The Trump raid can happen to anyone, now???

People are incompetent even in the dark with no color.
Yes, indeed. But they eventually are fired. Incompetency we don't tolerate. I have seen a black somali immigrant RTD bus driver that didn't understand the basic stuff, like ENGLISH. Or traffic rules, or what red lights where. Or what Bus stops are. Or even speed limits. So I get the picture. Competence, safety and efficiency go out the window with this bullshit made up liberal "inclusion" shit. So, in other words, liberalism means: "Abandon reason, all ye that enter here".
Are you keeping Secret and Top Secret documents with National Security implications in boxes in your basement?

Then I think you're just getting your panties in a bunch for no reason. :)
I misread your second line at first. I thought you said, then "Then, I don't think they're getting your panties."

But, of course, if you do have declassified documents in your home, they will get your wife's panties. That makes sense to a surprising large percent of posters on here.
No, not in the basement.

I don't have a basement.
Dime to a dollar there isn't one at Mar-A-Lago because the water table is 4 feet there.

You dig down 4 feet there and you hit water. I don't have a basement either, although I could, unlike Trump @ Mar-A-Lago. Dig down 10 feet there and you hit a solid limerock bed.

There's no reason for us to believe that the FBI only took what they were looking for, if they even know what they were looking for, and stopped when they found it.

So yes this could happen to anyone even if what they're looking for is the AR-15 you bought five years ago because the government decided they can take away your 2nd Amendment rights.

Oh! The tangled webs we weave and the slippery slopes we slide down.

The time has come my friend to talk of other things! Of sailing ships and ceiling wax and cabbages and kings.


It is complex problem that has to do with the inadequacies and errors in the American government model. Non-white people are so intimidated by how well white people have organized community, that they cannot step out of the box and do it better.
I do not for a moment believe black people are that stupid. I see too many of them succeeding by working the system, succeeding by bucking the system, and succeeding in being key players in the system.
Yes, indeed. But they eventually are fired. Incompetency we don't tolerate. I have seen a black somali immigrant RTD bus driver that didn't understand the basic stuff, like ENGLISH. Or traffic rules, or what red lights where. Or what Bus stops are. Or even speed limits. So I get the picture. Competence, safety and efficiency go out the window with this bullshit made up liberal "inclusion" shit. So, in other words, liberalism means: "Abandon reason, all ye that enter here".
There are lots of people who are lousy at their jobs, it is not a race issue but a competency issue.
When drugged up meth/fentanyl addict walks mere feet from where I post this? I have really deep insight into just how manipulative democrats hiding under race and inclusion are just bastions "black" poor ill run hiring incompetent people / cities are just examples of what is WRONG with the democratic party. Hiring incompetent people because of their superficial melanin doesn't inspire me with confidence.
How the hell did this get turned into race?
I do not for a moment believe black people are that stupid. I see too many of them succeeding by working the system, succeeding by bucking the system, and succeeding in being key players in the system.
They are "bucking" the inadequacies in the flawed system, just like the whites who know how to "buck the system." You should be embarrassed that you cannot figure that out for yourself. You Trumptard dumb fuck.

Blacks cannot do community by themselves - self-rule. They are reliant on "bucking" the white man's flawed system. When they should be searching for the perfect government system, before whitey finds it!!! - not_perfect_Constitution.png
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Why do democrats insist on demonizing WHITE people? I can't wrap my mind around that anti white racism disguised as "fighting hate". Sorry, hypocrisy at its highest. HATE is OK if you hate "THAT" group? Excuse me?
Di you ever make such an argument before this discussion?

Did you encounter anyone parroting the Trump declaration, here, in their arguments???
It never came up, before this as others never acted so stupidly, taking the stuff with them, and trying to keep it. Hell, the walk in closet that has my gun safe is more secure. It is a solid core 20 minute, inswing, interior door on flat jamb, with both a key lock knob and a single cylinder Schlage AAA, ANSI Grade 1 (best) Deadbolt, and a very protective 90 lb German Shepherd sleeping in the hall or outside of that door. They had to have him add a lock to his storage room months ago after their first visit.
The FBI, under Mueller and Comey, submitted false information is warrant requests, defrauding the FISA Court, and illegally spied on US citizens - to include a US President and his team - thereby violating the Patriot Act AT LEAST a dozen times over a decade or more.

The FBI criminally altered documents and illegally withheld exculpatory evidence, breaking laws and victimizing US citizens.

FBI Director Muelker was even proven to withhold evidence proving American citizens were innocent of a crime and knowingly sent an innocent man to prison. Years later the man was freed because the evidence was exposed, but Mueller - knowing the man was innocent - still argued he believed the man was guilty.

According to FBI Agent Page under oath in testimony, the FBI conducted its own internal investigation of Trump regarding the Dossier and claim of Russian Colluion and came to the conclusion that there was nothing to it. DESPITE this, knowing it was false BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, the FBI did not reveal this, allowed Muelker to still be appointed, still went along with the bogus investigation, still defrauded the FISA Court, still spied in the Presidrnt's team, and still went along with the failed coup attempt / Hilkary scandal.

According to the FBI / Baker, the FBI knew IMMEDIATELY that the bogus information Sussmann brought to Baker / the FBI came from Hilkary because he was Hillary's lawyer.

This was confirmed by Hillary's own campaign manager during the Sussman trial when he testified under oath. He stated Hillary Geena lighted Sussmann to take the information to the FBI to initiate the Russian Collusion Scandal- the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Over more than a decade the FBI has been proven to have viated the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and their oaths of office.

They have knowingly submitted false warrant request information, withheld exculpatory information, criminally altered documents, defrauded the FISA Court, violated the Patriot Act, and illegally spied on US citizens, a US President, and his team.

In doing so the FBI committed crimes against the American people, betrayed their trust, trampled their Constitutional Rights, and even took away their freedom by knowingly putting innocent Americans In jail.

The FBI, after proving through their own internal investigation, proved the Russian Collusion claim was a lie yet still engaged in the scandal based on proven political bias.

They have proven that they can, will, and have done these things to ANY American citizen they want to target, from US citizens to US Presidents.

This makes them one of the largest threats to our nation and American citizens.

Liberals and snowflakes support and defend their partisan actions / crimes because of who they politically support, help, and because of who they target. As long as they ate doing it to the 'correct' political side, the double-standards, hypocrisy, criminal partisanship, and crimes committed are fine.

Political partisan loyalty - which side they support - does NOT make their crimes and betrayal ok...despite evidence we have and continue to see to the contrary.
Are you keeping Secret and Top Secret documents with National Security implications in boxes in your basement?

Then I think you're just getting your panties in a bunch for no reason. :)

The only panties that got in a bunch are the Melania's panties that were taken by the degenerates of the FBI!

What scum these words are enough to describe them!:mad:
And to answer the question of the OP.....

Yes, probably yes....most certainly yes, these sort of raids can happen to anyone......this is what Leftist dictatorship is all about......and after the Nazi speech of the Clown in Chief....well.....there is little doubt that this can and will happen to everyone.
Why do democrats insist on demonizing WHITE people?
Perhaps they are pandering to the minorities they have insulted and wronged so much in the past, attempting to appear to be trying to correct their wrongs, an act of absolution.

Perhaps they are trying to win back the minorities who have finally woken up, seen the Democrats for who they truly are, and who are now fleeing the Democrat Party as fast as they can.

Perhaps they are just following Socialist Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals' in which Alinsky teaches keeping the nation, the people divided and constantly fighting among themselves keeps the people's focus off of them and what they are doing.

Perhaps they are just old, white, wealthy, hypocritical, self-entitled, tyrannical, elitist assholes who hate the middle and lower class, especially whites because they are the ones who fight tyranical rule and government control the most.

Or perhaps they are just assholes....


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