What is the meaning of Indigenous?

What, after the US governments broke the treaties, one treaty at a time?

You speak of empty tongue.
I read one time that some tribes treaties were broken. But many took cash for the land.
Well blow me down. So many Democrat posters make that claim, about Siberia being the lands of the native tribes, coming down a land bridge from Siberia, I simply accepted this is a tenet of the Democrats. Do you believe the indigenous people are in Africa?
Never heard one Democrat say that.
Try less psychedelic drugs and you will be fine.
You keep changing the subject, lol, you are so desperate.

NONE of the people after Columbus came to the American Continents with the Melting of the Ice age. NOT ONE.

Therefore, the first peoples who inhabited all three continents are the INDIGENOUS people of all of those lands.

Not, some pathetic Europeans who came 40,000 years later and STOLE the land, one mile at a time.
Though I deny your claim about me, I admit to trying to hold a civil and decent conversation over a topic where I asked a simple question.
I found this on Facebook. It is well written and makes tons of sense.

Are you indigenous?
You are so sick. Truly sick in your insistence that somehow you may be Indigenous to the land, and delegitimizing anything that may have happened from the day Columbus crashed on this shores.
You seem unable to know this topic nor correctly discuss this topic. I did not even mention Columbus.

I do not recall my claim that I am indigenous.

I did ask a rather simple question. Are you?
And it's also a case of the federal government giving them back their original land, for what they paid for it.
Do you see a problem with that strategy? Say the Feds give back land you own? And you are paid that tiny amount?
It would be interesting to go back to the original treaties, and visit returning the native Americans original land to them. Including the improvements over the years.
Those who get back the land, how can that be? They were not harmed?
And some took cash for land that wasn't even theirs.

What's your point?
We had the intrusion by a poster discussing Treaties. I responded is all my point is.
Though I deny your claim about me, I admit to trying to hold a civil and decent conversation over a topic where I asked a simple question.
I found this on Facebook. It is well written and makes tons of sense.

Are you indigenous?
I answered you.
Matt Welsh is not Indigenous.
You are not Indigenous.
I am not Indigenous.
John Edgar Slow Horses is

All of the following below are Indigenous to this land:

Do you see a problem with that strategy? Say the Feds give back land you own? And you are paid that tiny amount?
Actually, since it's the governments fault the treaties were broken, and that land subsequently resold. The government would be responsible for compensating the people whose property was being reposessed.
You seem unable to know this topic nor correctly discuss this topic. I did not even mention Columbus.

I do not recall my claim that I am indigenous.

I did ask a rather simple question. Are you?
I answered. You missed it?

I did not miss you saying that you only traced yourself to Jamestown. When I responded about your family being indigenous of Europe...silence.

You said it clearly or not, you were considering yourself an indigenous person of the land because of your ancestors tracing themselves to Jamestown. If it happens to be factual to begin with.
Some people are questioning the word Indigenous in order to take away what actually belongs to Indigenous people. Their lands, their identity, their history.

The Muslim Arabs started doing it to the Jews by saying that they are all Europeans, and some Americans have lately been doing the same to the Indigenous First Nations of this Continent.

Attempting to change the meaning of the word Indigenous in order to make colonizers look like they are the native people of the land by simply being born that is an affront to all indigenous people who have had to put up with massacres, persecution, expulsions, theft of land by all governments which became the power of those lands.
You lied to me today. You said you replied to my question "Are you indigenous" yet this is your first post where you chose to lecture us here. A simple question seems to provoke your bloviating. Any reason why?
Actually, since it's the governments fault the treaties were broken, and that land subsequently resold. The government would be responsible for compensating the people whose property was being reposessed.
Tribe by Tribe causes me to doubt your claim that all treaties were broken. And you would be willing to be paid in yesterday's dollars given you feel you do not rightfully own your own land?
You lied to me today. You said you replied to my question "Are you indigenous" yet this is your first post where you chose to lecture us here. A simple question seems to provoke your bloviating. Any reason why?
Though I deny your claim about me, I admit to trying to hold a civil and decent conversation over a topic where I asked a simple question.
I found this on Facebook. It is well written and makes tons of sense.

Are you indigenous?
I answered you.
Matt Welsh is not Indigenous.
You are not Indigenous.
I am not Indigenous.
John Edgar Slow Horses is

All of the following below are Indigenous to this land:

Post #73 which you either missed or did not want to read.

I do not care.

Your game is done. No adults are going to be playing with you about your pathetic sense of superiority to those who are indigenous from wherever they are.
You are not indigenous to the North American continent. Your people do not not go back scores of thousands of years.

You are a fraud.
I did not say I am. Matter of fact, all I had done is ask a question. Are you indigenous. Are you indigenous?
I answered you.
Matt Welsh is not Indigenous.
You are not Indigenous.
I am not Indigenous.
John Edgar Slow Horses is

All of the following below are Indigenous to this land:

Post #73 which you either missed or did not want to read.

I do not care.

Your game is done. No adults are going to be playing with you about your pathetic sense of superiority to those who are indigenous from wherever they are.
Now you claim you pissed off a lot of posts and at last you allege you did answer in post 73. That is not your first post. I did not ask others by name. It was a general question. It is not a game. I picked up the essay from Facebook hoping some could avoid being rude and giving us all a good explanation. Which you seem not to be willing to do.

As to others, I shall reply to decent and honest things they claim.

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