The Trump generation problem: MAGA family values are corrupting children

Forgive your lack of knowledge.
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday repeated comments that he would be a dictator for “one day” if he’s elected to a second term in the White House.

Trump during a keynote speech to the New York Young Republican Club mentioned New York Times correspondent Peter Baker, saying the journalist “said that I want to be a dictator.”

“I didn’t say that. I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said during the club’s annual gala, according to multiple reports.
What stupid remarks. Trump has no power over US oil companies. His wall is a vanity not a solution to the problem. Fine employers who hire illegals and they will self_deport in six months.

Trump is incredibly stupid.
The Right's war on children continues on avenues both sexual and ideological. From trying to get prayer in the public classroom, to promoting gender classification and nullifying the individual child's needs, to actively punishing the LGBTQ children, the Right is determined to destroy the minds of children they don't like.

Donald Trump is continuing to follow the dictator's playbook. As the end of the year approaches, he has become even more bold and unrestrained. He is leading Biden in many early 2024 polls. He has not been significantly punished or restrained by the courts, yet. He has nothing to lose as his MAGA people and other Republican voters continue to be devoted to him. So why would he stop?

Despite Trump’s public threats to be a dictator on "day one" of his presidency if he returns to power in 2025, there are still people with a public platform, so-called experts, who are denying this reality. The MAGA movement is like a train that will soon crush them. Denial will not save them — or us.

Last weekend at a rally in New Hampshire, Trump continued to channel Adolf Hitler, with his promise to cleanse (White) American society of the “vermin” and human “blood pollution" he believes is caused by non-white undocumented immigrants and migrants:

Of course, leading Republicans and other “conservatives” endorsed Trump’s hatred and threats. A new poll from the Des Moines Register shows how almost half (the number is likely much higher) of Trump’s voters support his invocation of Hitler and threats to put political enemies in prison. Why? Because Trump’s followers hate the same people that he does.

Trump is continuing to brag about his plans to enact the largest deportation campaign in American history when he returns to power. To accomplish that goal, Trump will deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops in this country – in likely violation of federal law. Trump and his agents have already publicly detailed their plans to impose martial law and to use the American military to occupy Democratic-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country. Again, this is a direct page from the dictator’s playbook and how democracies die.

Contrary to what some in the news media have incorrectly suggested in their attempts to downplay and normalize Trump’s increasingly unrestrained evil, the ex-president was not using “dog whistles” or “flirting with” Hitlerism and Nazism. Trump is almost verbatim quoting Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and other Nazi language and ideology. Trump knows exactly what he is saying — and like other autocrats and dictators he means it.

The Biden administration (again) condemned Trump’s channeling of Hitler and the Nazis.
I got a is telling a kid

hey kid don't cut off your tits at least until you're a full grown adult .hey kid that hormone therapy is not harmless

How is that a bad thing ?

Agents of trump wanna destroy the minds of children

God you're an idiot
Were you always this stupid ?

Thiers no way you have any type of education at all ...just indoctrination
No common sense and no brains
I can't believe how stupid you are

Oh my god you're such a moron
You're such a dumb mother fucker
I mean the stupidity...we couldn't even chart it if we wanted
Do you want Trump Trash to have any influence over American children? Don Jr is a bedwetting lush who talks about other men's erections on social media. They are vulgar, crude, stupid and poorly educated.
"Trump Trash" is far better than female groper and molester Joe Biden; Obama and DNC's puppet.

The three DemocRAT POTUS, Clinton, Obama, and Biden were even more vulgar, crude, stupid and poorly educated into Leftist~Communist principles and methods. None of those three had any real employment or experience in wealth creation, only scamming "bribes" in forms of royalties and speakers fees, etc.
Neither of those three were Makers. Just Takers and Fakers!:mad:
"Trump Trash" is far better than female groper and molester Joe Biden; Obama and DNC's puppet.

The three DemocRAT POTUS, Clinton, Obama, and Biden were even more vulgar, crude, stupid and poorly educated into Leftist~Communist principles and methods. None of those three had any real employment or experience in wealth creation, only scamming "bribes" in forms of royalties and speakers fees, etc.
Neither of those three were Makers. Just Takers and Fakers!:mad:
What sort of family did you come from?
What stupid remarks. Trump has no power over US oil companies. His wall is a vanity not a solution to the problem. Fine employers who hire illegals and they will self_deport in six months.

Trump is incredibly stupid.
You are the one with stupid remarks.
POTUS has power over the Executive Branch agencies and departments and they control leases for new drilling and exports, along with mandates on emissions like CO2 - via EPA, etc. - See Biden's past few years of constraints and efforts to "get off fossil fuels".

A border wall is an effective tool to help in limiting illegal entry IF it is backed by agents on patrol with authority to apprehend and immediately deport. Even more effective would be getting Mexico to work with us on eliminating the cartels which are major source of those illegals coming across the border.

There is next to no significant investigation or enforcement of E-verify, which isn't widely used and has it's faults. A more efficient way to encourage "self_deport" would be for the Guv-mint to refuse to provide money, food, transportation, shelter, medical care, and/or any other rewards for entering this country illegally.

About E-verify;

E-Verify: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Proposals for Reform​

An effective electronic eligibility verification system is an essential component of the U.S. immigration system, but questions as to whether the E-Verify employment verification system should be made mandatory remain. This Insight examines the strengths and weaknesses of E-Verify, which has grown dramatically in recent years, and discusses proposals for reform, including adding biometric screening to the system.

Notwithstanding important steps taken by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to increase the system’s timeliness, accuracy, and oversight of employer compliance, E-Verify remains vulnerable to identity fraud and employer misuse, offers no ability to detect off-the-books employment, and is costly. As a result, enactment of new E-Verify mandates without broader immigration reform may do more to harm the economy and U.S. workers than to deter illegal immigration and to protect U.S. jobs.

Any new E-Verify mandate runs a high risk of adverse unintended consequences, so changes should be phased in gradually and evaluated against concrete performance benchmarks. The most promising strategy for successful expansion of E-Verify is to link new employment verification mandates to a targeted or comprehensive immigration reform effort. In this, employers and unauthorized workers would have incentives to use the program and comply with its requirements.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. A Brief History of E-Verify
III. E-Verify Prevents Some Types of Document Fraud
IV. E-Verify Is Vulnerable to Identify Fraud and Employer Noncompliance
V. Erroneous Nonconfirmations
VI. Additional Concerns
VII. Efforts to Prevent Identify Fraud and Employer-Misuse Have a Limited Impact
VIII. Proposals to Expand E-Verify
IX. Proposals to Create a Biometric Verification System
X. Conclusion and Recommendations

The Pros and Cons of Registering for E-Verify - SHRM

What is E-Verify

What's New - E-Verify

E-Verify - Wikipedia

There is no single solution. Rather a mix/blend of actions is the best way to get effective results.
This is the end game.

At the 37 second mark: “children who are old enough to understand a concept, are old enough to provide their own independent consent to that”.

40 years ago I received sex-Ed as a 12 year old sixth grader. I understood the concept. These people are coming for your children. Liberals are just willing to surrender their children to them.
Liberals preach “tolerance” and demand it from those who are culturally different than them, like white Christians. But then they hiss and hate on you for being either a white or a Christian.

Notice how in this thread things like chemically castrating children are glossed over by the liberals? It’s not chemically castrating a child, it’s “affirming” who the child believes they are.”Tolerance” is just an ideological battering ram.

The Right's war on children continues on avenues both sexual and ideological. From trying to get prayer in the public classroom, to promoting gender classification and nullifying the individual child's needs, to actively punishing the LGBTQ children, the Right is determined to destroy the minds of children they don't like.

Donald Trump is continuing to follow the dictator's playbook. As the end of the year approaches, he has become even more bold and unrestrained. He is leading Biden in many early 2024 polls. He has not been significantly punished or restrained by the courts, yet. He has nothing to lose as his MAGA people and other Republican voters continue to be devoted to him. So why would he stop?

Despite Trump’s public threats to be a dictator on "day one" of his presidency if he returns to power in 2025, there are still people with a public platform, so-called experts, who are denying this reality. The MAGA movement is like a train that will soon crush them. Denial will not save them — or us.

Last weekend at a rally in New Hampshire, Trump continued to channel Adolf Hitler, with his promise to cleanse (White) American society of the “vermin” and human “blood pollution" he believes is caused by non-white undocumented immigrants and migrants:

Of course, leading Republicans and other “conservatives” endorsed Trump’s hatred and threats. A new poll from the Des Moines Register shows how almost half (the number is likely much higher) of Trump’s voters support his invocation of Hitler and threats to put political enemies in prison. Why? Because Trump’s followers hate the same people that he does.

Trump is continuing to brag about his plans to enact the largest deportation campaign in American history when he returns to power. To accomplish that goal, Trump will deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops in this country – in likely violation of federal law. Trump and his agents have already publicly detailed their plans to impose martial law and to use the American military to occupy Democratic-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country. Again, this is a direct page from the dictator’s playbook and how democracies die.

Contrary to what some in the news media have incorrectly suggested in their attempts to downplay and normalize Trump’s increasingly unrestrained evil, the ex-president was not using “dog whistles” or “flirting with” Hitlerism and Nazism. Trump is almost verbatim quoting Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and other Nazi language and ideology. Trump knows exactly what he is saying — and like other autocrats and dictators he means it.

The Biden administration (again) condemned Trump’s channeling of Hitler and the Nazis.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The Right's war on children continues on avenues both sexual and ideological. From trying to get prayer in the public classroom, to promoting gender classification and nullifying the individual child's needs, to actively punishing the LGBTQ children, the Right is determined to destroy the minds of children they don't like.

Donald Trump is continuing to follow the dictator's playbook. As the end of the year approaches, he has become even more bold and unrestrained. He is leading Biden in many early 2024 polls. He has not been significantly punished or restrained by the courts, yet. He has nothing to lose as his MAGA people and other Republican voters continue to be devoted to him. So why would he stop?

Despite Trump’s public threats to be a dictator on "day one" of his presidency if he returns to power in 2025, there are still people with a public platform, so-called experts, who are denying this reality. The MAGA movement is like a train that will soon crush them. Denial will not save them — or us.

Last weekend at a rally in New Hampshire, Trump continued to channel Adolf Hitler, with his promise to cleanse (White) American society of the “vermin” and human “blood pollution" he believes is caused by non-white undocumented immigrants and migrants:

Of course, leading Republicans and other “conservatives” endorsed Trump’s hatred and threats. A new poll from the Des Moines Register shows how almost half (the number is likely much higher) of Trump’s voters support his invocation of Hitler and threats to put political enemies in prison. Why? Because Trump’s followers hate the same people that he does.

Trump is continuing to brag about his plans to enact the largest deportation campaign in American history when he returns to power. To accomplish that goal, Trump will deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops in this country – in likely violation of federal law. Trump and his agents have already publicly detailed their plans to impose martial law and to use the American military to occupy Democratic-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country. Again, this is a direct page from the dictator’s playbook and how democracies die.

Contrary to what some in the news media have incorrectly suggested in their attempts to downplay and normalize Trump’s increasingly unrestrained evil, the ex-president was not using “dog whistles” or “flirting with” Hitlerism and Nazism. Trump is almost verbatim quoting Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and other Nazi language and ideology. Trump knows exactly what he is saying — and like other autocrats and dictators he means it.

The Biden administration (again) condemned Trump’s channeling of Hitler and the Nazis.
thank you

Oh wait! Will I be ____________ again?

The Right's war on children is an ongoing thing.
thank you

Oh wait! Will I be ____________ again?

The Right's war on children is an ongoing thing.

The LEFT'S war on children is an ongoing thing.

It's not the right that wants to mutilate childrens genitals without parents knowledge or permission.

It's not the right that wants to teach children that little boys can be girls and vice versa.

It's not the right that wants men in dresses to go into little girls bathrooms and rape them

It's not the right that wants sex education for kindergarteners.

It's not the right that has a war on our youth, IT'S THE LEFT.
White Christian evangelicals preach “tolerance” and demand it from those who are culturally different than them, like liberals and women and people of color. But then they hiss and hate on you for being either a liberal or a woman or of color. Yeah, got it right. It stank earlier.

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