The truth about the AR-15 rifle, the most popular rifle in the U.S.

Hilarious. Explain what Japan or Germany would have done with no navy, airforce, or tanks. Japan had a number of rapid fire light and heavy machine guns, as did the Germans. The German MG42 had a fire rate of 1200 rounds per/min and Alllied troops were terrified of this weapon. The German Gewehr 43 was similar to the M1 Garand but had a larger 10 round magazine.

You can entertain your fantasies but don't try to alter history to fit your worldview.

Yes, Japan had numerous machineguns that all fired from clips or magazines. In fact a couple of them even mounted optical sights and mounted bayonets. The Germans did indeed have the MG42 and 34, and yes they were outstanding weapons for their era (hell the MG42 is still arguably the finest GPMG ever designed), the G-43 is nowhere near as good as the Garand (I own examples of both) and those they had were few and far between.

Regardless, what he is stating is factual. The tanks and airplanes are good at blowing stuff up but without the troops on the ground you can't hold anything, so yes, the Japanese and German armies OVERWHELMINGLY armed with bolt actioned rifles conquered huge tracts of territory. Your pathetic uueducated effort to deflect from that fact is duly noted.

Hey you know how to 'duly note' things. Good for you, did you get a gold star when you learned that?

Your whining changes nothing. Dorp suggested a bolt action rifle won something in WW2. Ludicrous to even a 6 year old. That you think the same betrays your ignorance of warfare, something common for conservatives. You do your best to 'mitigate' the ridiculousness of the statement he made by saying "troops on the ground" (a dishonest attempt to say dorp meant troops with mg's). Unfortunately you could have 1000 troops with bolt action rifles rush headlong at a few guys with machine guns and 1000 dead guys with their bolt action rifles will be lying on the ground come daylight.

Go look up the images of the battles on GuadalCanal. This is exactly what happened to the Japanese and their magical bolt action rifles. A few marines with machine guns piled them up like cord wood. Over and over.

And while you are at it read about Blitzkrieg. Nothing in there about 'bolt action rifles'.
Anyone else notice that when we get into a discussion of these guns, it ends up being about warfare action? That's because these guns were designed for WAR. Civilians don't need them. You can shoot a thug with a gun that shoots a maximum of 5 bullets at a load, just as easily as a gun that sprays 20 or 30 bullets as fast as you can pull the trigger. Forget the fantasy that anyone is going to stop the government if it decides to declare war on you.

It ain't a fantasy as it has actually happened. Even within your lifetime, so you are simply ignorant and wrong.

Please 'enlighten' us on how a population armed with semi-auto rifles is going to fight our military and do anything but lose within a week.

And now comes the 'but what about this and what about that'. And none of it will have to do with the almighty use of semi-auto rifles winning anything. Those days ended over 110 years ago.

Hey better fucking hurry up.....we are about to leave Iraq and Afghanistan where barbarians with semi-auto and full auto rifles and improvised explosives have fought us to the point where we are packing up our drones, missiles and Navy Seals and going home........

Hilarious. Explain what Japan or Germany would have done with no navy, airforce, or tanks. Japan had a number of rapid fire light and heavy machine guns, as did the Germans. The German MG42 had a fire rate of 1200 rounds per/min and Alllied troops were terrified of this weapon. The German Gewehr 43 was similar to the M1 Garand but had a larger 10 round magazine.

You can entertain your fantasies but don't try to alter history to fit your worldview.

Yes, Japan had numerous machineguns that all fired from clips or magazines. In fact a couple of them even mounted optical sights and mounted bayonets. The Germans did indeed have the MG42 and 34, and yes they were outstanding weapons for their era (hell the MG42 is still arguably the finest GPMG ever designed), the G-43 is nowhere near as good as the Garand (I own examples of both) and those they had were few and far between.

Regardless, what he is stating is factual. The tanks and airplanes are good at blowing stuff up but without the troops on the ground you can't hold anything, so yes, the Japanese and German armies OVERWHELMINGLY armed with bolt actioned rifles conquered huge tracts of territory. Your pathetic uueducated effort to deflect from that fact is duly noted.

Hey you know how to 'duly note' things. Good for you, did you get a gold star when you learned that?

Your whining changes nothing. Dorp suggested a bolt action rifle won something in WW2. Ludicrous to even a 6 year old. That you think the same betrays your ignorance of warfare, something common for conservatives. You do your best to 'mitigate' the ridiculousness of the statement he made by saying "troops on the ground" (a dishonest attempt to say dorp meant troops with mg's). Unfortunately you could have 1000 troops with bolt action rifles rush headlong at a few guys with machine guns and 1000 dead guys with their bolt action rifles will be lying on the ground come daylight.

Go look up the images of the battles on GuadalCanal. This is exactly what happened to the Japanese and their magical bolt action rifles. A few marines with machine guns piled them up like cord wood. Over and over.

And while you are at it read about Blitzkrieg. Nothing in there about 'bolt action rifles'.
Anyone else notice that when we get into a discussion of these guns, it ends up being about warfare action? That's because these guns were designed for WAR. Civilians don't need them. You can shoot a thug with a gun that shoots a maximum of 5 bullets at a load, just as easily as a gun that sprays 20 or 30 bullets as fast as you can pull the trigger. Forget the fantasy that anyone is going to stop the government if it decides to declare war on you.

It ain't a fantasy as it has actually happened. Even within your lifetime, so you are simply ignorant and wrong.

Please 'enlighten' us on how a population armed with semi-auto rifles is going to fight our military and do anything but lose within a week.

And now comes the 'but what about this and what about that'. And none of it will have to do with the almighty use of semi-auto rifles winning anything. Those days ended over 110 years ago.

The infantry in the U.S. army is a few million...gun owning Americans own 357,000,000 million rifles and pistols........and you can't count on the entire U.S. military to follow the stupidity of whatever socialist is ordering them to attack American citizens.....
If you have a machine shop and the skills necessary to create the parts that will fit in a precision machine, you probably could. And no, "most people" could certainly not produce the parts necessry to make the AR-15 fully automatic. But "most people" could certainly create a bomb that would kill far more people.

Was the rifle used by Holmes a fully automatic weapon?

Most people would just buy those parts at a gun show or on line.

Doesn't matter if holmes had a fully auto matic weapon or not. the fact he had a semi-automatic weapon with the power it had is the problem. 12 people died and anther 60 wer wounded, and you guys are okay with this.

I'm not.

No...he went to a gun free zone where a lot of people were in the dark, in a confined space where movement was tightly constricted by the lay out of the seating, with the complete element of surprise...again, against completely unarmed people...........he could have achieved the same end with 6 shot revolvers asswipe........
What if he used a pump shot gun with 00 buck shot, he would have killed even more people.
For those who insist that armed civilians could not withstand the US Military, you might look at what underfunded, undertrained, and outgunned populations have managed to do against us in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Afganistan, and other places.

As far as bolt actions go, they might not fare well in pitched battles against infantry. But no one would be doing that anyway.

The most feared individual in the Vietnam War was Gunnery Sgt Carlos Hathcock. The Vietcong put a higher price on his head than they put on the vice-president (when Nixon visited). Any Hathcock did most of his shooting with a Winchester Model 70 bolt action rifle.

Imagine the 4+ million deer hunters in the US deciding to be snipers.
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.

On a battlefield, you are correct. How many soldiers have we lost to insurgents in the Middle east?

Tanks and bombers need targets. Do you bomb civilian targets to get a few insurgents?
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality. Winterborn and I have pointed out...Iraq, Afghanistan...resisted the best trained, best equipped, most heavily armed military in the world....with all of those weapon systems you just mentioned...and we are leaving...and all they had were rifles and improvised explosives......and many of those rifles were poor quality surplus...... military history.........
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.

You really don't know anything about guns or using them do you.....? If you did you wouldn't post the garbage you just posted....
If you want to know the REAL problem with the AR15 go get yourself some tracer rounds and fire off a few at night. The incredible inaccuracy you can see for yourself is clear. Tracers do wild loops and they are all different flight paths. The AR15 is only accurate in close in situations. As a "rifle" is blows big chunks.
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.

You really don't know anything about guns or using them do you.....? If you did you wouldn't post the garbage you just posted....

You don't know anything about guns, the military, or history. Your world is a swirl of feeling and memes and how you make yourself feel good and powerful in the face of something you cannot defeat. Be happy, cling to your myths. But they are myths. Adults live in the real world.
The AR-15 was designed by the Army to kill Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam.

It has no business in private hands. Period.
AR 15 is the kiddie version of the M16 A1 assault rifle used by the military. You cant go full auto with it (unless you get a kit).
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.

And we've been fighting the Taliban for how long? ISIS? Yes, you ARE stupid. The evidence is sitting there right in front of your eyes and you either can't see it, or are intellectually dishonest and ignore it. Either way it marks you out for the moron that you are.
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.

You really don't know anything about guns or using them do you.....? If you did you wouldn't post the garbage you just posted....

You don't know anything about guns, the military, or history. Your world is a swirl of feeling and memes and how you make yourself feel good and powerful in the face of something you cannot defeat. Be happy, cling to your myths. But they are myths. Adults live in the real world.

Allow me to translate your post.......

Begin tramslation:

Wow....he just made me look stupid by pointing out the facts about lightly armed defenders driving out a better equipped force.....he knows his military history and the use of firearms in military conflicts.....I looked like an ass for everyone to do I get out of this....oh...oh...I know, I'll insult him........that allays works for us left wing nuts when we can't win an argument because the facts, the truth and reality show us to be ignorant and uninformed........

End Translation.......
Good lord the delusions are rampant.

Yes let us consider a million snipers against a platoon of M1A1 tanks, with Apache and A10 support, B52's, F18's, drones, cruise missilles, the marines, army, and navy.

More than anything it is sad the people that think they and their rifle will be the modern day minuteman. Those days ended more than a century ago kids. If we had to fight our own military there is no fight. Iraq had 500,000 men, thousands of artillery pieces, 700 aircraft, and hundreds of tanks. Our military went through them like a hot knife through melted butter in 4 days.

The American population has single shot rifles. Let's say they were all converted to auto-fire. Makes no difference. You really need to stop clinging to this fantasy and accept the reality and maybe try to solve it once you see the reality.

You really don't know anything about guns or using them do you.....? If you did you wouldn't post the garbage you just posted....

You don't know anything about guns, the military, or history. Your world is a swirl of feeling and memes and how you make yourself feel good and powerful in the face of something you cannot defeat. Be happy, cling to your myths. But they are myths. Adults live in the real world.

Let us know when you grow up then. Every adjective you just used to describe 2Aguy actually fits you to a "T".
The AR-15 was designed by the Army to kill Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam.

It has no business in private hands. Period.
AR 15 is the kiddie version of the M16 A1 assault rifle used by the military. You cant go full auto with it (unless you get a kit).

No...they AR-15 is a reliable civilian weapon used for self defense by both police and civilians........
The AR-15 was designed by the Army to kill Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam.

It has no business in private hands. Period.
AR 15 is the kiddie version of the M16 A1 assault rifle used by the military. You cant go full auto with it (unless you get a kit).

No...they AR-15 is a reliable civilian weapon used for self defense by both police and civilians........
Still the kiddie version of M16 without the kit.
The AR-15 was designed by the Army to kill Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam.

It has no business in private hands. Period.
AR 15 is the kiddie version of the M16 A1 assault rifle used by the military. You cant go full auto with it (unless you get a kit).

If you are just going to spray a clip close in IMHO you don't need a weapon the size of the AR15. If accuracy is important the AR15 is a joke. You may as well use an Bushmaster..same round ...half the size. There are lots of automatic rifles that are way superior for longer range shooting.
The AR-15 was designed by the Army to kill Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam.

It has no business in private hands. Period.
AR 15 is the kiddie version of the M16 A1 assault rifle used by the military. You cant go full auto with it (unless you get a kit).

No...they AR-15 is a reliable civilian weapon used for self defense by both police and civilians........
Still the kiddie version of M16 without the kit.

Yeah....try to use your key board intelligently.....that post was a poor example....
The AR-15 was designed by the Army to kill Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam.

It has no business in private hands. Period.
AR 15 is the kiddie version of the M16 A1 assault rifle used by the military. You cant go full auto with it (unless you get a kit).

No...they AR-15 is a reliable civilian weapon used for self defense by both police and civilians........
Still the kiddie version of M16 without the kit.

Yeah....try to use your key board intelligently.....that post was a poor example....
Anything I type is using the keyboard intelligently. Your post was a perfect example of being lame.
You don't know anything about guns, the military, or history. Your world is a swirl of feeling and memes and how you make yourself feel good and powerful in the face of something you cannot defeat. Be happy, cling to your myths. But they are myths. Adults live in the real world.
I'd love to see proof of your expertise on these issues.

Mine is 21 years in the military (active and reserves), a Masters Degree in International Relations and, of course, a long military training expertise in weaponry.

What is your history in comparison?

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