The Truth About the Nazis with Stephen Hicks

Obviously not all Germans make it past 3rd grade.

And what means this, superintelligent 24/7-idiot, who never says anything with substance so he is under all circumstances not able to be wrong?
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Germans would and did kill Jews,

German Jews did do so? Why? Do you have anything what I could call "real knowledge" or "real situation"? And what has this what you perhaps think or not think to do with the industrialized form of mass-murderer with death factories which is called meanwhile worldwide "holocaust" although "holocaust" is the wrong word for this what really had happened there.
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you said jews dont look any different, that Germans did not know who the Jews were

And you did not understand this. If you remember: The Nazis used a marker for their racism. Did "the Whites" use a marker for "the Blacks" in the USA? No? Why not? And was every "White" a slave holder and racist?
German Jews did do so? Why? Do you have anything what I could call "real knowledge" or "real situation"? And what has this what you perhaps think or not think to do with the industrialized form of mass-murderer with death factories which is called meanwhile worldwide "holocaust" although "holocaust" is the wrong word for this what really had happened there.
German Jews did what, why?

Discussing the society in which the latest holocaust of Jews happened is pertinent to the industrialization of mass-murder. Why do you think otherwise?
And you did not understand this. If you remember: The Nazis used a marker for their racism. Did "the Whites" use a marker for "the Blacks" in the USA? No? Why not? And was every "White" a slave holder and racist?
Many of the jews dressed differently than Germans, many Jews kept beards whereas the Germans did not.
'Germany' wasn't a country until the 1870's. Officials like Bismarck were faced with trying to invent a unifying social construct to bind all the disparate political entities and city states into a new shared national identity under the Hapsburg Crown. This in turn became an exclusionary function where non-German tribal peoples became 'foreigners' and ultimately 'outsiders'. The Jewish propensity for thousands of years to self-segregate themselves from the 'goyim' population into their own ghettoes in foreign cities like Vienna and London to avoid their culture being 'tainted' went a long way toward making them suspect. The myth peddled now is that they were forced into ghettoes cuz evul Xian bigotry n stuff, but it was Jews themselves early on that demanded their own exclusive neighborhoods. As the centuries went by they of course got crowded and their own prejudices bit them in the ass. The Nazi Party merely built on what was already a feature of German national identity.

This was also common in the U.S. among the wave of immigrants, mainly because of language issues; some major cities had ghettoes of foreigners, like German and Italian Harlem in NYC, China towns, etc.
Hitler was not running Germany in the 1870s. So ancient history seems not relevant here.
Hitler was not running Germany in the 1870s. So ancient history seems not relevant here.

Nobody here said he was, dumbass, and yes, prior German history did indeed play a big role in its politics, as anybody with any sense would know, especially since form 1870 to the Weimar Republic would in fact be recent history, not ancient history.

One can say fuck all Nazis and yet not condemn all Germans.

They aren’t synonyms.

But let’s be clear. Fuck all Nazis.
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German Jews did what, why?

A strange question. What do you do why?

Discussing the society in which the latest holocaust of Jews happened ...

It is one holocaust which had happend in history - the Holocaust - which was made from the Nazis but not only from Germans. In 1942 for example about 1/3rd of the SS (the executors of the Holocaust) not had been Germans - speciallly in the area where the Holocaust did happen. The Holocaust is an industrialized form of Darwinian mass-murder. From my point of view from inside of the German society the Holocaust is a fratricide - and not a genocide.
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Many of the jews dressed differently than Germans ...

No. Jews had been Germans like all others.


Artikel in der "Allgemeinen Zeitung des Judentums" vom 11. September 1912:

"Regensburg, 6. September 1912. Die Einweihung der neu erbauten Synagoge der hiesigen israelitischen Kultusgemeinde fand in feierlicher Weise statt. Der erste Vorstand der Kultusgemeinde, Rechtsanwalt Dr. Heidecker, überreichte den Schlüssel der Synagoge dem rechtskundigen Bürgermeister Dr. Geßler und dieser dem Distriktsrabbiner Dr. Meyer, der dann das Gotteshaus eröffnete. Rechtsanwalt Dr. Heidecker, ferner die beiden Rabbiner von Neumarkt und Nürnberg sowie der rechtskundige Bürgermeister hielten Ansprachen. Die Haupt- und Festrede hielt der Distriktsrabbiner. An der Feier nehmen die Spitzen der Behörden, die städtischen Kollegien sowie eine große Anzahl von Festgästen von hier und auswärts teil. An die Einweihungsfeier reihte sich noch ein Festessen an, bei welchem sich der größte Teil der Mitglieder der Kultusgemeinde Regensburg beteiligte und das in der animiertesten Stimmung verlief. Während des Festes wurde nachstehendes Huldigungstelegramm an den Prinzregenten gerichtet: 'Die israelitische Kultusgemeinde Regensburg, anlässlich ihrer heutigen Synagogeneinweihung festlich vereint, blickt dankbaren Herzens zu Eurer Königlichen Hoheit empor und bittet die Versicherung unwandelbarer Treue und Ergebenheit huldvollst entgegennehmen zu wollen.' - Zur großen Freude aller Teilnehmer traf noch abends folgende Antwort ein: 'Seine Königliche Hoheit der Prinzregent haben die treu empfundene Huldigung der zur Einweihungsfeier festlich versammelten israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Regensburg gern entgegengenommen und entbieten allen Teilnehmern freundlichen Dank. Im allerhöchsten Auftrag: Freiherr von Wiedemann, Generaladjutant."

Article in the "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums" of September 11, 1912:

"Regensburg, September 6, 1912: The inauguration of the newly built synagogue of the local Jewish community took place in a festive manner. The first chairman of the Jewish community, lawyer Dr. Heidecker, presented the key to the synagogue to the legally qualified mayor Dr. Geßler and the latter to the district rabbi Dr. Meyer, who then opened the place of worship. The lawyer Dr. Heidecker, the two rabbis from Neumarkt and Nuremberg and the legally qualified mayor gave speeches. The district rabbi gave the main and ceremonial address. The celebration was attended by the heads of the authorities, the municipal colleges and a large number of guests from here and abroad. The inauguration ceremony was followed by a banquet, which was attended by the majority of the members of the Regensburg religious community and was held in the most animated atmosphere. During the celebration, the following telegram of homage was sent to the Prince Regent: 'The Jewish community of Regensburg, festively united on the occasion of today's synagogue inauguration, looks up to Your Royal Highness with a grateful heart and asks that you kindly accept the assurance of unwavering loyalty and devotion. - To the great joy of all participants, the following reply arrived in the evening: 'His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has received the faithful homage of the Jewish community of Regensburg, which was festively assembled for the inauguration ceremony, and expresses his kind thanks to all participants. By the highest authority: Baron von Wiedemann, Adjutant General."


I remember also what the people said there when they spoke about the past and the future. For nobody of them - Jew or not - was it only a little imaginable that this synagogue nor that any Jew is only a little in danger. But some decades later In 1938 the Nazis will destroy this synagogue and murder Jews.
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Nobody here said he was, dumbass, and yes, prior German history did indeed play a big role in its politics, as anybody with any sense would know, especially since form 1870 to the Weimar Republic would in fact be recent history, not ancient history.
Oh, you did not notice the bullshit about the 1870s? Was that a lame diversion? Are you trying to put this thread in the dumpsters?
Oh, you did not notice the bullshit about the 1870s? Was that a lame diversion? Are you trying to put this thread in the dumpsters?

^^^Fucking idiot, trying to be clever, instead sticks its dick into a fan and thinks we're supposed to applaud or something.

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