The Trump cabinet called, "The Dream Team."


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Exclusive — ‘Dream Team’: Sean Spicer Explains Donald Trump’s ‘Most Talented Cabinet in Modern History,’ White House Transition - Breitbart

From the article:
Spicer said the cabinet Trump has assembled, from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General to Gen. John Kelly as Homeland Security Secretary to Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis at the Pentagon to Dr. Ben Carson at Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and more, is a “dream team

Morning is coming to America again. COUNTDOWN 10 Days baby!! The long nightmare is finally over..

From their Celebration Day concert.. The greatest rock band of all time..
Zeppelin ; Kashmir
" make sure that literally on day one it’s the end of business as usual
and immediate change comes to Washington across the entire government."
No doubt that statement sent chills down the spines of a lot of career bureaucrats, lobbyists, and political hacks. Their lives are about to change forever.
Time to #DrainTheSwamp
And there's the final nail in the coffin, folks.

If she approves, then you know it's a bad thing.
People are saying trump was greatly disappointed to learn Freddie Krueger was not available for a cabinet position. Another pick, Jason, had to be eliminated because he would not remove his mask. Even with these unavailable or rejected candidates, there seems to be no shortage of ordinary run of the mill monsters to fill positions.
People are saying trump was greatly disappointed to learn Freddie Krueger was not available for a cabinet position. Another pick, Jason, had to be eliminated because he would not remove his mask. Even with these unavailable or rejected candidates, there seems to be not shortage of ordinary run of the mill monsters to fill positions.

Snowflake trigger warning********** Trigglypuff's in da house
Wouldn't ever think that the same crowd was crucifying Cruz as Goldman sacks camdidate would be so excited about a cabinet filled with Goldman executives.

I mean seriously did any of you ever ACTUALLY DREAM about this cabinet? :rolleyes:
People are saying trump was greatly disappointed to learn Freddie Krueger was not available for a cabinet position. Another pick, Jason, had to be eliminated because he would not remove his mask. Even with these unavailable or rejected candidates, there seems to be not shortage of ordinary run of the mill monsters to fill positions.

Snowflake trigger warning********** Trigglypuff's in da house

How did you get so intellectual and edumated?
Trump's secretary of education hates teacher unions, Trump's head of the EPA doesn't believe in Global warming, Trump's AG believes in upholding the law, Trump's Commerce sec believes in the right to work, Trump's Energy sec believes in Coal and Oil, Trump's health sec opposes Obamacare and his Treasury Sec believes in low taxes.

Doesn't it get any better than this? All of the Muslim lackey's EO's UNDONE... reversed.. no legacy.. just empty paper.. *grinz.. That's what happens when you govern as though you're a fucking King ordering edicts..

" make sure that literally on day one it’s the end of business as usual
and immediate change comes to Washington across the entire government."
No doubt that statement sent chills down the spines of a lot of career bureaucrats, lobbyists, and political hacks. Their lives are about to change forever.
Time to #DrainTheSwamp
I hope to hell so. It's going to get ugly though. I've worked for a lot of government agencies, from big to small and a lot of these people simply are not employable in the private sector.
Let's see. A Cabinet of: Doers, not politicians. Experienced business people, not butt-buddies. Warriors, not hen-pecked metrosexuals. Motivated accomplished, not credentialed ticket-punchers. Grunts, not chair-bound a$$ kissers..
I love Pruitt for EPA and Perry for DOE.

Those are two agencies bloated with libturd bureaucrooks and they need to be purged. All of the meat puppet faggot's agenda will be rendered null and void in less than a year. The republic may be saved.

And there's the final nail in the coffin, folks.

If she approves, then you know it's a bad thing.
You trip over your tits every time you post. We are long overdue for people that know how to do more than look important.
" make sure that literally on day one it’s the end of business as usual
and immediate change comes to Washington across the entire government."
No doubt that statement sent chills down the spines of a lot of career bureaucrats, lobbyists, and political hacks. Their lives are about to change forever.
Time to #DrainTheSwamp
I hope to hell so. It's going to get ugly though. I've worked for a lot of government agencies, from big to small and a lot of these people simply are not employable in the private sector.

Bring on the ugly!!

That's just too fucking bad.. They've squatted on the taxpayer's dime for too long doing nothing but picking their nose and collecting a check..
The Trump Dream Team :
It's the ideology of America First - America Best versus we owe the world an apology because we suck.
And there's the final nail in the coffin, folks.

If she approves, then you know it's a bad thing.

Yes, since my candidate lost the election. ROFLMAO @ the old fucking bat...

Here's what dimocrap scum refuse to understand --

The economy was okay. Not great, but okay. Some would argue it was good to very good when the election took place.

We were not at War with anybody.

Housing prices and construction were up. Way up.

Inflation was nonexistent.

Auto manufacturing........ IOW, the Lying Cocksucker had a fairly good deal going on in things that could be measured.


And dimocrap scum are too arrogant to ask 'Why?'

And too stupid to know.

So let me tell you, dimocrap scum -- It's because you SUCK.

Because your culture SUCKS! Because your morals SUCK! Because what you've done to our culture SUCKS!

Because your illegitimate claim to 'Royalty' status SUCKS!

Because the way you talk down to everybody SUCKS!

Because your 'Media' SUCKS!

Because your Hollywood SUCKS!!

But first and foremost...... Again, because YOU SUCK!!

How a reality TV show host with an unpleasant personality, multiple marriages, a bad record on the treatment of women, an arrogant multi-billionaire with a bad attitude could have beaten a thoroughly professional politician whose ENTIRE LIFE had centered around being President......

Who was backed 24/7 by the ENTIRE DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.....

That defeat can only be explained one way. And one way only.

Because dimocraps truly and honestly SUCK!!

Bad. Worse than at any time in American History. Maybe even in Human History.

THAT was how bad your defeat was, dimocrap scum.

And you're gonna double down on that??

Keep it going, dimocrap scum. Please. Nothing would make me happier than the complete and utter destruction of your criminal party.
More like the nightmare team.

The swap is being filled with even more deplorable swap creatures.

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