The Trump Doctrine

Trump believes, and so do I, that America's immigration policies should be based on what's best for AMERICANS. Liberals believe such policies should be bast on what's best for the immigrants, no matter the cost to Americans, even if said immigrants are MURDERING Americans. Foreigners FIRST, Americans LAST.
Perhaps we should abolish the military, open our borders and subsidize free houses, free cars, free health care, free food, free education and free phones for tens of millions of foreigners that want to live here. Would you support that? No doubt you would. Foreigners FIRST, Americans LAST.

Why do you have to go off the rails with an extreme response? I was not being extreme at all, I was being totally rational. That is a problem for conservatives to be rational because they are so lathered up with a daily hate-fest of alt right news, radio and television, to say nothing of the internet.

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