The Trump-Putin-Bromance

Obama thought Putin was a swell guy. He and Hillary Gave him our Uranium. Let him take The Crimea, Let him build bases in Syria, let him help Assad kill US Backed Terrorists, and let him Sell Weapons To Iran with The ObamaRansom Money Iran Extorted from Obama.

So far, Obama has been a bigger friend to Putin and Russia than any President before.



in 2014 alone, NATO members scrambled jets 450 times in response to Russian activity. Russian fighters were even caught 40 miles off the coast of California on the 4th of July. these threats are not idle: Russian bombers can carry nuclear weapons capable of killing millions with a single strike. when Putin directs these planes into Western skies his message is clear: "I can get to you, and hurt you, whenever and wherever i want." we need to come together in the west and prove him wrong!

after the end of the Cold War, there was a period of 20 years where Russia didn't have the resources or alliances to have influence in the world. that period, my friends, has come to an end.
President Trump spoke with President Putin today. Both vowed regular communication. Discussed middle east. Sanctions not discussed.
The ONLY issue on which Donald Trump has been 100% consistent since he announced for Prez is his love for Putin.

The only issue. Just sayin
"I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy - yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no problem!" - President Trump

"the haters are going crazy" will be actual words recorded by history books.
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