The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.
Perhaps you would get more response if you displayed pictures of MorMan latte's and breakfast food dripping with syrup on your magic golden plates! A certain "FoxFyre" seems to be doing well using that format.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Another deflection response. Yes they/Mormons believe in something........It's what they believe that either is foundational/biblically sound or is not.

You readers/folks out there have the evidences, and have observed the deflective responses when these Mormons are faced with biblical, archeological, and historical data.

Evidence demands a verdict.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Another deflection response. Yes they/Mormons believe in something........It's what they believe that either is foundational/biblically sound or is not.

You readers/folks out there have the evidences, and have observed the deflective responses when these Mormons are faced with biblical, archeological, and historical data.

Evidence demands a verdict.

The evidence you have cited is full of part truths and falsehoods. It is from a site that is dedicated to refuting Mormon, 7th. Day Adventist, and Jehova's Witness doctrine.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Another deflection response. Yes they/Mormons believe in something........It's what they believe that either is foundational/biblically sound or is not.

You readers/folks out there have the evidences, and have observed the deflective responses when these Mormons are faced with biblical, archeological, and historical data.

Evidence demands a verdict.

The evidence you have cited is full of part truths and falsehoods. It is from a site that is dedicated to refuting Mormon, 7th. Day Adventist, and Jehova's Witness doctrine.

I will assume that your comments are not because you are a LDS apologist, but because you don't "buy into" the belief that the bible is the foundational/compass point for determining what is Christian and what is not.

I will also take a wild guess that you are agnostic, but like most atheists and agnostics, see the bible as a fairy tale book not unlike the BOM of the LDS church.
The web site I gave you that critiqued LDS, and JW, and 7th Day folks only supports what agrees with the bible.

If you do not accept the bible as God's inspired communique' to mankind then it will be difficult to discuss issues with you, as you don't have a foundational point/compass of belief to base your critiques upon.

Never the less you are very welcome to continue to post and comment.

Also, we must ask ourselves where is Christianity's foundation point/compass without the bible? The LDS/Mormons claim that the bible is not accurate, based on the claims of a person of very questionable background and character. LDS historians have formulated their own home-grown unsubstantiated history of J.S. Jr. and other early LDS leaders as a defense against the mounting and unrefutable evidences of how their church was started and arrived where it is nowadays.

There is absolutely no evidences in J.S. Jr.'s life of an actual salvation/born again change as Christ told Nicodemus the Pharisee in the bible. J.S. Jrs. life has never exhibited a contrite heart attitude in respect to Christ and or God, nor did his life while leading his followers Westward from New York to Utah reflect a humility/humbleness of life that would indicate that he/J.S. had an understand of the "grace" of God that is offered to all mankind through the death/burial/ressurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Cross: Mormons think or teach that it is a morbid symbol for Christians to wear around their necks or place upon the steeple of their churches. They will even say that it isn't any different from wearing a little electric chair symbol around one's neck.

That(the cross) is evidence of the Mormon's total lack of understanding of what the Cross trully means to the true biblical Christian. Yes the true Christian realizes that the cross was one very morbid execution device and means, but if it wasn't for that Roman cross on Golgotha Hill outside the city walls of Jerusalem the Son of God would not have "beat" death, sin, and mankinds ultimate eternal destiny that was "total eternal separation from their Maker".

The entire foundation of Christianity is based on what happened at Golgotha, and what finished-up 3 days later when Christ arose from the dead.
I say this respectfully to you Skeptik. :)
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Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Does Jerry Falwell , Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family and every other Christian evangelist, group profit off of their "scams"?
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Does Jerry Falwell , Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family and every other Christian evangelist, group profit off of their "scams"?

And don't the scamers put a stumbling block in front of the unbeliever.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Does Jerry Falwell , Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family and every other Christian evangelist, group profit off of their "scams"?

Scams? Such as?

Jerry Falwell was a Baptist preacher that got involved in politics, but never ran for an office. Was President of Liberty Baptist College.

Pat Robertson: Never scammed as far as I know, but made some statements publically that got him in hot water. I.E. Said that natural disasters that happen to our nation were "possibly" God's judgement because the nation has strayed-away from it's biblical roots.

Dr. Dobson/Focus On The Family: He hosted that show for years and was a foremost pediatrician/psychologist who wrote many best sellers, like "Dare To Discipline", "Tough Love", and many other books on raising children.
Dobson never ran for, nor aspired to running for public office. He is up in years now, and Focus on the Family is hosted by other folks now.
Dobson never strayed from biblical principles.
Preachers that our off-beam:

1. Jimmy Swaggert
2. Bob Tilton
3. Benny Hinn
4. Kenneth Copeland
5. Reverend Wright(Our President's pastor for many years)
Many preachers that started out biblical and then drifted off into unbiblical areas seemed to have things happen to their ministries that seemed like God's hand came down on them.

I.E. they would get caught being hypocrites.......preaching against pornography and then getting caught being involved in it.

Swaggert comes to mind concerning that.
One thing is certain. When a biblical man of God goes astry into sin, it is sooner or later found out, and that persoon usually fades away into obscurity.

Some have gone through a time of great repentance, and humility and have gone back into ministry, but I think they have tainted their effectiveness in bringing Gods Word to the people. I think it would be best that they step down and serve in capacities that aren't so public.
Jerry Falwell has gotten a bad rap from the left wing drive-by media that is totally secularized in every way.

Jerry Falwell used to publically say things that were straight-on biblical, but just like we read in the New Testament......A lot of folks don't like hearing God's Word. They get angry, run away for escape(drugs, sex, pornography....etc.), or they play an indifferent role to hide their angst towards hearing these bible truths.

Where I live in the S.F. bay area........a polling of folks indicated that 97% don't attend any church on Sundays.

Is that the fault of the churches, or is their anti-Christian/bible mantra being covertly spread through the media, and our higher institutions of learning that's causing this.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Most definitely! He scammed people with treasure hunting along with his Dad in New York.

He had a lot of charisma which hooked folks into his get-rich ploys.......then he found this charisma and knack for influencing people would work very-well with starting a religious movement.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Most definitely! He scammed people with treasure hunting along with his Dad in New York.

He had a lot of charisma which hooked folks into his get-rich ploys.......then he found this charisma and knack for influencing people would work very-well with starting a religious movement.

Other than the getting killed by a mob part, it worked out wonderfully well for him.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Did Joseph Smith profit? No

Which makes you ask: Was it really a scam?

Looks as if he did well Sex money and power till his wickedness with married women caught up with him.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Did Joseph Smith profit? No

Which makes you ask: Was it really a scam?

Oh, he profited.......He did better than Mohammed's promise of 77 virgins in the afterlife..........Smith was doing underage girls in his earthly life.......

Also, Charisma only takes you so far, and then you have to back things up with facts............Obama is learning that too.
Another deflection response. Yes they/Mormons believe in something........It's what they believe that either is foundational/biblically sound or is not.

You readers/folks out there have the evidences, and have observed the deflective responses when these Mormons are faced with biblical, archeological, and historical data.

Evidence demands a verdict.

The evidence you have cited is full of part truths and falsehoods. It is from a site that is dedicated to refuting Mormon, 7th. Day Adventist, and Jehova's Witness doctrine.

I will assume that your comments are not because you are a LDS apologist, but because you don't "buy into" the belief that the bible is the foundational/compass point for determining what is Christian and what is not.

I will also take a wild guess that you are agnostic, but like most atheists and agnostics, see the bible as a fairy tale book not unlike the BOM of the LDS church.
The web site I gave you that critiqued LDS, and JW, and 7th Day folks only supports what agrees with the bible.

If you do not accept the bible as God's inspired communique' to mankind then it will be difficult to discuss issues with you, as you don't have a foundational point/compass of belief to base your critiques upon.

Never the less you are very welcome to continue to post and comment.

Also, we must ask ourselves where is Christianity's foundation point/compass without the bible? The LDS/Mormons claim that the bible is not accurate, based on the claims of a person of very questionable background and character. LDS historians have formulated their own home-grown unsubstantiated history of J.S. Jr. and other early LDS leaders as a defense against the mounting and unrefutable evidences of how their church was started and arrived where it is nowadays.

There is absolutely no evidences in J.S. Jr.'s life of an actual salvation/born again change as Christ told Nicodemus the Pharisee in the bible. J.S. Jrs. life has never exhibited a contrite heart attitude in respect to Christ and or God, nor did his life while leading his followers Westward from New York to Utah reflect a humility/humbleness of life that would indicate that he/J.S. had an understand of the "grace" of God that is offered to all mankind through the death/burial/ressurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Cross: Mormons think or teach that it is a morbid symbol for Christians to wear around their necks or place upon the steeple of their churches. They will even say that it isn't any different from wearing a little electric chair symbol around one's neck.

That(the cross) is evidence of the Mormon's total lack of understanding of what the Cross trully means to the true biblical Christian. Yes the true Christian realizes that the cross was one very morbid execution device and means, but if it wasn't for that Roman cross on Golgotha Hill outside the city walls of Jerusalem the Son of God would not have "beat" death, sin, and mankinds ultimate eternal destiny that was "total eternal separation from their Maker".

The entire foundation of Christianity is based on what happened at Golgotha, and what finished-up 3 days later when Christ arose from the dead.
I say this respectfully to you Skeptik. :)

The website that you swear by is accepting of only their interpretation of the Bible. Who are they to say they are the true authority on the Bible?
Just as you might ask the same question of us. But we don't see the Bible the same way as you do so don't pretend as if your understanding of it is the uniform way of all the world. If there one uniform way of understanding, we'd all be "Mormons" by now, or some other church. But we're not all unified so don't pretend as if we are.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Joseph Smith died a poor man as to wealth of the world, but none profitted more in spiritual wealth and treasures laid up in store for the other side.
Does anyone else have any questions about what we believe? I think it's been established what we do believe and what we don't believe, no thanks to 8-Ball.

Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Does Jerry Falwell , Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family and every other Christian evangelist, group profit off of their "scams"?

Joseph did not profit monetarily from his ministry. If you believe it was a scam, then you must say he was a complete failure if money was his aim.
Do you believe Joesph Smith Profited off this Mormon scam he started.

Does Jerry Falwell , Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family and every other Christian evangelist, group profit off of their "scams"?

Scams? Such as?

Jerry Falwell was a Baptist preacher that got involved in politics, but never ran for an office. Was President of Liberty Baptist College.

Pat Robertson: Never scammed as far as I know, but made some statements publically that got him in hot water. I.E. Said that natural disasters that happen to our nation were "possibly" God's judgement because the nation has strayed-away from it's biblical roots.

Dr. Dobson/Focus On The Family: He hosted that show for years and was a foremost pediatrician/psychologist who wrote many best sellers, like "Dare To Discipline", "Tough Love", and many other books on raising children.
Dobson never ran for, nor aspired to running for public office. He is up in years now, and Focus on the Family is hosted by other folks now.
Dobson never strayed from biblical principles.
Preachers that our off-beam:

1. Jimmy Swaggert
2. Bob Tilton
3. Benny Hinn
4. Kenneth Copeland
5. Reverend Wright(Our President's pastor for many years)
Many preachers that started out biblical and then drifted off into unbiblical areas seemed to have things happen to their ministries that seemed like God's hand came down on them.

I.E. they would get caught being hypocrites.......preaching against pornography and then getting caught being involved in it.

Swaggert comes to mind concerning that.
One thing is certain. When a biblical man of God goes astry into sin, it is sooner or later found out, and that persoon usually fades away into obscurity.

Some have gone through a time of great repentance, and humility and have gone back into ministry, but I think they have tainted their effectiveness in bringing Gods Word to the people. I think it would be best that they step down and serve in capacities that aren't so public.
Jerry Falwell has gotten a bad rap from the left wing drive-by media that is totally secularized in every way.

Jerry Falwell used to publically say things that were straight-on biblical, but just like we read in the New Testament......A lot of folks don't like hearing God's Word. They get angry, run away for escape(drugs, sex, pornography....etc.), or they play an indifferent role to hide their angst towards hearing these bible truths.

Where I live in the S.F. bay area........a polling of folks indicated that 97% don't attend any church on Sundays.

Is that the fault of the churches, or is their anti-Christian/bible mantra being covertly spread through the media, and our higher institutions of learning that's causing this.

I agree with you on the media trying to destroy God in every form. The media either overtly or covertly, is always seemingly on the attack of God in all his representations. The Bible, His servants, Jesus Himself, The Book of Mormon and anyone who will stand up for true principles that may be unpopular with secular customs of the day like promiscuity, homosexuality, drugs of all kinds, gambling etc. Speaking out against these things ruffles feathers of those profitting in the media from these evils. So the media attacks the credibility of the complaining source. We are in agreeance on this.

But I also thought it interesting that u mention scammers who eventually are found out and fade into obscurity. I agree that's what usually happens to these scammers. Funny how Joseph Smith Jr. has endured and grown in recognition and is becoming more and more known and less and less obscure as the years go by. Imagine that:eusa_angel:

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