The Trump Wall is "virtually unpenetratable", right?

Check this out:

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica

Well, this 8 year old latino tested it and climbed right over it. My advice to you my American brothers and sisters is, that don't think with your 300 pound soda bellies. Other nations don't have those, so they will walk right across you, starting with your fences.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are as someone who has been involved in history and law most of his life is that the wall is the dumbest and most idiotic idea ever conjured up in the mind of anyone. Walls have proven to be worthless and, at this juncture, divisive.

Nobody with an IQ higher than their shoe size would support the wall idea. The peripheral laws required to enforce the wall alone cost more in lost Liberties and Freedoms than they deliver in even promised results. The right has demanded a Constitution Free Zone, the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, 24 / 7 / 365 surveillance, armed drones policing the border (which the right says is law enforcement so those drones will be in the heartland watching ALL of us in the future); there has been the total evisceration of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments along with the nullification of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty. The peripheral laws include attacks against private property Rights; eminent domain abuse at a level that threatens ALL Americans, and the creation of a government so big that the citizenry will not be able to resist tyranny.

Communist Russia was all about the Motherland Security, Nazis had Fatherland Security and the people who want a wall created Homeland (IN) Security. Between the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the cost to build and maintain that monstrosity of 240,000 + employees is hitting the TRILLION DOLLAR MARK. In 2018, in an official document, the DHS released its catchy objective:

"We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again"

Sound familiar?

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" was an objective written by David Lane, a founder to the white supremacist organization, The Order. The people who develop all of the talking points in favor of the wall are, to a man, neo-Nazis.

Fourteen Words - Wikipedia

Ironically, the people who are most victimized by the peripheral laws surrounding the wall idea have been... you guessed it, white Americans. And we could add another 100 paragraphs of how unconstitutional the wall idea is because it uses the military to enforce domestic policies. It is creating the ultimate POLICE STATE.

As if the preceding paragraphs are not enough, the whole wall idea began with David Duke, a former Nazi Party member who started his own version of the Ku Klux Klan. EVERY person associated with the creation of the organizations aimed at furthering the wall idea have ties to Nazi groups. AND, before the wall idea was popular with the Republicans, it was being promoted by the Democrats:

The right hasn't been smart enough to catch on as to how Bill Clinton and Donald Trump sound so much alike. The low IQ right that wants the wall cannot understand that globalists like Clinton and Trump profit off a socialist America. So, Trump was able to leverage the right's stupidity against themselves. They are literally digging their own graves.

In the final analysis, we build this massive POLICE STATE, take away everyone's Liberties, make resistance impossible and then courts weigh in. Most people from south of the border to at least Honduras has American relatives. There is no way in HELL the courts are going to continue to allow us to separate families because a close family member of an American entered the United States improperly. Improper Entry is a federal civil misdemeanor and there is no way it is constitutional to lock those people out of the United States if they have family here. It would be a clear violation of the Eighth Amendment.

Building a wall is trading one set of problems for another. The wall is barely under way and you already have military personnel by the dozens being arrested and charged with human smuggling. People are going to go over the wall, under it, or come through the gates because greedy Americans will let the people from south of the border buy their way in.

I fully admit that we have a problem with foreigners coming here - and I'm as opposed to the "legal" ones as well as those who violate an unconstitutional set of laws that were purposely devised to commit genocide against the whites (which would baffle the Hell out of me when whites demand enforcement of said laws, but you have to see how dumbed down those people are to understand all of this.) Anybody who can back up and look at this objectively will see, in the final analysis, this wall is not going to last if built. It will become a symbol of hatred and intolerance which will only hasten the genocide of the white people in America.

Whites will not be able to fight back because they are forfeiting their Liberties and you cannot resist a government that controls you from the womb to the tomb. White people are participating in their own demise - and that is what I don't understand.

Posting under the influence is never a good idea.

Armed drones? :dig::dig::dig::dig::dig::dig::dig::dig:

Unlike yourself I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I don't even drink coffee. I never have - and THAT might account for why I don't engage in activities that end up in genocide against my own people. I'm also caught up on the news:

Homeland security expands use of drones on the border

Well it looks like history now since its come a long way since then.

OMG, that is horrific! They are actually using drones to track illegals entering the country! What will we do?

What will we do? We will also use those drones to track you too. If you didn't do anything wrong then you don't have anything to hide do you? HEHEHE

We are already being tracked due to the incompetent acts of the Trump supporters and the neo-nazis that preceded Trump with their calls for a militarized border to enforce domestic laws.

These guys don't have enough education to realize that you cannot use the military to enforce domestic policies. It's unconstitutional:

The Posse Comitatus Act > U.S. Northern Command > Article View

I doubt many Trump supporters will catch that reference you made that if you don't have anything to hide, you won't mind if we look.

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear", Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propganda

Also see this:

Is There a Good Response to the “Nothing to Hide” Argument? - TeachPrivacy

Debunking The Dangerous "If You Have Nothing To Hide, You Have Nothing To Fear" - Falkvinge on Liberty
YOU import the poverty by not being responsible for YOU. You cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself.

There are only a few legitimate functions of government. Defense, courts, police etc. Securing the borders would be one of them.

When the governor of a state tells the military he don't need them, then the state has determined that part of the border is secure.

Forfeiting unalienable Liberties for the promise of temporary Safety, means that you deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Funny how we built the greatest nation in the annals of history WITHOUT a freaking wall.

The government cannot save you from your own actions. That is why Liberty works better than the POLICE STATE.

If we really believed in Liberty then we would form our own militias and go down to the border and shoot the goddamn Illegals. However, the government won't let us do it.

The government won't do the right thing by securing the border and the government prevents the people from doing the right thing.

That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.
There are only a few legitimate functions of government. Defense, courts, police etc. Securing the borders would be one of them.

When the governor of a state tells the military he don't need them, then the state has determined that part of the border is secure.

Forfeiting unalienable Liberties for the promise of temporary Safety, means that you deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Funny how we built the greatest nation in the annals of history WITHOUT a freaking wall.

The government cannot save you from your own actions. That is why Liberty works better than the POLICE STATE.

If we really believed in Liberty then we would form our own militias and go down to the border and shoot the goddamn Illegals. However, the government won't let us do it.

The government won't do the right thing by securing the border and the government prevents the people from doing the right thing.

That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.
When the governor of a state tells the military he don't need them, then the state has determined that part of the border is secure.

Forfeiting unalienable Liberties for the promise of temporary Safety, means that you deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Funny how we built the greatest nation in the annals of history WITHOUT a freaking wall.

The government cannot save you from your own actions. That is why Liberty works better than the POLICE STATE.

If we really believed in Liberty then we would form our own militias and go down to the border and shoot the goddamn Illegals. However, the government won't let us do it.

The government won't do the right thing by securing the border and the government prevents the people from doing the right thing.

That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

That is why I'm saying the bulk of America is not educated enough to go to any war. The Constitution has a Full Faith and Credit Clause. Your marriage in whatever state you obtained it is good in all the other states. Your weapons permit isn't.

I don't always like what the Constitution says and does not say, but we have to abide by it to the extent that it does not infringe upon preexisting Rights. To the chagrin of many, Liberty is an unalienable Right.
When the governor of a state tells the military he don't need them, then the state has determined that part of the border is secure.

Forfeiting unalienable Liberties for the promise of temporary Safety, means that you deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Funny how we built the greatest nation in the annals of history WITHOUT a freaking wall.

The government cannot save you from your own actions. That is why Liberty works better than the POLICE STATE.

If we really believed in Liberty then we would form our own militias and go down to the border and shoot the goddamn Illegals. However, the government won't let us do it.

The government won't do the right thing by securing the border and the government prevents the people from doing the right thing.

That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

Highly doubtful.
If we really believed in Liberty then we would form our own militias and go down to the border and shoot the goddamn Illegals. However, the government won't let us do it.

The government won't do the right thing by securing the border and the government prevents the people from doing the right thing.

That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

That is why I'm saying the bulk of America is not educated enough to go to any war. The Constitution has a Full Faith and Credit Clause. Your marriage in whatever state you obtained it is good in all the other states. Your weapons permit isn't.

I don't always like what the Constitution says and does not say, but we have to abide by it to the extent that it does not infringe upon preexisting Rights. To the chagrin of many, Liberty is an unalienable Right.

Education is not the answer. Moral fiber is, and that is exactly what people are taught and eager to laugh at currently, invariably. Even worse, moral fiber is only sold to people from within the Bible, which they don't only refuse to even look at but outrightly hate. I think it is possible that this governmental degeneration is an ongoing consequence of the separation of Church and state, as predicted as early as a 100 years ago by people like Dostoievsky in Europe.
If we really believed in Liberty then we would form our own militias and go down to the border and shoot the goddamn Illegals. However, the government won't let us do it.

The government won't do the right thing by securing the border and the government prevents the people from doing the right thing.

That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

Highly doubtful.

Why is it doubtful? 20 years is the institutional memory, financial memory, political memory, and cultural memory. It has always been 20 years for new suckers to float into power and make everything twice as stupid, for the latest 6000 years. In fact, both the Soviet and the Chinese policies have successfully conducted the incremental reduction of freedom of movement within their countries, in 20 year increments, and with the full support of their general population. Americans are even easier.
That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

Highly doubtful.

Why is it doubtful?

Because it's rare for things to occur as predicted. Had the current state of America been the background of say, a 1980s science-fiction novel, it would have been rejected as entirely implausible.
That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

That is why I'm saying the bulk of America is not educated enough to go to any war. The Constitution has a Full Faith and Credit Clause. Your marriage in whatever state you obtained it is good in all the other states. Your weapons permit isn't.

I don't always like what the Constitution says and does not say, but we have to abide by it to the extent that it does not infringe upon preexisting Rights. To the chagrin of many, Liberty is an unalienable Right.

Education is not the answer. Moral fiber is, and that is exactly what people are taught and eager to laugh at currently, invariably. Even worse, moral fiber is only sold to people from within the Bible, which they don't only refuse to even look at but outrightly hate. I think it is possible that this governmental degeneration is an ongoing consequence of the separation of Church and state, as predicted as early as a 100 years ago by people like Dostoievsky in Europe.

America was founded on Christian principles, not a theocracy, but upon moral absolutes.
That sounds like a contradiction. If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country?

BTW, I have been IN the militia, both as a member and a state commander since 1987. It was the anti-immigrant lobby that raided the civilian militia groups, right wing think tank groups, tax protesters, constitutional activist groups, and emptied them out, making the militia about as effective as a eunuch in a whorehouse.

While doing that, they have spent in now TRILLIONS of dollars on this anti - immigrant campaign and they are no more happier with what they've done than they day the media gave them all the front page coverage they needed (but never earned.) To me, they sound like a vinyl record with a deep scratch in it (sorry if you're too young to understand the analogy.)

In the course of their campaign, they have gotten more free coverage than all the groups I mentioned had all put together. Where is the fruit of their labors? Everything they've accomplished has come at a cost to YOUR Liberties and Freedoms. Rarely does it affect foreigners. And I can tell you, up close and personal, what it's like to be denied Due Process and come within inches and seconds of losing your life over the bad legislation that wasn't thought through by the anti-immigrant lobby... and remember I was on the side you're on right now.

But back to my original question, If we believe in Liberty, what gives us the authority to shoot at people from a foreign country? Better, do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and the Rule of Law?

Those people who control the United States find the Constitution the problem and they want to bring the Constitution down. They had it done easy in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, because they had a war to work from. The have to put you into a war mindset to repeat that today in the USA. They have mostly succeeded by now.

I think you have to be prepared to fight. However, at this stage, the people in general do not have the right information and certainly not enough understanding of how Democrats and Republicans; right and left; conservative and liberal are being played. The POLICE STATE of the right and Nanny State of the left are nothing more than two hands washing each other.

Our battle begins by reclaiming our culture. The filth we see on tv, the drug mindset we have created in this country, the kowtowing to special interest groups like black extremists, the LGBTQ community, and anyone with a gripe against the Constitution as it was originally written and intended along with the posterity of the founders / framers is what is threatening our demise. It is only by organizing and removing ourselves from the mixed multitude will we be able to even begin fighting back.

Looks to me like we are becoming Soviet Union 2.0.

In 20 years, maybe it will be illegal to cross state lines, like it was in the Soviet Union too. That is what this country line Trump exercise is probably a rehearsal for this time.

Highly doubtful.

Why is it doubtful? 20 years is the institutional memory, financial memory, political memory, and cultural memory. It has always been 20 years for new suckers to float into power and make everything twice as stupid, for the latest 6000 years. In fact, both the Soviet and the Chinese policies have successfully conducted the incremental reduction of freedom of movement within their countries, in 20 year increments, and with the full support of their general population. Americans are even easier.

Americans did sell out quite easily and cheaply.
"virtually unpenetratable"
Check this out:

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica

Well, this 8 year old latino tested it and climbed right over it. My advice to you my American brothers and sisters is, that don't think with your 300 pound soda bellies. Other nations don't have those, so they will walk right across you, starting with your fences.

Your thoughts?
The replica is a wooden reproduction. Its not the wall at all.
Check this out:

Trump Boasted That His Border Wall Was 'Virtually Impenetrable.' Then an 8-Year-Old Girl Climbed a Replica

Well, this 8 year old latino tested it and climbed right over it. My advice to you my American brothers and sisters is, that don't think with your 300 pound soda bellies. Other nations don't have those, so they will walk right across you, starting with your fences.

Your thoughts?

Another string on this bullshit? Did you even watch that video, Anotherlife? The only way that 8 year old girl climbs over that wall is to cheat by using the back and the side of the wall when she's climbing it. My "thoughts" are that you're rather naïve!

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