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The Trump implosion

Trump was under investigation as well, remember? Idiot.
Trump is STILL under investigation, despite the NSA and FBI having testified that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime to investigate, NO evidence of collusion.

Hillary, on the other hand, broke laws according to FBI Director Comey.
Yes, the snowflakes who rigged their primaries

What do you mean? Party primaries and primary debates are run by the parties, not the government. The Democratic Party can run its primary however it wants. You're saying there should be federal oversight into party primaries? That's a sudden departure from your "get gubmint outta everything" mentality, isn't it? Are you making the case for public campaign financing? You realize that public campaign financing would result in the end of the Republican Party, right?

1st (corrupt / criminal) candidate in US history under multiple FBI investigations - which eventually proved she DID break laws - to remain a candidate ... did warn everyone that the OTHER candidate was not 'fit' to be President.

So that makes it OK to collude with a hostile foreign power to illegally break into the servers of the DNC? Everyone already knew the DNC was in the tank for Hillary, so what exactly did hacking the DNC and releasing those e-mails tell us? And how is Trump enlisting Russia to break into the DNC any different from Nixon enlisting his operatives to break into the DNC? I mean, aside from the obvious treason of colluding with a hostile foreign power to break the law?

And ever since then they have launched false accusation after false accusation without proof to support it in an attempt to prove they were right.

The point of investigations is to find proof. Why would you investigate something if you already have proof? One more question; are you really this obtuse or is it just an act?
The polls said ONE THING, that Hillary would win the popular vote, and those polls got it almost perfectly.
AGAIN...you LIE.

We've had this discussion before, but I am sure you will deny it and demand the same link now that I provided then.

A recent poll showed that 98% of those who voted for Trump would STILL vote for Trump....while only 85% of those who voted for Hillary said they would vote for her again. THAT means Hillary would NOT win the Popular vote.

It's amazing how much the FBI Director testifying how Hillary DID break laws with her Server/E-Mail scandal makes so much of a difference. :p

1. The election is over, dumbass.
2. The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2
Not sure why you hate Obama so much. It's not like he voted to take away your health care so the rich could get a tax cut.
WTF?!? That's exactly what Barack Insane Obama did. :uhh:
Except the facts.
Snowflake...millions of people lost their doctors and millions more lost their insurance after Barack Insane Obama blatantly lied and adamantly "promised" that neither would happen.

At the same time - both premiums and healthcare costs have skyrocketed since Obamacare. Drastically more than before Obamacare.

And if all of that wasn't bad enough - insurance companies have seen a 12% to 15% increase in profits since Obamacare! You're such an ignorant dupe - you'll believe anything Barack tells you. :lmao:
The worst part for him and the GOP is that there is really no foreseeable scenario where Trump can recover...

More liberal propaganda and opinion. It won't be easy, granted, especially while snowflakes continue to throw shit against the wall hoping it will stick - making false accusations without evidence to back it up and holding their $1 million 50-State Butt-hurt election defeat HATE Rallies.
The polls said ONE THING, that Hillary would win the popular vote, and those polls got it almost perfectly.
AGAIN...you LIE.

We've had this discussion before, but I am sure you will deny it and demand the same link now that I provided then.

A recent poll showed that 98% of those who voted for Trump would STILL vote for Trump....while only 85% of those who voted for Hillary said they would vote for her again. THAT means Hillary would NOT win the Popular vote.

It's amazing how much the FBI Director testifying how Hillary DID break laws with her Server/E-Mail scandal makes so much of a difference. :p

1. The election is over, dumbass.
2. The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2

I am talking about the poll that asked if the election was held again 'today'.

Thanks for reminding people that not only was Hillary too stupid to know she was breaking the law - according to Comey, but she was also too stupid to know what the process was for winning the Presidency. It was not a popularity contest - it relied on the Electoral College. If she would have know that maybe she would have campaigned in Wisconsin, huh? :p
Trump is STILL under investigation, despite the NSA and FBI having testified that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime to investigate, NO evidence of collusion.

The point of an investigation is to find proof. You understand that, right? A federal grand jury has already issued several subpoenas which establishes that there is enough probable cause that Trump and the Conservatives broke the law. Grand juries only issue subpoenas if there is enough probable cause to do so.
Wake up people, you idiots are drinking the liberal media lies from a firehose get your shit together.

FACT it was a felony to leak any details from President Trump's meeting with the Russian ambassador. That's the fucking story.

FACT president Trump has the legal authority to declassify and share information as he see fit as commander in chief, not that he did but if he had nobody can say jack shit about it.

The liberal media is spewing one lie after another. One asshole claimed people were going to die because of what Trump discussed with the Russian ambassador, an unsubstantiated complete lie. There was nothing of the sort even suggested in the published story, itself full of lies.
The polls said ONE THING, that Hillary would win the popular vote, and those polls got it almost perfectly.
AGAIN...you LIE.

We've had this discussion before, but I am sure you will deny it and demand the same link now that I provided then.

A recent poll showed that 98% of those who voted for Trump would STILL vote for Trump....while only 85% of those who voted for Hillary said they would vote for her again. THAT means Hillary would NOT win the Popular vote.

It's amazing how much the FBI Director testifying how Hillary DID break laws with her Server/E-Mail scandal makes so much of a difference. :p

A recent poll showed that 98% of those who voted for Trump would STILL vote for Trump.

Of course you understand that number is not as large as you think. Trump won with only 24% of registered voters.

Approval polls represent the entire population.
The polls said that Hitlery would win the presidency by winning the electoral college, you pathological liar. How did that work out?

Ummm...no...that is not what the polls showed. But regardless, it matters little. The point is that Trump colluded with Russia to tip the scales ever so slightly enough to eke out a win.

And what has Trump done since winning? Nothing other than spill secrets to our enemies.
The point of an investigation is to find proof.
Of a suspected crime. Again, according to the NSA and FBI there was NEVER a crime to investigate.

When someone investigates without there ever being a suspected crime, that's called a 'witch hunt'. You understand THAT, right?
I'm confident you're waiting for Rachel's words to quote. yeppers.

Wow, the same line as your retarded brother.
The boss just handed out your daily trolling points I see.

Perfect demonstration of a weak libtard. Take apart a quote and bash them with it and what do they do ? Run off and cry troll. Its okay, to pet your dog and color for 20 minutes and we can start again.

Your guy doesn't change the fact that the call actually happened ,dope. You have yet to address that point.

It proves nothing. It's heresay from a guy who has an axe to grinde. Again, to cry to a mod or color or something/ you got nothing that proves anything/ if you are so sure about your guy, put more quotes from him supporting what you say. You can't because every thing he is involved in is very unflattering to point. Now go color some more and work some play dough. Maybe it will come to you.
It proves nothing. It's heresay from a guy who has an axe to grinde.

No, dope. It's not simply heresy. It's been confirmed that the call actually happened.


"Neither the White House nor the prime minister's office had said a call would be taking place, although Netanyahu's office has since confirmed that one did.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment from DailyMail.com on the matter. "

Ancall took place. Oooo, a phone call from the presidant of the United States to the presidant of another country. This really needs to be looked into. We can start here.

I believe that convo was about putting the iron dome in Poland? Can't remember. Still, despite your attempt att another weak deflection, the guy you quoted has as very reason to not talk nice about Trump as Trump won't give him cool bombs to blow up Palistinians with. I mean, you are quoting a guy who advocated shooting guys in wheelchairs with missiles. You still got nothing to show anything bad happened.
Those damn pesky facts, constantly making you look like an idiot.
Speaking of "pesky little facts" - your left-wing propaganda chart there failed to mention how Obamacare lead to a $20 trillion national debt under the Dumbocrats. Remember when Obama campaigned against John McCain and promised everything he would approve and sign would be "deficit neutral"? :laugh:
FACT it was a felony to leak any details from President Trump's meeting with the Russian ambassador. That's the fucking story.

The only ones leaking details of the meeting are Trump and the Russians. No one else was in the room with them (aside from Russia's state-run news agency), so no one else could leak anything. This is entirely on Trump and the Conservatives.

FACT president Trump has the legal authority to declassify and share information as he see fit as commander in chief, not that he did but if he had nobody can say jack shit about it.

Sure. But why would he reveal this intel that he told CNN not to reveal? Why is he sharing secrets with the Russians? They're not our friends and are actively working against us in Syria by supporting Assad.

One asshole claimed people were going to die because of what Trump discussed with the Russian ambassador, an unsubstantiated complete lie.

How do you know that, unless you know the details of what was discussed?
Barack Insane Obama illegally used the IRS to suppress political opposition.
No he didn't. Why are you repeating lies from 5 years ago?
Yes he did. You lying about it won't change history. Lois Lerner was forced to plead the 5th because of it and the administration was forced to destroy her hard drive because of the evidence on it proving that's what occurred. Thanks for playing snowflake.
Hildabeast abandoned our people in Benghazi because she's is self serving. Your point is 100% wrong. Hildbeast sold Russia.

You mean the people who Obama's CIA rescued after driving the attackers away from the consulate building so they could search it? Considering they arrives on scene in about 30 minutes, your lie of abandonment is once again debunked.

More false accusations on the Uranium mines too. The US mines are still operated by a US subsidiary, with US workers, selling to US factories. We import 80% of the uranium we need. We do not allow the export of uranium except in special circumstances, and Russia isn't one of them.
You mean the men that performed the rescue against orders don't you?
The Russian hacking reveal the DNC to be a very corrupt and authoritarian organization which doesn't trust its own members to choose their own candidate for President, so they pick one for them. Of course the DNC deserves to be disrespected.

So we should thank Trump for colluding with Russia to break the law in order to tell us that which we already knew?
Straw man argument. Sane, intelligent people can see I've never said nor alluded any such thing.

Second, there is no evidence (yet?) that Trump colluded with Russia to break the law. Yes, he made a request in a speech, but that's just campaign bullshit. If there is evidence that Trump or anyone in his campaign really did do such a thing, then I fully support them being prosecuted for it and, if need be, lined up for a firing squad in Lafayette Square.
Speaking of "pesky little facts" - your left-wing propaganda chart there failed to mention how Obamacare lead to a $20 trillion national debt under the Dumbocrats.

That's because it didn't. Debt whenb Obama took office was $10.6T. That was nearly double what it was when Bush the Dumber took office. Oh, and Bush the Dumber had a surplus that could have paid off the debt entirely by 2010 if Conservatives had done literally nothing to the tax code. But Conservatives couldn't even do nothing right, erasing a surplus and producing four record deficits in 8 years that doubled the debt. Obama reduced the deficit by about 66%. He and Clinton are the only two Presidents over the last 40 years to leave office with a deficit lower than what they inherited.

And where was all this debt concern when Bush the Dumber and Conservatives erased a surplus and produced record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years, when we could have paid it off in 9? Can you explain, precisely, why you are making debt into a big deal when it didn't matter to you during Bush the Dumber?

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