The truly horrible House gun bill

And there is a perfect example of how Republicans value their guns more than their children. Any attempt at regulating guns is met with a resounding “No”.

Raising the age for buying guns to 21.
A lot of shootings are committed by people under that age. 59% of school shootings since 1970 were carried out by people under 21.

Source: Data show most school shootings carried out by young adults, teens

Red Flag Laws…while you can’t be totally sure that those who threatened mass showings would have carried them out, evidence supporting red flag laws is compelling.

  • A 2019 study examining the 15 deadliest public mass shootings in the U.S. between 1998 and 2018 found that "most incidents were indeed preventable based on information known about offenders in advance, and that the deadliest mass shooters exhibited more warning signs and were more often reported to law enforcement than other active shooters."
Mandating safe storage of guns would prevent children easily accessing guns and inadvertently shooting someone or deliberately doing so.

Adam Lanza was 20, and took his mother’s guns, after shooting her, to shoot up Newtown.

Salvador Ramos was 18, and legally bought his two AR15-style rifles the moment he turned 18. Multiple red flags on social media, conversations with classmates, history of torturing animals.

Nikolas Cruz, 19 yrs old. Multiple red flags and a long history of mental and disciplinary problems.
And here's a perfect example of a liberal using a tragedy for emotional points.

Saying repubs don't value children because they defend the 2nd is as stupid as saying dems hate kids because they are pro choice.

Yet it's what people run to.
I don't buy your scenarios.

Alright, one more time: do you feel like anybody who can afford a gun should be able to buy one? No background checks, nothing? What restrictions or limitations would you put on gun ownership, if any?
Alright, one more time: do you feel like anybody who can afford a gun should be able to buy one?
Evryone who can legally own a gun should be able to buy any firearm they want.
From Amazon.
With 2nd day free shipping for Prime members.
No background checks, nothing?
No background checks. Prior restraint.
What restrictions or limitations would you put on gun ownership, if any?
If you buy something cool, you have to let me shoot it.
Alright, one more time: do you feel like anybody who can afford a gun should be able to buy one? No background checks, nothing? What restrictions or limitations would you put on gun ownership, if any?
I believe in background checks. However the 'background' of would-be gun buyers must be made available to NICS, and they have to act on this information. Parents and those close to people who they fear, or know, are a danger to others must report this to authorities for investigation. The loopholes in whole system must be closed.
So they're toys?
Asks she who voted for a racist.

Firearms are often complex machines; as such, their function is often intriguing to those who are interested in such things.
Your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational fear prevents you from understanding this.
All this bickering and arguing about laws and rules and loopholes and no one is even mentioning the problem. Criminals and nutballs.

Everyone is so obsessed about gun control they overlook the fact that if you vanished every gun in America instantly right now you're still left with the criminals and nutballs.

Everyone is also so obsessed with gun control they aren't asking what real question, why all the gun violence now when it didn't used to be as bad? When I was a kid occasionally a postal worker would snap, that's it. I could go into the local hardware store and buy a gun, ammunition and some dynamite with a driver's license and be on my way.

So if guns haven't changed, and gun laws still exist and have only gotten stricter why the sudden problem? What has actually changed in America? Figure that out and you'll have the answer. What has changed in America in the past 20 years that now this is a major problem?
Yeah well, if it's your daughter, would she make that kind of thing up? What if it's somebody's daughter and she ain't making it up? You wanna tell me that sorta thing doesn't happen? Bull fuckin' shit. Christ on a crutch dude, it could be a woman, it could be elderly people, it could be anybody anywhere that somebody else wants to kill. The guy beats the shit out of you so you call the cops and get him arrested and he tells you you're dead as soon as he gets out. But no problem, right? We gotta be totally concerned with HIS right to own a gun, right? Fuck everybody else, right?

Yeah, there are laws against harassing and threatening people. You think somebody that wants to shoot the shit outta your daughter or anybody else gives a flyin' fuck about that? That's gonna stop some guy? Yeah, right happens all the time.

I want to hear you say it instead of beating around the bush. You don't want any restrictions whatsoever for who can buy or own a gun. Any fuckin' body, right? Crazy people, violent people, domestic abusers, no problem. No background checks, no criteria at all. If you got the money, we got the gun.
Yeah, you apparently don't know people, and you don't know politics. Right now, it's not any less safe, but banning only effects people who get screwed. Crazy people shouldn't have them, but I'm not just gonna take the word of some spiteful need to have a professional diagnose.......
Yeah, you apparently don't know people, and you don't know politics. Right now, it's not any less safe, but banning only effects people who get screwed. Crazy people shouldn't have them, but I'm not just gonna take the word of some spiteful need to have a professional diagnose.......

Crazy people shouldn't be forced to be out wandering around amongst us. They should be hospitalized and treated...a crazy person doesn't need a gun, they can injure or kill with a bat or a hammer or a rock or a pipe or a knife. It is ABUSE to leave them to their own devices when they are mentally ill.
Too bad those spineless cops stood around and played with themselves.
Crazy people shouldn't be forced to be out wandering around amongst us. They should be hospitalized and treated...a crazy person doesn't need a gun, they can injure or kill with a bat or a hammer or a rock or a pipe or a knife. It is ABUSE to leave them to their own devices when they are mentally ill.
Would you rather deal with a crazy person with a bat or an AR 15
Understood. But do you think in all circumstances we should wait until people are dead to take action against a nutjob? Honest question, not trying to piss anybody off, but somebody calls the cops and the subject is arrested because the cops believe he or she is a danger to himself or someone else. You wouldn't confiscate that person's guns, even for a short time, maybe a week or 2? Otherwise the subject gets out of jail on bail the next day and still has access to his guns. You okay with that?

Ultimately it comes down to this: should we try to prevent a nutjob from having a gun? That's why we require a background check in the 1st place. Should we take steps to try to disarm such a person for a short time until due process is accomplished? I get it, innocent until proven guilty, but nobody is being convicted here. Can we not live without our guns for even a little while? I suspect that the majority of Americans would rather see a temporary confiscation until an individual is found to be a threat to himself or others or not, in a court of law. If the prosecution cannot show reasonable cause for why the individual should not get his/her guns back then those guns are returned and due process was served. Innocent until proven guilty, as it should be.

If a person is suspected of being a danger to themselves of other, then they are NOT supposed to be let out on bail the next day.
What they are supposed to do is have the person immediately held for observation so that their risk can be evaluated by professional psychologists.

Letting a person out on bail and confiscating all their weapons, achieves absolutely nothing except to make them so angry that the odds of violence are greatly increased. They can easily obtain other weapons. They can illegally buy firearms, or legally buy toxins, flammables, explosives, edged weapons, etc.
The idea confiscating a firearm eliminates dangers, is so obviously irrational that it has to be just a deliberate lie.
Would you rather deal with a crazy person with a bat or an AR 15

That is foolish because if the person is "crazy", then you want to have them committed to an institution that can supervise them well enough to eliminate any threat.
Rummaging through the home and stealing their stuff is not going to achieve anything but anger them more.
If they were not intent on murder before, they will be after you steal their firearms, and then they will not hesitate to buy more firearms illegally, and greatly increase the odds of murder.
If a person is suspected of being a danger to themselves of other, then they are NOT supposed to be let out on bail the next day.
What they are supposed to do is have the person immediately held for observation so that their risk can be evaluated by professional psychologists.

Letting a person out on bail and confiscating all their weapons, achieves absolutely nothing except to make them so angry that the odds of violence are greatly increased. They can easily obtain other weapons. They can illegally buy firearms, or legally buy toxins, flammables, explosives, edged weapons, etc.
The idea confiscating a firearm eliminates dangers, is so obviously irrational that it has to be just a deliberate lie.
Shut up you Russian troll

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