The Trump White House’s Intern Program Is Once Again Very, Very White

It's a problem because TheLittleHeKnow's self-hating ass is outraged.

Oh, the nice little special WeakWhyte snowflake is frothing. Hucklefvck up! :113:

Just accurately identifying the truth, my pleasure. It's impossible for you to comprehend as you have never done such.

Looking at your avatar, contrasting Christian values which built the West, to Islamic values which built mud-huts and stand for gay executions and oppression of women. From this kind of fellow, any amount of ignorance is to be expected.

Evangelicals and Islamists are basically a stone's throw from one another. Both are close-minded control freaks who take issue with women being allowed to make their own decisions, for some unknowable reason.

That unknowable reason is called respect for life. An alien concept to some of you.

"Respect for life". What a joke. Don't make me laugh. It has nothing to do with respect or life. It has everything to do with domination and control.

"Once that "life" is around, we want nothing to do with it, though. Tell that baby to get a fucking job!"

Then here I am in the "it's not my fucking business" camp. Because it isn't.

What a dumbass. There is no shortage of couples wishing to adopt babies, and that makes half your argument a joke. The other half is pure bigotry towards people who make you feel like a loser.

When your respect for life depends on whether it is Wednesday or Thursday, you have a serious mental problem.
Oh, the nice little special WeakWhyte snowflake is frothing. Hucklefvck up! :113:

Just accurately identifying the truth, my pleasure. It's impossible for you to comprehend as you have never done such.

Looking at your avatar, contrasting Christian values which built the West, to Islamic values which built mud-huts and stand for gay executions and oppression of women. From this kind of fellow, any amount of ignorance is to be expected.

Evangelicals and Islamists are basically a stone's throw from one another. Both are close-minded control freaks who take issue with women being allowed to make their own decisions, for some unknowable reason.

That unknowable reason is called respect for life. An alien concept to some of you.

"Respect for life". What a joke. Don't make me laugh. It has nothing to do with respect or life. It has everything to do with domination and control.

"Once that "life" is around, we want nothing to do with it, though. Tell that baby to get a fucking job!"

Then here I am in the "it's not my fucking business" camp. Because it isn't.

What a dumbass. There is no shortage of couples wishing to adopt babies, and that makes half your argument a joke. The other half is pure bigotry towards people who make you feel like a loser.

When your respect for life depends on whether it is Wednesday or Thursday, you have a serious mental problem.

100% of your comment is either irrelevant or just makes no sense. Congrats.
So lefties think that limiting abortions is as bad as stoning women for getting raped and putting them in burkas. Outlawing driver's licenses for women.

That may be the case for the lefties who can not live without their weekly abortions paid by others. For the rest of the population (the sane ones), killing their own children is not in the menu in any case.

Pretty much what I expected from regressives. But please keep up with the abortions, can't wait for you guys to be permanently aborted from the gene pool.
So lefties think that limiting abortions is as bad as stoning women for getting raped and putting them in burkas. Outlawing driver's licenses for women.

That may be the case for the lefties who can not live without their weekly abortions paid by others. For the rest of the population (the sane ones), killing their own children is not in the menu in any case.

Pretty much what I expected from regressives. But please keep up with the abortions, can't wait for you guys to be permanently aborted from the gene pool.

How about you just mind your own fucking business? It's not your concern what Shelly down the street does with her baby.

Not sure why it's so hard for you nosy people to understand.
So lefties think that limiting abortions is as bad as stoning women for getting raped and putting them in burkas. Outlawing driver's licenses for women.

That may be the case for the lefties who can not live without their weekly abortions paid by others. For the rest of the population (the sane ones), killing their own children is not in the menu in any case.

Pretty much what I expected from regressives. But please keep up with the abortions, can't wait for you guys to be permanently aborted from the gene pool.

How about you just mind your own fucking business? It's not your concern what Shelly down the street does with her baby.

Not sure why it's so hard for you nosy people to understand.

Except when Shelly whips out MY wallet to pay for her abortion, dumb-ass.

How about this, she has as many abortions as she wants, with her own money?

Lefties minding their own business is the rarest thing on the planet.
So lefties think that limiting abortions is as bad as stoning women for getting raped and putting them in burkas. Outlawing driver's licenses for women.

That may be the case for the lefties who can not live without their weekly abortions paid by others. For the rest of the population (the sane ones), killing their own children is not in the menu in any case.

Pretty much what I expected from regressives. But please keep up with the abortions, can't wait for you guys to be permanently aborted from the gene pool.

How about you just mind your own fucking business? It's not your concern what Shelly down the street does with her baby.

Not sure why it's so hard for you nosy people to understand.

Except when Shelly whips out MY wallet to pay for her abortion, dumb-ass.

How about this, she has as many abortions as she wants, with her own money?

Lefties minding their own business is the rarest thing on the planet.

Okay. I'm down with that.

The Trump White House's Intern Program Is Once Again Very, Very White | HuffPost

The White House is yet again facing fierce criticism over the lack of diversity of the participants in its intern program.

A photograph released Friday shows President Donald Trump posing with the spring intake, who are overwhelmingly white:


And? Diversity is a commiecrat invention to shame people who only hire the best and brightest.

Just like bigot and racist and being white

Fuck off maggot, you cant tell ethnic and racial background from a photo like that, actually I think blonds are under represented, there's a lot of dark hair in that photo.

Oh, the nice little special WeakWhyte snowflake is frothing. Hucklefvck up! :113:

Just accurately identifying the truth, my pleasure. It's impossible for you to comprehend as you have never done such.

Looking at your avatar, contrasting Christian values which built the West, to Islamic values which built mud-huts and stand for gay executions and oppression of women. From this kind of fellow, any amount of ignorance is to be expected.

Evangelicals and Islamists are basically a stone's throw from one another. Both are close-minded control freaks who take issue with women being allowed to make their own decisions, for some unknowable reason.

That unknowable reason is called respect for life. An alien concept to some of you.

"Respect for life". What a joke. Don't make me laugh. It has nothing to do with respect or life. It has everything to do with domination and control.

"Once that "life" is around, we want nothing to do with it, though. Tell that baby to get a fucking job!"

Then here I am in the "it's not my fucking business" camp. Because it isn't.

What a dumbass. There is no shortage of couples wishing to adopt babies, and that makes half your argument a joke. The other half is pure bigotry towards people who make you feel like a loser.

When your respect for life depends on whether it is Wednesday or Thursday, you have a serious mental problem.

No shortage of couples willing to adopt? Then why are over one hundreds thousand children waiting to be adopted? Why do children needing permanent homes wait, on average, three years to be adopted?

Adoption Statistics | Adoption Network
I guess like any smart organization, they look for the most talented people first ahead of just counting skin color alone like a racist bobblehead like you would. If more blacks want to make they cut, they should work on their educations. The fact that few blacks are shown here isn't Trump's fault but a failure of the inner city public schools and the media busy telling all the blacks that Trump is a KKK Nazi! When diversity happens naturally, it is a great thing, but when it is forced, you end up with a lot of people in positions they do not merit.

Sorry dude, don't mean to confound you but SKIN COLOR is not a job qualification.

I just thought it was funny considering the state of politics right now.

So you think Trump ought to take the "state of politics" into consideration when hiring interns just to make it look good? That's called Affirmative Action. I don't think Trump cares about how things LOOK-- -- -- I think he's more concerned about how things WORK. Besides, with all the bullshit media stories created about Trump, maybe minorities just aren't even applying for these jobs! Maybe they figure Why Bother! The Media has spent a year and a half telling minorities that Trump is against them to turn them against Trump----- maybe it worked. The Media tells everyone Trump is a White Nationalist, non-whites then don't apply, and when his internship turns out mostly white as a result, people say: See! Another Media-created self-fulfilling public misconception. It's how Democrats get votes.

The Trump White House's Intern Program Is Once Again Very, Very White | HuffPost

The White House is yet again facing fierce criticism over the lack of diversity of the participants in its intern program.

A photograph released Friday shows President Donald Trump posing with the spring intake, who are overwhelmingly white:


How terrible. Must mean he's a racist:

View attachment 185727

President Obama White House Interns Stock Photos & President Obama White House Interns Stock Images - Alamy
Were you trying to make a point?

I see blacks, Hispanics, Asians throughout the group
----------------------------------------- i don't know , ALL i see are young Americans RWinger !!
Young Americans who are not all from the “right” families
Re: the thread title, what is wrong with a predominately Caucasian Intern Program?

1. For maybe 30 more years, the majority ethnicity in this country will be Caucasian. So it's natural that Caucasians should be the majority across the board when it comes to government positions, etc.

2. President Obama's cabinets were predominately Caucasian. Why wasn't the Huff equally outraged?

The Trump White House's Intern Program Is Once Again Very, Very White | HuffPost

The White House is yet again facing fierce criticism over the lack of diversity of the participants in its intern program.

A photograph released Friday shows President Donald Trump posing with the spring intake, who are overwhelmingly white:


How terrible. Must mean he's a racist:

View attachment 185727

President Obama White House Interns Stock Photos & President Obama White House Interns Stock Images - Alamy
Were you trying to make a point?

I see blacks, Hispanics, Asians throughout the group
----------------------------------------- i don't know , ALL i see are young Americans RWinger !!
Young Americans who are not all from the “right” families
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you mean RIGHT as in political leaning . Hey , i probably agree with you . Why would the TRUMP hire an enemy crew of 'mrobama' types RWinger

The Trump White House's Intern Program Is Once Again Very, Very White | HuffPost

The White House is yet again facing fierce criticism over the lack of diversity of the participants in its intern program.

A photograph released Friday shows President Donald Trump posing with the spring intake, who are overwhelmingly white:


How terrible. Must mean he's a racist:

View attachment 185727

President Obama White House Interns Stock Photos & President Obama White House Interns Stock Images - Alamy
Were you trying to make a point?

I see blacks, Hispanics, Asians throughout the group
----------------------------------------- i don't know , ALL i see are young Americans RWinger !!
Young Americans who are not all from the “right” families

Well see! There you go. It is their fault.
I guess like any smart organization, they look for the most talented people first ahead of just counting skin color alone like a racist bobblehead like you would. If more blacks want to make they cut, they should work on their educations. The fact that few blacks are shown here isn't Trump's fault but a failure of the inner city public schools and the media busy telling all the blacks that Trump is a KKK Nazi! When diversity happens naturally, it is a great thing, but when it is forced, you end up with a lot of people in positions they do not merit.

Sorry dude, don't mean to confound you but SKIN COLOR is not a job qualification.

I just thought it was funny considering the state of politics right now.

So you think Trump ought to take the "state of politics" into consideration when hiring interns just to make it look good? That's called Affirmative Action. I don't think Trump cares about how things LOOK-- -- -- I think he's more concerned about how things WORK. Besides, with all the bullshit media stories created about Trump, maybe minorities just aren't even applying for these jobs! Maybe they figure Why Bother! The Media has spent a year and a half telling minorities that Trump is against them to turn them against Trump----- maybe it worked. The Media tells everyone Trump is a White Nationalist, non-whites then don't apply, and when his internship turns out mostly white as a result, people say: See! Another Media-created self-fulfilling public misconception. It's how Democrats get votes.

The other thing of course is that let's say Trump did find about 20 blacks, 8 middle-easterners, 10 Asians, 30 Hispanics, and had the picture taken. What do you think the libs here and MSM would be saying about that?
Re: the thread title, what is wrong with a predominately Caucasian Intern Program?

1. For maybe 30 more years, the majority ethnicity in this country will be Caucasian. So it's natural that Caucasians should be the majority across the board when it comes to government positions, etc.

2. President Obama's cabinets were predominately Caucasian. Why wasn't the Huff equally outraged?

This is not a majority Caucasian , it is all Caucasian. America is not all Caucasian.
I guess like any smart organization, they look for the most talented people first ahead of just counting skin color alone like a racist bobblehead like you would. If more blacks want to make they cut, they should work on their educations. The fact that few blacks are shown here isn't Trump's fault but a failure of the inner city public schools and the media busy telling all the blacks that Trump is a KKK Nazi! When diversity happens naturally, it is a great thing, but when it is forced, you end up with a lot of people in positions they do not merit.

Sorry dude, don't mean to confound you but SKIN COLOR is not a job qualification.

I just thought it was funny considering the state of politics right now.

So you think Trump ought to take the "state of politics" into consideration when hiring interns just to make it look good? That's called Affirmative Action. I don't think Trump cares about how things LOOK-- -- -- I think he's more concerned about how things WORK. Besides, with all the bullshit media stories created about Trump, maybe minorities just aren't even applying for these jobs! Maybe they figure Why Bother! The Media has spent a year and a half telling minorities that Trump is against them to turn them against Trump----- maybe it worked. The Media tells everyone Trump is a White Nationalist, non-whites then don't apply, and when his internship turns out mostly white as a result, people say: See! Another Media-created self-fulfilling public misconception. It's how Democrats get votes.

The other thing of course is that let's say Trump did find about 20 blacks, 8 middle-easterners, 10 Asians, 30 Hispanics, and had the picture taken. What do you think the libs here and MSM would be saying about that?

Probably nothing. We know we are not a majority. But whites like you think you deserve 100 percent of everything and you don't.

A reflection of a racist president.
The problem is that not many Republicans or Republican donors are minorities

Those are the sources of interns

I also doubt if many minorities want to work in a Trump White House

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