The Trump raid can happen to anyone, now???

Perhaps they are pandering to the minorities they have insulted and wronged so much in the past, attempting to appear to be trying to correct their wrongs, an act of absolution.

Perhaps they are trying to win back the minorities who have finally woken up, seen the Democrats for who they truly are, and who are now fleeing the Democrat Party as fast as they can.

Perhaps they are just following Socialist Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals' in which Alinsky teaches keeping the nation, the people divided and constantly fighting among themselves keeps the people's focus off of them and what they are doing.

Perhaps they are just old, white, wealthy, hypocritical, self-entitled, tyrannical, elitist assholes who hate the middle and lower class, especially whites because they are the ones who fight tyranical rule and government control the most.

Or perhaps they are just assholes....

Perhaps they are young foolish and have that deluded and are afflicted with that Duning-Kruger affect.
Well. when Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of MURDER (when clearly it was a case of fentanyl overdose). No holds are bared when it comes to Chinees/ Soros funded democrats just alleging ANYTHING and getting away with it because Democrat libs are GULLIBLE clueless idiots. That is gonna change damned quick in November 2022.

It is critical to also fault ourselves (The conservative Right) for the way things are for our staunch commitment to doing nothing at all.
Until we accept blame for doing nothing we will never reconcile the fact that we MUST DO something other than bellyache and whine.

As far as November.......
Don't hold your breath.
For one last half of conservatives who could vote....simply will not. Period. end of story. It's how they roll. They could have ended all this BS LONG ago had they wanted to. It's obviously not worth it to them. so don't be shocked come November things don't turn out as well as expected.
Conservatives have a long history of failing to meet expectations.

Second....with every passing day the conservative Right remains idle, the Left is strengthening it's iron grip on the entire system, elections and all.
We know the 2020 election wreaked of corruption. Same will be the case this November and in 2024...only more in your face.
It is critical to also fault ourselves (The conservative Right) for the way things are for our staunch commitment to doing nothing at all.
Until we accept blame for doing nothing we will never reconcile the fact that we MUST DO something other than bellyache and whine.

As far as November.......
Don't hold your breath.
For one last half of conservatives who could vote....simply will not. Period. end of story. It's how they roll. They could have ended all this BS LONG ago had they wanted to. It's obviously not worth it to them. so don't be shocked come November things don't turn out as well as expected.
Conservatives have a long history of failing to meet expectations.

Second....with every passing day the conservative Right remains idle, the Left is strengthening it's iron grip on the entire system, elections and all.
We know the 2020 election wreaked of corruption. Same will be the case this November and in 2024...only more in your face.
It can't get any more in our faces. :45:
It can't get any more in our faces. :45:

Said Conservative Venezuelans prior to Chavez' "Revolution"

Then you have no clue.
It most certainly can and will.
If you think right now is as bad as it can get....I have a bridge for sale

Also, thank you for making my point. Denial.
Doing nothing but denying is not a winning strategy, but the only one the Conservative Right has. Sadly.
This is precisely why the Left is winning.
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Whst happened to ztrimp is already happening to us,the Gestapo evil fbi raided simone golds home as well and she is unjustY in prison now,if it can happen to gold then it can happen to all of us,none of us trump supporters are safe from the fbi.
they're fishing...for anything...this man is a threat to the deep state, WEF, globalism.
:thankusmile: The understatement of the century and best damn post on this thread,the deep state is terrified of trump,they are throwing Hail Marys in desperation,they are terrified of him returning as president,they failed with two impeachments now this is the latest hail Mary they are grasping straws at.
Um. yes. He declassified whatever documents he had under his presidency. They are still declassified NOW. THEY suddenly aren't "classified" top secret because the Democrats/FBI say so. And they will remain open and unclassified.
But if Biden says they're classified then they must be, Shirley? I mean, he's the pres.
And to answer the question of the OP.....

Yes, probably yes....most certainly yes, these sort of raids can happen to anyone......this is what Leftist dictatorship is all about......and after the Nazi speech of the Clown in Chief....well.....there is little doubt that this can and will happen to everyone.
There is, in my estimation, some doubt, although I agree the prospect is bleak.

There is an old question from Ancient Rome:

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”​

The English translation is;

Who will guard the guards themselves?

It’s a damn fine question.

Applying it here, the question becomes: “if the Constitution sets the framework for our unique republic, including the guardianship of our rights, then who does safeguard our Constitution?” And the answer has always been and still is:

“We do.” At least, we are supposed to. And I believe this was quite pointedly suggested to all of us by no less a man than Benjamin Franklin. When asked what the members of the Constitutional Convention had given to us (the American people), his immortal words were:

“A republic … if you can keep it.”

Can we?
On what possible honest and reasonable basis could you dismiss it as merely being partisan rhetoric?
Because the cause of the raid seems to be that a former president was hoarding classified information that he should not have had. Most citizens do not have access to classified information to steal.
Because the cause of the raid seems to be that a former president was hoarding classified information that he should not have had. Most citizens do not have access to classified information to steal.
No, that isn’t the “cause” of the raid and no, Trump was not hoarding anything classified. And he stole nothing.

Example: my public library is the owner of lots of books, even the one I happen to have in my physical possession — even if it’s overdue. Still, I didn’t “steal” anything.

So the final grade on your post is a zero. Have you parent or guardian sign the graded post and return it to you instructor on Tuesday. Conferences will then be scheduled.
General 'take all' warrants went out with King George. But they are back with El Presidente!
An obvious 4th amendment violation.

Next topic, please.

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