The Truth About AOC


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
All of these Democrat's candidates are frauds. Yea, Obama has a fake birth certificate. I already knew he was a actor. But Hillary Clinton. When she was running against Pres.Trump. She had asked Mark Cuban to come to her debates while she debated with the President. To see if his economical plans are legit, or to see if he was bluffing. It is as if she didn't know anything about economics, in order for her to get an outside source. And which means that the Globalist are illiterate as well. That they just pay money to politicians to help push their agendas or products, but doesn't know the outcome of their deals. Like they are playing a game of Russian roulette. But tin their case, that they are playing Russia roulette with an automatic, but not with a revolver. Pres.Trump wasn't raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. His dad made sure that he understand the business. And which Pres.Trump is a great listener. I noticed that at the Republican's debate. How he wanted to hear his opponents' views.

All of these Democrat's candidates are frauds. Yea, Obama has a fake birth certificate. I already knew he was a actor. But Hillary Clinton. When she was running against Pres.Trump. She had asked Mark Cuban to come to her debates while she debated with the President. To see if his economical plans are legit, or to see if he was bluffing. It is as if she didn't know anything about economics, in order for her to get an outside source. And which means that the Globalist are illiterate as well. That they just pay money to politicians to help push their agendas or products, but doesn't know the outcome of their deals. Like they are playing a game of Russian roulette. But tin their case, that they are playing Russia roulette with an automatic, but not with a revolver. Pres.Trump wasn't raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. His dad made sure that he understand the business. And which Pres.Trump is a great listener. I noticed that at the Republican's debate. How he wanted to hear his opponents' views.

No one takes the right wing seriously.
“Pres.Trump wasn't raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. ”

What? You didn’t believe her when she said that?
The reason why AOC was very upset about the picture of her and her Chief of Staff eating a hamburger? It is because her COS was schooling her on what to say. And now, she has to be very careful while being schooled. Luckily, Obama had transferred everything into digital. So now she doesn't have to worry about any static interference while using her small wireless earphone.


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