The Truth about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin and their "relationship"

Loving America is taboo with Communists/Progressives. They're Globalists. They don't care about American Citizens. They don't put Americans' interests first.

And that's why Trump could beat em. His message of putting Americans first is resonating. He's the Anti-Globalist Candidate. That's the main reason i'm supporting him. It's time to put Americans first again.
We love America. We know it's great. Right wingers don't.

Globalists don't put Americans first. I've had it with em. I have to support Trump.
Wasn't Obama a good friend of Putin? Didn't he tell Putin, he would have more "room" after the 2012 elections to remove missiles from eastern Europe?
Wasn't Obama a good friend of Putin? Didn't he tell Putin, he would have more "room" after the 2012 elections to remove missiles from eastern Europe?

Turned out to be another lie. The West has been moving missiles close to Russia for years. It took advantage of a weakened Russia. It's given it no choice but to retaliate. Russia's getting stronger. It's recovering from the collapse.

Russia is beginning to assert itself again. It's sad though, we had a chance to form a close relationship. Instead, our leaders chose hostility and another Cold War. It's all part of the MIC Permanent War agenda. Gotta keep on creating Boogeymen for the American Sheeple to fear and hate.
If Vladimir Putin had walked up to Donald Trump in the middle of Times Square and handed him an envelope with the email transcripts, it would not change the contents of the emails one iota. The transcripts would still show the Democratic Party to be corrupt to the core.

It's just like Clinton's server. She's plainly guilty. Comey pronounced her guilty. EVERYONE knows she's guilty. The Democrats either simply won't face it for political reasons, or they simply don't care due to the widespread corruption within that Party and sheep-like sycophancy towards the Clinton fantasy.
I doubt Putin and Trump have ever met. However Dems already are writing novels about their "relationship."

Here is a perfect example how liberal media spins everything Putin does or says.

Putin Crushes CNN Smartass Fareed Zakaria Before Live Audience (Video)

Mr. Zakaria asked Putin why he complimented Donald Trump, calling him "brilliant, talented, and smart." Putin's response was, essentially, "I called him colorful - what part of 'colorful' don't you understand?" He then proceeded on a rhetorical tour de force against the hypocrisy of US foreign policy and criticism of Russia that left poor Fareed clearly looking like he'd been humbled.

Zakaria didn't check the facts. This typifies the MSM laziness and mindless parroting of all manner of misinformation regarding Russia. Maybe next time smug Fareed will do his homework, if he wants to avoid getting schooled.

! Watch the face of Italian prime minister, he’s definitely enjoying Putin’s answers.

The OP is very, very low information and very, very high partisan Dem-Lib-bot.

very very high partisan?....dean?....whatever gave you that idea?....
Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.’ And God granted it.”

The tale of the thieved emails at the Democratic National Committee is just too good to be true.

The WikiLeaks dump came Friday night. By Sunday, Clinton’s crowd had unleashed the mechanical rabbit, and the press hounds were dutifully chasing it.

The new party line: The Russians did it! Purpose: Change the subject. Redirect the media away from the DNC conspiracy to sabotage Sanders’ campaign. Well, do not the people have “a right to know” of sordid schemes of DNC operatives to sink a presidential campaign? If the Russians were helpful in bringing to the attention of the American people the anti-democratic business being done at the DNC, perhaps the Russians deserve similar recognition.

Will Putin get a Pulitzer?

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