The true reason why our government is corrupt and a real solution - disagree or join!


Nov 17, 2011
PROBLEM - Many try to make a career out of political corruption, weather trying to get elected or by accepting donations or selling Tshirts or books or some other scam. it is not in the interest of these type of individuals to seek unity, but rather to distinguish themselves, therefor we have political corruption and division - Each side, the left and the right, are being completely sincere, honest and truthful, exposing and accusing the other side. there is only one problem: each side, INTENTIONALLY, does not offer any real solution. because the solution to our nation would conflict with the special interests that are in control of the media.

SOLUTION - I put a solution into my speech, I took the effort to write it, record it, post it. there is nothing in this speech that leads to anyone selling anything or trying to make a career for myself or anyone else. therefor this is proof that it is coming completely out of my heart and for the love of the nation. I DEMAND that you either prove me wrong or join me in this quest to save America. Go ahead, tell me another solution of HOW. in all the threads you FAILED to do so - you say things like "we need to get money out of politics" and "we need to elect leaders who care" and "we need to restore the constitutional amendment" and so on - F all that garbage - the question is HOW. and my video SHOWS that - there HAS to be unity, so if you are not part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem.
PROBLEM - Many try to make a career out of political corruption, weather trying to get elected or by accepting donations or selling Tshirts or books or some other scam. it is not in the interest of these type of individuals to seek unity, but rather to distinguish themselves, therefor we have political corruption and division - Each side, the left and the right, are being completely sincere, honest and truthful, exposing and accusing the other side. there is only one problem: each side, INTENTIONALLY, does not offer any real solution. because the solution to our nation would conflict with the special interests that are in control of the media.

SOLUTION - I put a solution into my speech, I took the effort to write it, record it, post it. there is nothing in this speech that leads to anyone selling anything or trying to make a career for myself or anyone else. therefor this is proof that it is coming completely out of my heart and for the love of the nation. I DEMAND that you either prove me wrong or join me in this quest to save America. Go ahead, tell me another solution of HOW. in all the threads you FAILED to do so - you say things like "we need to get money out of politics" and "we need to elect leaders who care" and "we need to restore the constitutional amendment" and so on - F all that garbage - the question is HOW. and my video SHOWS that - there HAS to be unity, so if you are not part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem.

Is it the same 12 minute video I watched earlier from the other thread?

I gave you a thought out response over there.

You asked what the one most important change to fix our government would be. I understood perfectly. I also understand that you can't get the nitwits in congress to act intelligent with our finances and futures so we would have to ammend the constitution to force them to be responsible with our money, anything short of that and congress won't be responsible with our nations future and wealth.

I put a lot of thought into solution, I believe 100% that you and me agree with what the problem is, even though we may be used to arguing about it, even if just for the sake of entertainment. I also will take a bold step in making an assumption that you agree with everything I say in the 12 minute speech, please confirm or deny that... if you confirm/agree, then either 1. give me the reason why you do not back or 2. back the so that others (on this board) would get more curious about it too.

I do agree with most of what you are saying in the video and I did watch it as you asked, all of it.

However when you start asking me to support as an "absolute" authority on anything I just can't go along with that. I never trust anyone or anything absolutely, I always try to verify what I hear.

1) Internet voting systems are way to easy to hack/fraud, it also sounds like you are doing away with the electoral college.

2) We don't need a negative vote, just term limits.

3) As far as making a low budget media outlet....we have talk radio already but its mainly dominated by right of center opinions much like the media of television and newspaper is mainly dominated by left of center opinions. I like this general idea but how do we go about making sure it is successful and can be paid for without either taking advertising money or money from the government, both of which would go against the very thing you sound like you are trying to accomplish? One other big negative you have on this idea is making it managed by "elected outlet, part of the govt (considered govt officials)" Americans will never go for any media with govt involvement like that.

4) I'm not sure what you are getting at with #4, can you maybe explain that more?

5) I agree with doing away with financial lobbying of elected officials

What you say after your list is pretty spot on, both sides always show you what they don't like about the other but only on very rare instances offer up alternatives. However your comments on Herman Cain, in my opinion, are very off base.
Somehow I missed your latest response there, anyway, I will respond here.

I do agree with most of what you are saying in the video and I did watch it as you asked, all of it.
Thank you
However when you start asking me to support as an "absolute" authority on anything I just can't go along with that. I never trust anyone or anything absolutely, I always try to verify what I hear
What term do you suggest to replace it with? and more importantly, do you have less problem of THEIR CURRENT authority which is manipulated by the establishment media? I do not, and you are somewhat contradicting yourself
1) Internet voting systems are way to easy to hack/fraud, it also sounds like you are doing away with the electoral college.
Do you think banking would be more accurate on paper, the old fashion way, even with the number of people banking these days? I don't think so :doubt:
2) We don't need a negative vote, just term limits.
Again, you can ALWAYS find something to argue about, because nothing is perfect, but HOW DOES THAT HURT? I explain very well how it HELPS to avoid same problems. if I/we are putting all the effort in winning elections, then we better be sure that the same does not happen again - this protects people even against us, the "seekers of justice" what is wrong with that?

3) As far as making a low budget media outlet....we have talk radio already but its mainly dominated by right of center opinions much like the media of television and newspaper is mainly dominated by left of center opinions.
There you go, you brought it up, and explained it yourself, nice work. therefor we do need national public media exactly as is explained in my speech, but perhaps you could come up with a better name for it, since the term "public" has already been hijacked, I understand that.

I like this general idea but how do we go about making sure it is successful and can be paid for without either taking advertising money or money from the government, both of which would go against the very thing you sound like you are trying to accomplish? One other big negative you have on this idea is making it managed by "elected outlet, part of the govt (considered govt officials)" Americans will never go for any media with govt involvement like that.
Do you have better idea/description/reword it differently perhaps? the idea is that a national media outlet exists, which is made successful by successful media outlets that want to have the rights to profit from political circus (freedom of speech and deception, but just like tax payers are forced to pay taxes, and cigarette adds are supposed to have warning signs, hence Law 4, as recited in the video)
4) I'm not sure what you are getting at with #4, can you maybe explain that more?
I just explained above, but let me do it again. hopefuly I will not have to explain it to others again, hopefuly you will do your part to share it with others if you understand it all:

Let's say you own fox news. you want to have the right to broadcast political debate so that you can run commercials, and make money. you then exaggerate things to make it even more profitable. I believe government did the right thing in making cigarette adds have a "WARNING" signs on the bottom, and I also believe the media should be forced to have these same warning signs with an alternative. if you agree with Herman Cain example of my video, then you know the extent to which the united media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) goes to deceive the nation, the society. that is precisely why such drastic measures are needed - we can not leave any loopholes for parasites to make their way back in, and when you say "we don't need negative voting, just term limits" I dissagree, and I hope, for the sake of unity you will agree.
5) I agree with doing away with financial lobbying of elected officials
That without a doubt is the center of the whole corruption, but alone is not enough. thank you.

What you say after your list is pretty spot on, both sides always show you what they don't like about the other but only on very rare instances offer up alternatives. However your comments on Herman Cain, in my opinion, are very off base.
You do not think they, the establishment media could have picked a better person to speak on behalf of Tea Party then the ex Fed Herman Cain? do you know that non other then Ron Paul was the one who revived the tea party in 2007 since the boston tea party, and that your Herman Cain "endorses anyone BUT Ron Paul" - 1:10 into the video:
(CARE TO EXPLAIN??????) I don't think so, don't even bother, but I hope we can work together despite our dissagreements, because that is what America needs - some go to church, some donate to charity, but god knows, I am only doing my share best way I can.
[ame=]Herman Cain endorses 'we the people' - YouTube[/ame]

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