The truth about the AR-15 rifle, the most popular rifle in the U.S.

From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them.

I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
There will be no us vs. the military. They are us too. They have families and friends that are not in the military and know full well any order to go against the citizens is unconstitutional and unlawful. Same with cops.

Your argument is based on sheer stupidity. Try to massage the 2nd is your biggest problem, the founders wrote about arms, we don't need crystal balls to try to divine their thought process.

Arms are very well regulated as it is. If you don't follow the law more regs won't help.

You see only what you want to see Newman. Carry on.
Liar. All you offer is lies and smears. You want my guns? Come and get them.

Ah your just another angry peck.

Yes, cling to your guns the boogie man is right outside your door! Be afraid, run away! HAHHAHA
From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them.

I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
There will be no us vs. the military. They are us too. They have families and friends that are not in the military and know full well any order to go against the citizens is unconstitutional and unlawful. Same with cops.

Your argument is based on sheer stupidity. Try to massage the 2nd is your biggest problem, the founders wrote about arms, we don't need crystal balls to try to divine their thought process.

Arms are very well regulated as it is. If you don't follow the law more regs won't help.

You see only what you want to see Newman. Carry on.
Liar. All you offer is lies and smears. You want my guns? Come and get them.

Ah your just another angry peck.

Yes, cling to your guns the boogie man is right outside your door! Be afraid, run away! HAHHAHA
Cling to your frivolous laws...
.....The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. ....
Those Marines, if your story is completely true, should know guerrillas/insurgents did a lot to stop modern mechanized forces with bamboo sticks and IEDs.

More importantly, as Iceweasel already mentioned, in such a case, many in the military would be siding with their families and other relatives in the population. Guardsmen would likely side with their state against Federal troops. It would be a Second Civil War....and highly unlikely to happen for all those reasons.

Your fear of guns in the hands of private citizens is misplaced. Fear the teens and drunks behind the wheel of a car since you're more likely to be killed in a driving accident than being shot with a firearm.....unless you are a gang-banger, then the odds of being shot go up. Most likely you'll just die of heart disease.
.....The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. ....
Those Marines, if your story is completely true, should know guerrillas/insurgents did a lot to stop modern mechanized forces with bamboo sticks and IEDs.

More importantly, as Iceweasel already mentioned, in such a case, many in the military would be siding with their families and other relatives in the population. Guardsmen would likely side with their state against Federal troops. It would be a Second Civil War....and highly unlikely to happen for all those reasons.

Your fear of guns in the hands of private citizens is misplaced. Fear the teens and drunks behind the wheel of a car since you're more likely to be killed in a driving accident than being shot with a firearm.....unless you are a gang-banger, then the odds of being shot go up. Most likely you'll just die of heart disease.

You and the rest of the long list of derps here. Your brainless thoughts that everyone else is 'afraid of...' pick the subject is YOUR problem. It makes you feel good to believe such ridiculous garbage. Jesus do you people READ? Ever? Or do you just come here daily to spout crap at other humans?

You obviously don't read so I'm done reading your nonsense as well. Feel free to whine about how scared all the other humans are of......whatever makes you feel good. I'm really just tired of babysitting you non-thinking automotons.
this article documents the truth about this particular rifle...for some reason anti gunners hate it....more than they hate cars, knives, clubs and bare hands...all of which kill more people every single urea than the AR-15 a lot.......

If it was dead bodies they actually cared about...the anti gunners would have a few AR-15s and get rid of their cars, knives, long heavy objects and amputate their own hands and feet....

The AR-15 in their home is safer...if you care about actual deaths....

What Would It Look Like If The Media Told The Truth About AR-15s?

AR-15s are the most common kind of rifle sold in the United States.
Though the media will never admit it, variation of the AR-15 is by far the most common rifle sold in the United States. While exact figures are hard to pin down for a family of firearms that has been on the civilian market continuously since 1963 and which has been made by dozens of companies, estimates are 8-9 million AR-15 variants in the United States.

The most important fact in this story...and the one the anti gunners can't explain away....

AR-15s sales are up sharply, yet their use in crime is dropping.
Despite sales of AR-15s growing astronomically in recent years, homicides committed with rifles of all kinds are exceedingly rare and continue to plummet. Just 367 murders of 8,874 murders committed in 2010 were committed with any kind of rifle, and murders committed with AR-15s was too rare to bother tracking individually. Rifle homicides dropped to 298 in 2012, and to just 248 in 2014.

AR-15s are not “high-powered.”
Perhaps the most pathetic claim made by the media regarding the AR-15 is that it is “high-powered.” Objectively, that claim is a lie.

That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.
this article documents the truth about this particular rifle...for some reason anti gunners hate it....more than they hate cars, knives, clubs and bare hands...all of which kill more people every single urea than the AR-15 a lot.......

If it was dead bodies they actually cared about...the anti gunners would have a few AR-15s and get rid of their cars, knives, long heavy objects and amputate their own hands and feet....

The AR-15 in their home is safer...if you care about actual deaths....

What Would It Look Like If The Media Told The Truth About AR-15s?

AR-15s are the most common kind of rifle sold in the United States.
Though the media will never admit it, variation of the AR-15 is by far the most common rifle sold in the United States. While exact figures are hard to pin down for a family of firearms that has been on the civilian market continuously since 1963 and which has been made by dozens of companies, estimates are 8-9 million AR-15 variants in the United States.

The most important fact in this story...and the one the anti gunners can't explain away....

AR-15s sales are up sharply, yet their use in crime is dropping.
Despite sales of AR-15s growing astronomically in recent years, homicides committed with rifles of all kinds are exceedingly rare and continue to plummet. Just 367 murders of 8,874 murders committed in 2010 were committed with any kind of rifle, and murders committed with AR-15s was too rare to bother tracking individually. Rifle homicides dropped to 298 in 2012, and to just 248 in 2014.

AR-15s are not “high-powered.”
Perhaps the most pathetic claim made by the media regarding the AR-15 is that it is “high-powered.” Objectively, that claim is a lie.

That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?
this article documents the truth about this particular rifle...for some reason anti gunners hate it....more than they hate cars, knives, clubs and bare hands...all of which kill more people every single urea than the AR-15 a lot.......

If it was dead bodies they actually cared about...the anti gunners would have a few AR-15s and get rid of their cars, knives, long heavy objects and amputate their own hands and feet....

The AR-15 in their home is safer...if you care about actual deaths....

What Would It Look Like If The Media Told The Truth About AR-15s?

AR-15s are the most common kind of rifle sold in the United States.
Though the media will never admit it, variation of the AR-15 is by far the most common rifle sold in the United States. While exact figures are hard to pin down for a family of firearms that has been on the civilian market continuously since 1963 and which has been made by dozens of companies, estimates are 8-9 million AR-15 variants in the United States.

The most important fact in this story...and the one the anti gunners can't explain away....

AR-15s sales are up sharply, yet their use in crime is dropping.
Despite sales of AR-15s growing astronomically in recent years, homicides committed with rifles of all kinds are exceedingly rare and continue to plummet. Just 367 murders of 8,874 murders committed in 2010 were committed with any kind of rifle, and murders committed with AR-15s was too rare to bother tracking individually. Rifle homicides dropped to 298 in 2012, and to just 248 in 2014.

AR-15s are not “high-powered.”
Perhaps the most pathetic claim made by the media regarding the AR-15 is that it is “high-powered.” Objectively, that claim is a lie.

That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun
this article documents the truth about this particular rifle...for some reason anti gunners hate it....more than they hate cars, knives, clubs and bare hands...all of which kill more people every single urea than the AR-15 a lot.......

If it was dead bodies they actually cared about...the anti gunners would have a few AR-15s and get rid of their cars, knives, long heavy objects and amputate their own hands and feet....

The AR-15 in their home is safer...if you care about actual deaths....

What Would It Look Like If The Media Told The Truth About AR-15s?

AR-15s are the most common kind of rifle sold in the United States.
Though the media will never admit it, variation of the AR-15 is by far the most common rifle sold in the United States. While exact figures are hard to pin down for a family of firearms that has been on the civilian market continuously since 1963 and which has been made by dozens of companies, estimates are 8-9 million AR-15 variants in the United States.

The most important fact in this story...and the one the anti gunners can't explain away....

AR-15s sales are up sharply, yet their use in crime is dropping.
Despite sales of AR-15s growing astronomically in recent years, homicides committed with rifles of all kinds are exceedingly rare and continue to plummet. Just 367 murders of 8,874 murders committed in 2010 were committed with any kind of rifle, and murders committed with AR-15s was too rare to bother tracking individually. Rifle homicides dropped to 298 in 2012, and to just 248 in 2014.

AR-15s are not “high-powered.”
Perhaps the most pathetic claim made by the media regarding the AR-15 is that it is “high-powered.” Objectively, that claim is a lie.

That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.
From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them.

I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
There will be no us vs. the military. They are us too. They have families and friends that are not in the military and know full well any order to go against the citizens is unconstitutional and unlawful. Same with cops.

Your argument is based on sheer stupidity. Try to massage the 2nd is your biggest problem, the founders wrote about arms, we don't need crystal balls to try to divine their thought process.

Arms are very well regulated as it is. If you don't follow the law more regs won't help.

You see only what you want to see Newman. Carry on.
Liar. All you offer is lies and smears. You want my guns? Come and get them.

Ah your just another angry peck.

Yes, cling to your guns the boogie man is right outside your door! Be afraid, run away! HAHHAHA
Lies and stupidity are all that come off your keyboard.
this article documents the truth about this particular rifle...for some reason anti gunners hate it....more than they hate cars, knives, clubs and bare hands...all of which kill more people every single urea than the AR-15 a lot.......

If it was dead bodies they actually cared about...the anti gunners would have a few AR-15s and get rid of their cars, knives, long heavy objects and amputate their own hands and feet....

The AR-15 in their home is safer...if you care about actual deaths....

What Would It Look Like If The Media Told The Truth About AR-15s?

AR-15s are the most common kind of rifle sold in the United States.
Though the media will never admit it, variation of the AR-15 is by far the most common rifle sold in the United States. While exact figures are hard to pin down for a family of firearms that has been on the civilian market continuously since 1963 and which has been made by dozens of companies, estimates are 8-9 million AR-15 variants in the United States.

The most important fact in this story...and the one the anti gunners can't explain away....

AR-15s sales are up sharply, yet their use in crime is dropping.
Despite sales of AR-15s growing astronomically in recent years, homicides committed with rifles of all kinds are exceedingly rare and continue to plummet. Just 367 murders of 8,874 murders committed in 2010 were committed with any kind of rifle, and murders committed with AR-15s was too rare to bother tracking individually. Rifle homicides dropped to 298 in 2012, and to just 248 in 2014.

AR-15s are not “high-powered.”
Perhaps the most pathetic claim made by the media regarding the AR-15 is that it is “high-powered.” Objectively, that claim is a lie.

That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun
this article documents the truth about this particular rifle...for some reason anti gunners hate it....more than they hate cars, knives, clubs and bare hands...all of which kill more people every single urea than the AR-15 a lot.......

If it was dead bodies they actually cared about...the anti gunners would have a few AR-15s and get rid of their cars, knives, long heavy objects and amputate their own hands and feet....

The AR-15 in their home is safer...if you care about actual deaths....

What Would It Look Like If The Media Told The Truth About AR-15s?

AR-15s are the most common kind of rifle sold in the United States.
Though the media will never admit it, variation of the AR-15 is by far the most common rifle sold in the United States. While exact figures are hard to pin down for a family of firearms that has been on the civilian market continuously since 1963 and which has been made by dozens of companies, estimates are 8-9 million AR-15 variants in the United States.

The most important fact in this story...and the one the anti gunners can't explain away....

AR-15s sales are up sharply, yet their use in crime is dropping.
Despite sales of AR-15s growing astronomically in recent years, homicides committed with rifles of all kinds are exceedingly rare and continue to plummet. Just 367 murders of 8,874 murders committed in 2010 were committed with any kind of rifle, and murders committed with AR-15s was too rare to bother tracking individually. Rifle homicides dropped to 298 in 2012, and to just 248 in 2014.

AR-15s are not “high-powered.”
Perhaps the most pathetic claim made by the media regarding the AR-15 is that it is “high-powered.” Objectively, that claim is a lie.

That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.
That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.

The ak-47 murdered and is murdering far more people than the M16 ever did....
The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.

The ak-47 murdered and is murdering far more people than the M16 ever did....

Maybe so, but who'd wanna be the owner of a record like that!

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.

The ak-47 murdered and is murdering far more people than the M16 ever did....

Maybe so, but who'd wanna be the owner of a record like that!

I think comparing the number of victims of national military conflicts is futile.
We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

The phrase "well-regulated" referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.

So, you're actually correct, just not in the way you think you are.
We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.
Please try not to lie - the constitution says no such thing.
It speaks of a well-regulated militia, but does not impose that adjective on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
That particular gun has been used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world numbering in the millions of people. Courtesy of you, the taxpayer.

The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.

I will take no advice from you on any matter.

The guns are the same.
The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.

I will take no advice from you on any matter.

The guns are the same.

No problem, as far as taking advice.

But, once again, repeating the same misinformation does not change the truth.

But here is a question, if they are the same gun, why is one available for anyone who is able to own a gun, and ownership of the other is highly restricted and could land you in a federal penitentiary?

No, they are not the same. No more so than a Ford on s showroom floor is the same as a NASCAR race car.

That the AR-15 and the M16 look almost the same does not change the fact that the are not the same rifle.
The AR-15? Or are you referring to the M16?

Same gun

Similar gun. One is capable of firing 700 to 900 rounds per minute. The other is not.

But if you want to talk about how many people have been killed by the military, you might need to start a new thread.

Same gun

Repeating it does not make the statement any more accurate. I looks the same, to a point. But a semi-auto and a fully automatic weapon are not the same gun.

And as for your comment about it being used to perpetrate a slaughter on the world, if you wish to discuss those killed by the US Military with a specific rifle, you might also want to discuss the millions killed by other military forces using other rifles.

I will take no advice from you on any matter.

The guns are the same.

I was chuckling to myself about your "I will take no advice from you on any matter" remark. That you think our disagreement on one specific, and narrow topic renders all my advice worthless shows your own prejudices quite clearly.

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