The Trump enigma resolved!

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
Donald Trump has a long history of espousing Democratic positions, and as such it's puzzled me as to why he pursued the Presidency as a Republican. I now know why.

Trump's goal from the very start has been not to win the Presidency for himself, but rather to ensure a Clinton victory. You see, he knew from square-one that Mrs. Clinton would have a hard time against anyone but the most execrable of competing GOP candidates. Accordingly, he altruistically with sincerest eleemosynary intentions toward Mrs. Clinton who attended his wedding and about whom he's often had lovely things to say, set out to be precisely the ignoble opponent whom Mrs. Clinton could and would surely defeat in the general election. Now, of course, Trump couldn't tell anyone about his plan. Quite simply, it wouldn't work if were to have done that.

Still, some folks might ask why would he spend some $170M of his own money to run for President, in spite of his having taken home $600M+ after taxes in 2015. That in itself gives one a hint for we know that even for someone who earns $1.7M in a year, $170K is a negligible sum, even though to most folks $170K a very meaningful sum. Similarly, $170M just isn't all that crucial for one who earned $600M+ in a year. Because we're talking about such large sums, then, one must think of money involved in relation to just how difficult it actually is to spend $600M+. Short of going on the biggest spending sprees imaginable, it's just not that easy to do; "stuff" just doesn't cost that much, unless, of course, one is trying to buy small countries, mountain ranges, space stations and rocket ships.

Well, the answer to why Trump was willing to spend $170M or so will become obvious a year or so later when his net worth increases by billions more. How could it not? The man's an entertainer and how are entertainment revenues generated? Off of advertising paid based on viewership figures. With some 30M diehard viewers for whatever television or radio programs he's on, Trump stands to earn more than enough to multiply his $170M ten to twenty times over. Think about it in terms of the time value of money. What can you do that in the space of a year and a half that will turn a $17 investment into $170. You know the answer just as I do: practically nothing that's legal.

So there it is. Now it's clear to me why Trump never made the "pivot." It's now clear why Trump has insisted on talking about the likes of Alicia Machado (sp?), or sedition. It's clear now why he's been okay with some 80% of his remarks bearing no relationship to the truth. It now makes sense why he didn't care that he knows little to nothing about foreign policy. I understand now why Trump proposed such outlandish tax reductions that will mainly benefit very, very wealthy people. The reasons for his racist and sexist rhetoric are patently clear. It's all crystal clear now. Quite simply, he was committed from day one to putting Hillary Clinton into the White House. Bring that outcome to fruition is what he had defined as "winning."
so he's part of the conspiracy too?

What's described in the OP is without question not part of any conspiracy. One knows so because of this statement, "Trump couldn't tell anyone about his plan."

There's no conspiracy at all in connection with a unilaterally devised outcome because a conspiracy, by definition, involves more than one person. Were it in fact actually possible for one alone to conspire in any regard, that person would have to suffer from a seminally profound case of multiple personality disorder.

FWIW, "scheming," though not exclusively applicable to autonomous thoughts, is the contextually accurate term for the type of behavior and thought process described in the OP. "Planning" works too, although that term, having as it does a neutral demeanor, lacks the same connotation as "scheming."
Translation: Trump is a democrat mole...

... inna Republican party...

... to throw the election Hillary's way.

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