), if their last name traces back through the male line. Mine does.

but enough of Trump-like one-up-isms :auiqs.jpg:
Matt Walsh can think whatever he likes. He is actually indigenous of the Land of Israel.

Being born in the USA does not make him or anyone else who came after Columbus, into Indigenous.

Born is one thing, one becomes American.
Indigenous is something else.
Walsh is Indigenous of where his ancestors came from and that is the Land of Israel.
Apparently the tribes located in America came from Siberia and thus they are not indigenous using your theory.
Democrats changed the meaning of the word Woman!!!!
We have to evaluate the truth about the native tribes in America.
1. Did they own land? They thought of land as we think of the Ocean, the Air and land under the ocean. They saw it as non ownable.
2. Identity? Sorry your case is not well developed and frankly I don't get it.
3. Their history? The people here that paid for the land, also have history. And many people, especially democrats, want that erased to make the points you make.
Stop the idiocy. Your IQ just lost 100 points.

Being born on the land after a land is conquered is not the same as being Indigenous no matter how many worthless people are continuing to try to change that.

And that comes from ALL Indigenous people on the planet.

Fools are NOT going to also STEAL what indigenous actually means, and has always meant.
You are not indigenous to the North American continent. Your people do not not go back scores of thousands of years.

You are a fraud.
You believe yours are indigenous to Siberia. I will not try to dignify your insult.
I found this on Facebook. It is well written and makes tons of sense.

Are you indigenous?

Matt Walsh

Stosepndorgfb5g0tl6c M0rcl4m4a8aa749uO371 e03P96t211l:t9 o c ·
The whole concept of “indigenous people” is arbitrary, if not totally nonsensical. What makes a person “indigenous” exactly? How long does their lineage have to be present here? If I can trace my family back 100 years, is that not good enough? 200 years? 300 years? The absurd reality is that if you are a white person living in the United States of America, and your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower 400 years ago, you still somehow do not count as either native or indigenous. This is not your native land, even after four centuries. Then where exactly is your native land? If you are not indigenous to this place, the place where you were born, and your parents were born, and your grandparents, and your grandparents grandparents, then where are you indigenous? The answer is nowhere. The cultural powers that be want you to consider yourself ancestrally homeless. You belong nowhere. You are a usurper and an invader no matter where you go. You have no native home, no matter how long your family has lived here.
Nobody applies this standard to the so-called “indigenous people.” None of them “originated” here. They all descend from people who came here at some point in the past and fought over the land and killed each other to claim whatever slice of it they possessed before the white settlers arrived. Those settlers fought for it too, and won. They built a life for themselves through work and toil and hardship and blood. Yet we are supposed to live in a state of perpetual shame over this history.
Well, I refuse to play that game. This is my home. I am native to this country. I originate here. I belong here. I am proud of our history. I am proud of the men who built our civilization. I celebrate those men. I will continue to celebrate them. Were they colonizers? Sure they were, and I celebrate that too. They colonized. Meaning they forged into an unknown wilderness and built a life for themselves, expanding western civilization in the process. It was a virtuous act. And through it, they earned the right to call this place home, and for all of their descendants through the ages to do the same.
That is why they get the holidays, they earned them.
I would simply define indigenous, as the first to settle previously unpopulated territory. And to settle, means to occupy for the long term. Not just passing through.
Stop the idiocy. Your IQ just lost 100 points.

Being born on the land after a land is conquered is not the same as being Indigenous no matter how many worthless people are continuing to try to change that.

And that comes from ALL Indigenous people on the planet.

Fools are NOT going to also STEAL what indigenous actually means, and has always meant.
Using your own claims, many Democrats believe this country is populated by humans that are indigenous to Africa.
I would simply define indigenous, as the first to settle previously unpopulated territory. And to settle, means to occupy for the long term. Not just passing through.
I accept that. This explains that nobody alive is indigenous to the USA.
Stop the idiocy. Your IQ just lost 100 points.

Being born on the land after a land is conquered is not the same as being Indigenous no matter how many worthless people are continuing to try to change that.

And that comes from ALL Indigenous people on the planet.

Fools are NOT going to also STEAL what indigenous actually means, and has always meant.
This is supposed to be an intellectual form of discussion and not for the purpose of talking as you talk. Natives of the USA are scientifically alleged to come from Siberia.
Thank you and I admit that due to the fake way posts show up, some talking as if they are pissed off, I do mention anger. I personally do not get angry at ignorant posts. It is my chance to try to educate or inform them.
I am not bothered by your post. I see no value in it at all is my message.
You do not get to tell me where I am indigenous of.
You may ask.
My genealogy is well traced. Back to Jamestown colony.
Your genealogy fails to trace where both sides of your family actually are indigenous from. Somewhere in Europe, probably England.

PS: There was no United States of America until 1776. It was a colony of England from early 1600s.

Spain started colonizing other parts of the continent in 1492. None of those who arrived or were born after arriving on the Continent were or are Indigenous.

So, do not forget to make sure that even though some of your ancestors are traced to the 1600s in a Continent named America by Spanish colonizers after Amerigo Vespuccio who came with Columbus, the land had owners, you like it or not, the same way the European Nations had their indigenous people who built the culture, history and the Nations they finally became.

Indigenous, Native.

One can call oneself American, but Indigenous ro Native to America, those terms belong to the 500 Plus First Nations who were here over 20,000 years before Columbus accidentally bumped into the Continents on his way of looking for India.
Your genealogy fails to trace where both sides of your family actually are indigenous from. Somewhere in Europe, probably England.

PS: There was no United States of America until 1776. It was a colony of England from early 1600s.

Spain started colonizing other parts of the continent in 1492. None of those who arrived or were born after arriving on the Continent were or are Indigenous.

So, do not forget to make sure that even though some of your ancestors are traced to the 1600s in a Continent named America by Spanish colonizers after Amerigo Vespuccio who came with Columbus, the land had owners, you like it or not, the same way the European Nations had their indigenous people who built the culture, history and the Nations they finally became.

Indigenous, Native.

One can call oneself American, but Indigenous ro Native to America, those terms belong to the 500 Plus First Nations who were here over 20,000 years before Columbus accidentally bumped into the Continents on his way of looking for India.
What did the natives call this place called America today?
Can you document claims that natives understood land ownership?
I think you mean Siberians settled America.
This is supposed to be an intellectual form of discussion and not for the purpose of talking as you talk. Natives of the USA are scientifically alleged to come from Siberia.
And from Europe as well.

And still, they were here at least 20,000 years before Columbus lost himself on his way of looking for a new route to India and bumped by that continent all by accident.

It is no different from finding a house or a villa which is already inhabited and then saying that one "discovered " it and because one discovered it, well ....it was now part of those who "discovered it".

Any taking of territory from others, at any time of history, is still TAKING that land from others who were already there. Those who were there ARE the indigenous people.

The Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders and the Ottomans ALL understood that.

Attempting to change the meaning of the word Indigenous is a 20th century attempt at delegitimizing the Jewish right to their homeland and now, from many like you, the Indigenous rights of all 500 plus Nations which were here before Columbus arrived By Accident.
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And from Europe as well.

And still, they were here at least 20,000 years before Columbus lost himself on his way of looking for a new route to India and bumped by that continent all by accident.

It is no different from finding a house or a villa which is already inhabited and then saying that one "discovered " it and because one discovered it, well ....it was now part of those who "discovered it".

Any taking of territory from others, at any time of history, is still TAKING that land from others who were already there. Those who were there ARE the indigenous people.

The Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantine, the Muslims, the Crusaders and the Ottomans ALL understood that.

Attempting to change the meaning of the word Indigenous is a 20th century attempt at delegitimizing the Jewish right to the their homeland and now, from many like you, the Indigenous rights of all 500 plus Nations which were here before Columbus arrived By Accident.
Mine was not a claim. It was a question. It was not trying to change particulars about the current Native tribes who by the way currently actually do own their land.
They were paid for it by the USA.

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