The truth about the AR-15 rifle, the most popular rifle in the U.S.

The only thing I would argue with is the claim that the AR-15 is not a high powered rifle. While the round it fires is undersized, compared to many other calibers, it is certainly high powered.
If by "other calibers" you refer to "other" .224" rounds, like .222 Remington and .22LR, then sure.
Compare 5.56 to the small.243" or .234" magnum rounds - you will see it is not 'high powered'.
For the anti-gun mob; A Russian AR-15
Right because whatever someone says online is the absolute truth and cannot be a lie. LOL

Come on dude wtf. Do you take anyone's 'credentials' that they tell you online as real? You could be a 12 year old boy talking about playing COD. Relax. Have a Fresca!
Are you are admitting to lying? To telling less than the truth?

My point was you don't know enough to claim what others know or don't know. In fact, your comment that I bolded was obviously untrue....which makes you a liar.

The color is blue. I'm sure you will infer an encyclopedia of nonsensical 'meaning' from that as you do with everything else.

Allow me to break it to you, you don't read minds. Stop projecting your inner bias out onto everyone else.
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You couldn't just go and french kiss the barrel you had to post here about your love for metal?
Again you live in false memes that you repeat like a goat. The bell around your neck announces your presence from quite a distance.
You know, you could have just said "I have nothing of value to add to this conversation" and left it at that.

Not nearly as fun though. This isn't a NASA forum, it is for entertainment purposes as well.

You could have just ignored my post and moved on but you had to add your 'nothing of value'. And it was entertaining so thanks.
No. You can try and restate it any way you want. But you have, numerous times, advocated putting people in prison despite the fact that they broke no law.
Agreed. That's how authoritarian's work; they seek to dominate others and impose their will on them.



You conspiracy whacks have no end of evil enemies don't you. All the world is out to get you and you and your pea-shooter will be the saviors of humanity!
The Second Amendment is not broke, why fix it - it don't need fixing...
...Allow me to break it to you, you don't read minds. Stop projecting your inner bias out onto everyone else.
That's not an answer to the question, which means I'm touching a nerve.

No, I'm not a mind reader, no one is, but many people have expertise in psychology and interrogation techniques. Obviously something outside your own expertise.

The fact remains you bullshitted your previous answer and won't admit it. This makes you an unrepentant liar. YOUR CHOICE. You have lots of choices, just like everyone else. You choose your way and everyone else chooses theirs.

You conspiracy whacks have no end of evil enemies don't you. All the world is out to get you and you and your pea-shooter will be the saviors of humanity!
Where is my "conspiracy" theory? Didn't President Obama try to reinstate the Clinton gun ban? Wasn't he pissed that it didn't pass? Are you saying Hillary, if President, won't revisit the issue and do the same?
...Allow me to break it to you, you don't read minds. Stop projecting your inner bias out onto everyone else.
That's not an answer to the question, which means I'm touching a nerve.

No, I'm not a mind reader, no one is, but many people have expertise in psychology and interrogation techniques. Obviously something outside your own expertise.

The fact remains you bullshitted your previous answer and won't admit it. This makes you an unrepentant liar. YOUR CHOICE. You have lots of choices, just like everyone else. You choose your way and everyone else chooses theirs.

"which means", that is it. That is the moment when your mind wanders down the path and projects your weird biases out onto other people. Why does your brain do this? Because you are overly fearful of life and this is your minds way of trying to control that which it cannot control. It attempts to categorize everything into tidy little boxes so it has a 'complete' picture of the world. Thus it can see all the dangers headed your way.

But they aren't real. They are imagined. And for me I already know this is a dead-end proposition because conservatives are driven by fear. That in fact is what makes them conservative. All studies show this.
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...Allow me to break it to you, you don't read minds. Stop projecting your inner bias out onto everyone else.
That's not an answer to the question, which means I'm touching a nerve.

No, I'm not a mind reader, no one is, but many people have expertise in psychology and interrogation techniques. Obviously something outside your own expertise.

The fact remains you bullshitted your previous answer and won't admit it. This makes you an unrepentant liar. YOUR CHOICE. You have lots of choices, just like everyone else. You choose your way and everyone else chooses theirs.

"which means", that is it. That is the moment when your mind wanders down the path and projects your weird biases out onto other people. Why does your brain do this? Because you are overly fearful of life and this is your minds way of trying to control that which it cannot control. It attempts to categorize everything into tidy little boxes so it has a 'complete' picture of the world. Thus it can see all the dangers headed your way.

But they aren't real. They are imagined. And for me I already know this is a dead-end proposition because conservatives are driven by fear. That in fact is what makes them conserative. All studies show this.
You are free to believe whatever you like, sir. You accuse me of bias then claim "I already know this is a dead-end proposition because conservatives are driven by fear."

Waiting for the evidence of "all studies show this". Your factual reply is eagerly awaited.
No. You can try and restate it any way you want. But you have, numerous times, advocated putting people in prison despite the fact that they broke no law.
Agreed. That's how authoritarian's work; they seek to dominate others and impose their will on them.



You conspiracy whacks have no end of evil enemies don't you. All the world is out to get you and you and your pea-shooter will be the saviors of humanity!

This was not a discussion of a conspiracy theory. This was a discussion of what Lil JoeyB wants. He has said it clearly in numerous threads.
Post up where I said or implied such a thing.

Again, the falsehoods in your head are projected out onto other people.
What is your position on the Second Amendment?

You have a lot of flags in your signature. Are you a born American?

A normal post, very refreshing.

From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them. I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them.

I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
There will be no us vs. the military. They are us too. They have families and friends that are not in the military and know full well any order to go against the citizens is unconstitutional and unlawful. Same with cops.

Your argument is based on sheer stupidity. Try to massage the 2nd is your biggest problem, the founders wrote about arms, we don't need crystal balls to try to divine their thought process.

Arms are very well regulated as it is. If you don't follow the law more regs won't help.
From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them.

I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
There will be no us vs. the military. They are us too. They have families and friends that are not in the military and know full well any order to go against the citizens is unconstitutional and unlawful. Same with cops.

Your argument is based on sheer stupidity. Try to massage the 2nd is your biggest problem, the founders wrote about arms, we don't need crystal balls to try to divine their thought process.

Arms are very well regulated as it is. If you don't follow the law more regs won't help.

You see only what you want to see Newman. Carry on.
From PA and I own guns as do many people I know. Some are NRA members, all of them have no problem with vigorous background checks and other sensible regulations to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them.

I think the 2nd amendment guarantees Americans the right to own firearms but it also notes 'well regulated'. So either that means the regulation of guns or it means you can only own guns if you are in a well regulated militia. You can't mish-mash them up to read what you want it to read and when I say you I mean anyone that would do that.

The idea that Americans owning single shot rifles 'keeps us safe from the tyranny of our own government' ended just after the gatling gun was invented. Just before WW1. An armed US population could never defeat its own military in any fight. Ever. I know seven or eight marines that served from Vietnam to Afghanistan. When asked what a hundred thousand people armed even with automatic AK-47s could do if a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road each of them said put the weapon down and your hands up, there is no fight. Our only chance of course would be if most of our military sided with us but if it ever came to this those who would launch such an endeavor would have taken this into consideration and eliminated that possibility ahead of time. And this is all conjecture as I don't see this happening in any near future.

We have the right to own arms but they should be well regulated. Its already in the Constitution.

See, preconceived notions and memes don't serve a positive purpose. Most of the people you would view maybe as 'demons' are just people, like you.
There will be no us vs. the military. They are us too. They have families and friends that are not in the military and know full well any order to go against the citizens is unconstitutional and unlawful. Same with cops.

Your argument is based on sheer stupidity. Try to massage the 2nd is your biggest problem, the founders wrote about arms, we don't need crystal balls to try to divine their thought process.

Arms are very well regulated as it is. If you don't follow the law more regs won't help.

You see only what you want to see Newman. Carry on.
Liar. All you offer is lies and smears. You want my guns? Come and get them.
Please...can at least one anti gunner explain how background checks...even "vigorous" ones, stopped a criminal or mass shooter from getting guns.....

-- since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns

--or simply steal their guns....

-- mass shooters are more than happy to go through background checks....they usually go through several to get their couple of guns before they commit murder..

--or they too steal them....

So how will universal background checks stop any of that...

You morons are the useful idiots of the anti gun leaders......they know background checks don't work...but they know they are steps to get to banning and confiscation..slowly constricting the Right until it no longer exists......just like the snakes they are...
Please...can at least one anti gunner explain how background checks...even "vigorous" ones, stopped a criminal or mass shooter from getting guns.....

-- since criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns

--or simply steal their guns....

-- mass shooters are more than happy to go through background checks....they usually go through several to get their couple of guns before they commit murder..

--or they too steal them....

So how will universal background checks stop any of that...

You morons are the useful idiots of the anti gun leaders......they know background checks don't work...but they know they are steps to get to banning and confiscation..slowly constricting the Right until it no longer exists......just like the snakes they are...
More laws = more crime and less freedoms.

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