The Truth About the Nazis with Stephen Hicks

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"Nutjob" - translation: "Nussarbeit" - retranslation "useful work".

always get butthurt ...

butthurt - translation: "Zigarettenstummelverletzung" - retranlation "sub infraction" - translation "abgerissener Zettel" - retranslaiotn "tear off stub " ...

Any idea about why I think all US-Americans are totally stupid who try to speak with a not-English speaker like me in such stupid ways?
A link to a pdf that discusses Max Weber's role in building a new 'national identity' in Germany after 1870.

Who is for heavens sake is Max Weber and what has this man to do with my not yodeling identity?


Also see this pdf on Kaiser Wilhelm II's disastrous policies in the wake of his dismissal of Bismarck.

Do you really think Prussian politicians are interesting for me only because they are also Brits? William II is from my point of view nothing else than an anti-German criminal. A "Piefke" how the Austrians would say. The problem with William II - who loved his absurde grandmother Queen Victoria very much - had been his absurde British ideas. And the problem of the Brits had been that they fought against themselve when they fought against him. And the problem of the USA was to support the Brits and to make much too much money with World War 1. You could be a happy nation when you never had changed the result of this war so that all "solutions" which the winners of Worlds War 1 made exploded one by the next and are still today exploding.

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'Germany' wasn't a country until the 1870's. ...

Excactly. Germany had been the "Holy Empire" between 800 and 1806. And the totally stupid Prussians founded indeed a new "empire" (the Holy Empire had been a realm an not really an empire) by attacking one by the next German prinpipality, tribe and nation and making them to a "colony of Prussia" (no joke!) - in sense of a weird analogy to the British empire.
Who is for heavens sake is Max Weber and what has this man to do with my not yodeling identity?

Yes, most nutjobs would never have heard of him; they don't know where most of what they babble comes from, same as commies and leftists don't have a clue, they just parrot stuff over and over and think it makes them sound cool.
You do not understand what Hitler did do. ... Shortest way top say it: Germans and Jews are the same and since 186x the Jews also had been citizens like all other in the dozends of German tribes, nations and other political strcutures which had been traditionally relativelly independent from each other. "Racism" is anything else than "deutsch" (=German). The key word in this context is not "Jew" but "Aryan". Indeed never any German had been an "Aryan". Many of the Germanic tribesa had been Arians (see fro exmnoel Theodericus rex).
In the English language it's possible to make the mistake to think "Aryans" and "Arians" are the same. But this is not psosible in the German language. So the Nazis referred to all this racists "scientific" nonsense which came from the English speaking world. With the expression "Aryans" Hitler made Germans to somethign what Germans never had been. And also Jews never had been "Aryans" - the Israelites had been Semites and so he created a biological anti-Semitism. Suddenly "German" became a race - what it never had bene in history. Before Hitler came - better to say before World War 1 - it had been for example not a big problem to call the USA "the German states of America" and your slogan "in pluribcus unum" had been a typical German slogan.

But why did Hitler do so? The deeper reason for had neraly nothing to do with Jews. Long ago sometimes some Christians had attecked Jews in Gwermany in the later Middle Age and the begin of modern times - but this had been past. Hitler used two new cliches: The cliche of rich Jews on the East Coast of the USA which determine the capitalistic politics of the USA and the cliche of Jews who had been Sowiets in Russia which determined the Sowiet politrics in his cview ot the world. Sure existed rich Jews - and sure existe also Jews who had been Sowiets. But in bothe cases this was not typical for Jews. The normal Jews lived like anyone else. But Hitler was in this way to create , tio use aqnd ti transfer hate on the USA and hate on the Russia - the winners of world war 1 who had created a mad situation after world war 1 in Germany which created a man anser: he on his own.
Why did Hitler do, what Germans been calling to be done for 200 years. Why did Hitler do what Spain and Russia did 100-200 years before.

Either way, yes Hitler did what society wanted, and what society been doing for a long time. The Germans killed the Jews



'Germany' wasn't a country until the 1870's. Officials like Bismarck were faced with trying to invent a unifying social construct to bind all the disparate political entities and city states into a new shared national identity under the Hapsburg Crown. This in turn became an exclusionary function where non-German tribal peoples became 'foreigners' and ultimately 'outsiders'. The Jewish propensity for thousands of years to self-segregate themselves from the 'goyim' population into their own ghettoes in foreign cities like Vienna and London to avoid their culture being 'tainted' went a long way toward making them suspect. The myth peddled now is that they were forced into ghettoes cuz evul Xian bigotry n stuff, but it was Jews themselves early on that demanded their own exclusive neighborhoods. As the centuries went by they of course got crowded and their own prejudices bit them in the ass. The Nazi Party merely built on what was already a feature of German national identity.

This was also common in the U.S. among the wave of immigrants, mainly because of language issues; some major cities had ghettoes of foreigners, like German and Italian Harlem in NYC, China towns, etc.
I always think about the non-Jewish neighbor, a German, Prussian, a Belgium. What did they think of their neighbor when he killed a lamb and painted his door with the blood on the Jewish holiday, passover.

I imagine, to the uneducated who feared going into the black forest, the act of passover must of hurt their head just thinking about what neighbor Abraham was doing draining the lamb's blood to paint the doorway.
Why did Hitler do, what Germans been calling to be done for 200 years.


Why did Hitler do what Spain and Russia did 100-200 years before.


Either way, yes Hitler did what society wanted, and what society been doing for a long time. The Germans killed the Jews

Germans and Jews are the same in my view to the world. So you have to reformulate t´his "question" which plays to be a fact for me. Which Germasn Jews. When? Where?

For example: The first time German Jews had been attacked in the area where is Germany today had been been done from the people who had made the first crusade - Brits, Normans and Franks - who crossed Germany.

And let me ask you somethimg else in this context: The allies genocided (=murdered and/or displaced) the Prussians, the Silesians, the Bohemians, the Moravians and other European natives. Why did "you" do in Europe what you also had done in America with many native Americans?
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First of all is this not roght and wrong the same time. The frist tienm German Jews had been attecked in the area hwer is Germany today this had been been done from the people who had made the first crusade: Brits, Normans and Franks.

And letme giv e you a counterquestion: The allies genocided (=murdered and/or dipslaced) the Prussians., the Silesians, the Bohemians, the Moravians and other European natives. Why did "you" do in Europe what you also had done in America with many native Americans?
Many peoples killed the jews, from spain to russia, long before hitler came into power. Killing the Jews was not Hitler's idea. It was the idea of Society.

Read history books, they will tell you.
I always think about the non-Jewish neighbor, a German, Prussian, a Belgium. What did they think of their neighbor when he killed a lamb and painted his door with the blood on the Jewish holiday, passover.

Eh? What a nonsense is this now? In most cases the not-Jewish German neighbors of Jewish German neighbors had not any lousy idea that their neighbor had been a Jew. The Nazis needed a marker to make a foreign "race" out of the German Jews.

I imagine, to the uneducated who feared going into the black forest,

? The "Black Forest" is an area for tourists in Germany and I never heard from a German who fears to go into a forest.

the act of passover must of hurt their head just thinking about what neighbor Abraham was doing draining the lamb's blood to paint the doorway.

In which country do you live with your absurde ideas? Albert Einstein for example was a Jew. Or Levi Strauss - take a look at your Jewish Jeans. Or Taika Waititi for example is a Jew. And some others too.

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Many peoples killed the jews, from spain to russia, long before hitler came into power. Killing the Jews was not Hitler's idea. It was the idea of Society.

Read history books, they will tell you.

Let me formulate the problem of your simplifying speech in this words: For Nazis I am a Jew. For Jews I am no Jew. The Nazis will kill me. That's where your view to the world is oblique.
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I always think about the non-Jewish neighbor, a German, Prussian, a Belgium. What did they think of their neighbor when he killed a lamb and painted his door with the blood on the Jewish holiday, passover.

I imagine, to the uneducated who feared going into the black forest, the act of passover must of hurt their head just thinking about what neighbor Abraham was doing draining the lamb's blood to paint the doorway.

Yes. Passover is a holiday for some Christian sects as well, as you may already know.
Eh? What a nonsense is this now? In most cases the not-Jewish German neighbors of Jewish German neighbors had not any lousy idea that their neighbor had been a Jew. The Nazis needed a marker to make a foreign "race" out of the German Jews.

? The "Black Forest" is an area for tourists in Germany and I never heard from a German who fears to go into a forest.

In which country do you live with your absurde ideas? Albert Einstein for example was a Jew. Or Levi Strauss - take a look at your Jewish Jeans. Or Taika Waititi for example is a Jew. And some others too.

Meh, pipe down you moron.
Yes, most nutjobs would never have heard of him;

I often heard from him. I never had any contact with his philosophy. No idea what this man thought on what reasons.

they don't know where most of what they babble comes from, same as commies and leftists don't have a clue, they just parrot stuff over and over and think it makes them sound cool.

Let it be to be an idiot. Say something when you like to say something. Empty phrases are a only a waste of time.
Eh? What a nonsense is this now? In most cases the not-Jewish German neighbors of Jewish German neighbors had not any lousy idea that their neighbor had been a Jew. The Nazis needed a marker to make a foreign "race" out of the German Jews.

? The "Black Forest" is an area for tourists in Germany and I never heard from a German who fears to go into a forest.

In which country do you live with your absurde ideas? Albert Einstein for example was a Jew. Or Levi Strauss - take a look at your Jewish Jeans. Or Taika Waititi for example is a Jew. And some others too.

I am just paraphrasing history books. Hitler wrote of the passover in Mien Kempf

Yes, nonsense? You are claiming Germans had no idea who was a jew and who was not? Will you deny that historically the Jews painted their doorways with Lamb's blood.

You never heard of German superstitions? Gee, they must not exist, at all.

Well, consider this a brief history lesson. German people were the last people in Europe to come out of the dark ages and become educated. They had many superstitions. Some people turned these superstitions into Fairy Tales, I am sure you have heard of Fairy Tales. The most famous of these Fairy Tales being Grimm's.

How does an undereducated, superstitious, class of people react to the outrageous customs of the Jews

and you idea that germans could not tell who the jews were, is absurd


Who is who, I can not tell
Let me formulate the problem of your simplifying speech in this words: For Nazis I am a Jew. For Jews I am no Jew. The Nazis will kill me. That's where your view to the world is oblique.
Germans would and did kill Jews, as did Spainards, as did Russians, as did the French. I think I could go on and on.

My view, is accurate. It is not so accurate to state that NAZIs killed the Jews. The NAZIs had a lot of help from a lot of people, the NAZI's were not the first to kill the Jews. The idea to kill the Jews did not originate with the NAZIs.

Simple facts of history which will never change

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