"The Truth About Oil" ***

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
"New breakthroughs are actually increasing U.S. supplies. But homegrown oil isn't going to lower prices at the pump" ***
*** Cover Time Magazine April 9, 2012

What is there to discuss? You don't have a link, any facts or figures.

How's the weather in the Bay area today?
"New breakthroughs are actually increasing U.S. supplies. But homegrown oil isn't going to lower prices at the pump" ***
*** Cover Time Magazine April 9, 2012


Time Magazine has become a left wing rag and is on the verge of bankruptcy. The truth is that speculators drive up the price of crude. Speculators are gamblers who bet the odds and the odds are that Barry will do everything in his power to keep oil prices high in order to punish Americans for their decadence and change the fabric of American society. Speculators are no dummies. They will make money while Obama pushes the US further down the road to socialism and donate to his campaign in the meantime. If Barry opened ANWAR and authorized American companies to drill the speculators would take their money and run but that ain't likely to happen while the fools in the left wing media continue to push his propaganda and let him blame everyone else for his failure of leadership.
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What is there to discuss? You don't have a link, any facts or figures.

How's the weather in the Bay area today?

No link because I get Time in the mail and reading the article is not necessary in responding to the thread. Some won't read anyway, they have been convinced that drilling for oil and building the pipeline are the solutions to all of our energy needs.

[Today, we've had rain, wind, showers and now sun. Spring has sprung and this weekend the tomatoes go in as well as the herbs and onions, the citrus get pruned (lemon, lime, navel Orange and pommelo grapefruit) and the apricot, fig and nectarine get checked for bugs and sprayed if necessary.]
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"New breakthroughs are actually increasing U.S. supplies. But homegrown oil isn't going to lower prices at the pump" ***
*** Cover Time Magazine April 9, 2012


ANYBODY but Obama - asswipe

Thanks for sharing. Hey, does rain get in the way of your 'hobby'? I guess little boys and girls don't ride their bikes in the rain, and if they did the seats wouldn't have that scent you crave.
Increasing domestic oil production was never about lowering gasoline prices.

It's about decreasing imports, lowering the trade defecit, employing Americans, keeping our petro dollars within our own borders, increasing royalty and bonus revenues to the Treasury, contributing to the GDP, improving tax revenues to Federal State and Local entities, and boosting economic activity
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Now that we've heard from the idiot fringe, a a shout out to 'warrior', it seems all this hoopla about the Keystone Pipeline and "Drill Baby Drill" is the Republicans usual non substantive bullshit. Sad, the former Grand Olde Party has devolved to their fringe elements, represented by liars.
Increasing domestic oil production was never about lowering gasoline prices. I Agree. Seems the usual RWers on this board don't.
It's about decreasing imports, lowering the trade defecit, employing Americans, keeping our petro dollars within our own borders, increasing royalty and bonus revenues to the Treasury, contributing to the GDP, improving tax revenues to Federal State and Local entities, and boosting economic activity

Oh, you mean stimulating the economy because keystone is shovel ready? I wonder how shovel ready it will be once the neighbors engage in NIMBY activity?

All of what you suggest would be available and we would be better served by the Government supporting R&D of Green and renewable energy.
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What is there to discuss? You don't have a link, any facts or figures.

How's the weather in the Bay area today?

No link because I get Time in the mail and reading the article is not necessary in responding to the thread. Some won't read anyway, they have been convinced that drilling for oil and building the pipeline are the solutions to all of our energy needs.

[Today, we've had rain, wind, showers and now sun. Spring has sprung and this weekend the tomatoes go in as well as the herbs and onions, the citrus get pruned (lemon, lime, navel Orange and pommelo grapefruit) and the apricot, fig and nectarine get checked for bugs and sprayed if necessary.]


I think the graphics suck.

I don't get the magazine, so that covers the entire response you are going to get from me re the cover.
What is there to discuss? You don't have a link, any facts or figures.

How's the weather in the Bay area today?

No link because I get Time in the mail and reading the article is not necessary in responding to the thread. Some won't read anyway, they have been convinced that drilling for oil and building the pipeline are the solutions to all of our energy needs.

[Today, we've had rain, wind, showers and now sun. Spring has sprung and this weekend the tomatoes go in as well as the herbs and onions, the citrus get pruned (lemon, lime, navel Orange and pommelo grapefruit) and the apricot, fig and nectarine get checked for bugs and sprayed if necessary.]


I think the graphics suck.

I don't get the magazine, so that covers the entire response you are going to get from me re the cover.

And I suppose you believe the Keystone Pipeline and Drill Baby Drill combined are the panacea for our energy issues, so reading this article isn't necessary and avoiding cognitive dissonance is a priority. Correct?

From page one: "The future of oil. Extreme Oil - from the deep Atlantic to the Arctic, from Fracking in the U.S. to Sand in Canada - is replacing dwindling supplies. But it comes at a heavy economic and environmental cost"
by Bryan Walsh
Lefties seem to be of the opinion that more production equals higher prices and punishing oil companies results in lower gas prices. Proof that the world, logic and common sense is upside down in the liberal mind.
Now Whitey, we have increased production, and what have we seen? Higher prices is what we have seen. And will continue to see. High demand for a increasing dwindling supply. The easy oil is nearly gone, what we get now is going to cost in dollars and environmental damage.
Time Magazine is just rewording more of the same BS we have heard for 100 years.
While unconventional sources promise to keep the supply of oil flowing, it won't flow as easily as it did for most of the 20th century. The new supplies are for the most part more expensive than traditional oil from places like the Middle East, sometimes significantly so. They are often dirtier, with higher risks of accidents. The decline of major conventional oil fields and the rise in demand mean the spare production capacity that once cushioned prices could be gone, ushering in an era of volatile market swings. And burning all this leftover oil could lock the world into dangerous climate change. "I'm less concerned about the absolute disappearance of fossil fuels than about the environmental consequences of pursuing what's left," says Michael Klare, an energy expert and the author of The Race for What's Left. There will be oil, but it will be expensive, dirty and dangerous.

The truth about oil prices is found in the creation of money.
No link because I get Time in the mail and reading the article is not necessary in responding to the thread. Some won't read anyway, they have been convinced that drilling for oil and building the pipeline are the solutions to all of our energy needs.

[Today, we've had rain, wind, showers and now sun. Spring has sprung and this weekend the tomatoes go in as well as the herbs and onions, the citrus get pruned (lemon, lime, navel Orange and pommelo grapefruit) and the apricot, fig and nectarine get checked for bugs and sprayed if necessary.]


I think the graphics suck.

I don't get the magazine, so that covers the entire response you are going to get from me re the cover.

And I suppose you believe the Keystone Pipeline and Drill Baby Drill combined are the panacea for our energy issues, so reading this article isn't necessary and avoiding cognitive dissonance is a priority. Correct?

From page one: "The future of oil. Extreme Oil - from the deep Atlantic to the Arctic, from Fracking in the U.S. to Sand in Canada - is replacing dwindling supplies. But it comes at a heavy economic and environmental cost"
by Bryan Walsh

Let me get this straight, the fact that there is enough oil in the US to supply our energy needs for 200 years would have no impact on gas prices if it was being developed. You also want me to believe that the addition of a major pipeline from Canada, which would reduce the number of trucks and trains we currently use to ship oil from North Dakota, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions, would also not have a positive affect.

No, I don't buy it. Does the article try to say that fracking causes earthquakes? That would top off the idiocy and exemplify what Time Magazine has become.
Now Whitey, we have increased production, and what have we seen? Higher prices is what we have seen. And will continue to see. High demand for a increasing dwindling supply. The easy oil is nearly gone, what we get now is going to cost in dollars and environmental damage.

Guess what else we have?

Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation.
Now Whitey, we have increased production, and what have we seen? Higher prices is what we have seen. And will continue to see. High demand for a increasing dwindling supply. The easy oil is nearly gone, what we get now is going to cost in dollars and environmental damage.

Guess what else we have?

Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation.

I sugget you go to a library, or buy a copy of Time and read the article. I'll be happy to read the source where you learned, "Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation" is the reality.
Now Whitey, we have increased production, and what have we seen? Higher prices is what we have seen. And will continue to see. High demand for a increasing dwindling supply. The easy oil is nearly gone, what we get now is going to cost in dollars and environmental damage.

Guess what else we have?

Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation.

I sugget you go to a library, or buy a copy of Time and read the article. I'll be happy to read the source where you learned, "Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation" is the reality.

We have already read it!

Now are you saying taxes were not increased this year at the pump?

I can show you how the higher taxes caused the price spike.

There is also another action the government did that has increased prices.
Now Whitey, we have increased production, and what have we seen? Higher prices is what we have seen. And will continue to see. High demand for a increasing dwindling supply. The easy oil is nearly gone, what we get now is going to cost in dollars and environmental damage.

Guess what else we have?

Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation.

I sugget you go to a library, or buy a copy of Time and read the article. I'll be happy to read the source where you learned, "Increased demand, higher taxes, and more regulation" is the reality.

You don't think that worldwide demand for gasoline has increased? What fracking planet do you live on? The very article you are so proud of mentions that in the 3rd fracking paragraph, and you want me to read it.

What an idiot.
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