The Trump Doctrine


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
GOOD , new world order because Trump says feck you euros , good . Feck'um , lets see how the euros like kowtowing to the Chinese and their already arrived muslim bosses Odanny !!
FAKE NEWS correspondent Fareed Zakaria really should seek a speech therapist then maybe open up a food mart or whatever his skill set provides for. Pretending to be an historian is not working for him. :p
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
You don't understand the reason he was elected. Many knew that DC needed someone to stir things up and to be a pain in the ass. He also is suppose to be NOT on of the gang. Some politicians were wanting that to happen such as Jeff Sessions (Alabama). We wanted him to tell other Nations that we are not going to bend over or bow to them, we mean physically and mentally , So are he has done good and We will standby and cheer. Never fear he stops working and joins the Elite he is gone.
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
You don't understand the reason he was elected. Many knew that DC needed someone to stir things up and to be a pain in the ass. He also is suppose to be NOT on of the gang. Some politicians were wanting that to happen such as Jeff Sessions (Alabama). We wanted him to tell other Nations that we are not going to bend over or bow to them, we mean physically and mentally , So are he has done good and We will standby and cheer. Never fear he stops working and joins the Elite he is gone.

Yea, I get that, but the problem is his alternative is the equivalent to torching everything that has been built up over decades and not having anything to replace it with, other than his crony filled cabinet of make-shit-up-as- you-go dilettantes with no course of action other than blowing everything up that exists and trying to profit handsomely from the chaos.

There is no "draining the swamp", as Trump has filled his cabinet with billionaires and multi millionaires from Wall Street and Goldman Sachs. His faux populism only worked on the barely educated, because Trump is a billionaire egotist who could care less about the working class. He only cares enough to feed them his bullshit at rallies and lap up the adulation.
a few years of isolationism and rebuilding USA Military and weapons is alright with me Odanny !!
well , he didn't bow [like mrobama did] and the King met Trump on the tarmac , shook hands with Melania and Trump , hung a medal of some sort on Trump . It went pretty nicely in my opinion MRClean .
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
You don't understand the reason he was elected. Many knew that DC needed someone to stir things up and to be a pain in the ass. He also is suppose to be NOT on of the gang. Some politicians were wanting that to happen such as Jeff Sessions (Alabama). We wanted him to tell other Nations that we are not going to bend over or bow to them, we mean physically and mentally , So are he has done good and We will standby and cheer. Never fear he stops working and joins the Elite he is gone.

Yea, I get that, but the problem is his alternative is the equivalent to torching everything that has been built up over decades and not having anything to replace it with, other than his crony filled cabinet of make-shit-up-as- you-go dilettantes with no course of action other than blowing everything up that exists and trying to profit handsomely from the chaos.

There is no "draining the swamp", as Trump has filled his cabinet with billionaires and multi millionaires from Wall Street and Goldman Sachs. His faux populism only worked on the barely educated, because Trump is a billionaire egotist who could care less about the working class. He only cares enough to feed them his bullshit at rallies and lap up the adulation.
-------------------------- I'm sick of giving these 'euro wankers' any kind of respect anyway ODanny !!
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
Good! The US needs to worry about the US not the damn world.
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
Good! The US needs to worry about the US not the damn world.

That's all well and true, and I think most people would agree with you. I certainly do. But partnerships with our closest European allies are floundering while Trump publicly praises people like Putin, Al Sisi of Egypt, Dutarte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey, all asshole dictators. He even said the nutcase of North Korea is "one smart cookie". It's clear that Trump likes dictators who repress civil and human rights and the democratic process. This too is unique to American foreign policy and perhaps is signaling a shift away from supporting Western style democracies and instead supporting asshole dictators, which is more than a little troubling to thinking people.
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
Good! The US needs to worry about the US not the damn world.

That's all well and true, and I think most people would agree with you. I certainly do. But partnerships with our closest European allies are floundering while Trump publicly praises people like Putin, Al Sisi of Egypt, Dutarte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey, all asshole dictators. He even said the nutcase of North Korea is "one smart cookie". It's clear that Trump likes dictators who repress civil and human rights and the democratic process. This too is unique to American foreign policy and perhaps is signaling a shift away from supporting Western style democracies and instead supporting asshole dictators, which is more than a little troubling to thinking people.

Well, our "partnerships" with Europe have largely been a one-way street. Why the fuck should Americans subsidize Europe's defense? There is no Russian threat, even the Europeans know this, so why should we be providing for their defense? For that matter, why should we continue to be a part of NATO?
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
Good! The US needs to worry about the US not the damn world.

That's all well and true, and I think most people would agree with you. I certainly do. But partnerships with our closest European allies are floundering while Trump publicly praises people like Putin, Al Sisi of Egypt, Dutarte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey, all asshole dictators. He even said the nutcase of North Korea is "one smart cookie". It's clear that Trump likes dictators who repress civil and human rights and the democratic process. This too is unique to American foreign policy and perhaps is signaling a shift away from supporting Western style democracies and instead supporting asshole dictators, which is more than a little troubling to thinking people.

Well, our "partnerships" with Europe have largely been a one-way street. Why the fuck should Americans subsidize Europe's defense? There is no Russian threat, even the Europeans know this, so why should we be providing for their defense? For that matter, why should we continue to be a part of NATO?


It's never been about defense since 1991. The military industrial complex is socialism of sorts for the defense industry.
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
Good! The US needs to worry about the US not the damn world.

That's all well and true, and I think most people would agree with you. I certainly do. But partnerships with our closest European allies are floundering while Trump publicly praises people like Putin, Al Sisi of Egypt, Dutarte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey, all asshole dictators. He even said the nutcase of North Korea is "one smart cookie". It's clear that Trump likes dictators who repress civil and human rights and the democratic process. This too is unique to American foreign policy and perhaps is signaling a shift away from supporting Western style democracies and instead supporting asshole dictators, which is more than a little troubling to thinking people.

Well, our "partnerships" with Europe have largely been a one-way street. Why the fuck should Americans subsidize Europe's defense? There is no Russian threat, even the Europeans know this, so why should we be providing for their defense? For that matter, why should we continue to be a part of NATO?


It's never been about defense since 1991. The military industrial complex is socialism of sorts for the defense industry.

You just dislike Trump and no amount of rationale will EVER sway you to support anything that he supports. Trump could invent a cure for cancer and you'd be opposed to it.
This is a great look, as told by Fareed Zakaria, of the 'new normal' under Trump, when balanced against the United States foreign policy leadership after 1945. It's not an attack on Trump, its an examination of the direction this country is taking towards the future under Trump, which is different than any other President we've had. The international leadership vacuum is being filled by European leaders who are now welcoming leaders of India and China and negotiating with no regard to the U.S., thereby strengthening the E.U..

Every President since the end of WWII has known the unique role the U.S. possesses in world affairs, but Trump is either unaware or just does not care.

Zakaria: Trump is dismantling post-WWII order - CNN Video
Good! The US needs to worry about the US not the damn world.

That's all well and true, and I think most people would agree with you. I certainly do. But partnerships with our closest European allies are floundering while Trump publicly praises people like Putin, Al Sisi of Egypt, Dutarte of the Philippines and Erdogan of Turkey, all asshole dictators. He even said the nutcase of North Korea is "one smart cookie". It's clear that Trump likes dictators who repress civil and human rights and the democratic process. This too is unique to American foreign policy and perhaps is signaling a shift away from supporting Western style democracies and instead supporting asshole dictators, which is more than a little troubling to thinking people.

Well, our "partnerships" with Europe have largely been a one-way street. Why the fuck should Americans subsidize Europe's defense? There is no Russian threat, even the Europeans know this, so why should we be providing for their defense? For that matter, why should we continue to be a part of NATO?


It's never been about defense since 1991. The military industrial complex is socialism of sorts for the defense industry.

You just dislike Trump and no amount of rationale will EVER sway you to support anything that he supports. Trump could invent a cure for cancer and you'd be opposed to it.

That's not true at all. Say Trump was actually going to do something for the working class Americans who voted for him. I would support that. (Do you really think he cares about coal miners? Please tell me you don't. Coal miners are being used as pawns so that oil companies can now pollute at will. )

Suppose he was going to put less money, not more, into our military budget. I would surely support that. Suppose he wanted more Americans to get affordable healthcare. I would surely support that. Or suppose he was going to give those making $50,000 a year a huge tax break, instead of the billionaires who are getting a huge tax break.

The list goes on. I'm just not a naive person, that's all. I never expected any of that to happen, and it won't.
Perhaps we should abolish the military, open our borders and subsidize free houses, free cars, free health care, free food, free education and free phones for tens of millions of foreigners that want to live here. Would you support that? No doubt you would. Foreigners FIRST, Americans LAST.

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