The True Meaning Of The Word "Indoctrination"

Does having a single gay character make a movie gay?
No....Monty Pyton was able to throw a bunch of crossdressers into their films without complaints.
But if you're trying to change the sex and the race of well established movie characters it's clearly an attempt to piss off fans, and maybe even send a message to anyone (who agrees with the changes) that someone who doesn't agree is a white supremacist Nazi.
The big demon for the left is Straight White Males.
"They're just not cool. You don't want to be one or even associate with one!!"

It makes it easy for some black commentator to say that the UK royal family is "horribly white" and not have the rest of the people around her call her the racist that she really is.
Hating SWMs is a religion to the left right now.
It gives leftists someone to focus their wrath on with a burning hatred usually reserved for psychopaths and mass-murderers.
We're not allowed to have principles nor decency anymore.
In the end the Democrat Party is just trying to usher in a form of slavery in America.
They bring in all of these brown people and turn them into serfs and slaves while getting rid of all of the normal Americans that made this country a decent place to live.

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You know, not too many years ago, Democrats and Republicans had their differences, with many of them being BIG differences. But, at least we all agreed to keep children safe from pornography, and sexual deviance, grooming, and indoctrination by teachers. How sad it is that that is not true anymore.

Which democrats and Republicans are you talking about? All the very many democrats and Republicans I know still agree on that.
Blacks? ... in Oregon? ...

"Oregon's racial makeup has been shaped by three Black exclusion laws that were in place during much of the region's early history. These laws, all later rescinded, largely succeeded in their aim of discouraging free Blacks from settling in Oregon early on, ensuring that Oregon would develop as primarily white." -- {Cite}

Outside of Portland metro, Oregon is VERY racist ... a black man has no chance, and it's worse for black women ... there were some hippies who couldn't rid themselves of Jim Crow ... and they found a happy home in Eugene ... I don't care what you see on the surface, I've lived in Eugene for decades and can assure you them fuckers are total racists, no matter the hippy decorations ... big black men aren't allowed to ride the buses ... so they all left ...

Mexicans everyplace in rural areas ... harvesting crops ... I guess brown is white enough ...
As long as the Mexican stay in their dormitories or out in the fields....
Is when, out of all the Disney movies in the vault, this 5th grade teacher in Florida purposely picks Disney's first gay movie to show young children, claiming it ties in with her Earth Science lesson. Yes, that is very much indoctrination.

"The word indoctrination is thrown around a lot right now, but it seems that those who are using it are using it as a defense tactic for their own fear-based beliefs without understanding the true meaning of the word," Barbee said.

'Indoctrination' is getting someone to declare something they know isn't true to be true... claiming a biological male can give birth.
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'Indoctrination' is getting someone to declare something they know isn't true to be true... claiming a biological male can give birth.
What idiot said that? Maybe someday in the future... of course the problem is you believe a mountain of crap....
What idiot said that? Maybe someday in the future... of course the problem is you believe a mountain of crap....

Democrats have argued this. Either you haven't been paying attention, have the memory of a goldfish, have selective memory, or are just denying it.

I don't care which.

These are the same cultists who don't know what a woman is, who don't know what bathroom to use, and who put feminine hygiene products in men's bathrooms ... who sell children's 'Tuck' underpants....who murder, screw, sexualize, traffick, LGBTQ Indoctrinate, transgender confuse, and / or mutilate the genitals of children.

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