The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

One, they killed thousands, you lousy troll.

The revisionist assholes must lie through thier teeth.

The poor japanese, were trying to surrender, and as a goodwill gesture, on july 30th the sunk a battleship killing 900 men.

one person? You are a lying asshole
Lol. Mass murdering defenseless women and children is a war crime and indefensible. We should be better than that.

Silly boy.
Lol. Mass murdering defenseless women and children is a war crime and indefensible. We should be better than that.

Silly boy.
The japanese women and children busy stuffing explosives in bombs were not defenseless. They had the entire Japanese military fighting and killing for them.
Do you know why?

Oh, that is obvious. The US had absolutely no fighters that had the kind of range to escort a B-29 from Tinian to Japan. That was over 1,500 miles each way. The longest range fighter the US had was the P-51 Mustang at just 1,000 miles.

One does not need rocket science to know why there were no fighters escorting the bombers flying over Japan. None of them were escorted, we simply had no fighters that were capable of doing that. Even the fighters we had on Okinawa could have gone no farther than Kyushu.

Geography, you might want to learn it before making such stupid claims.

And no, it is a lie that Japan wanted to surrender. The fact is they wanted an Armistice. And it was not up to either FDR or Truman, terms had to be agreed upon by all of the Allied Powers (excluding the Soviet Union). Can you see China accepting an Armistice? The UK? Sure as hell the US was never going to accept an armistice.

And no matter what you try to say, an armistice is not a surrender. Japan wanted to end the war in place and return to 1941 borders. Still maintaining most of their presence in China, and in territory they still occupied. No war crimes trials, no occupation, no demilitarization. That is not surrender like you insist, that is an armistice.

And nobody was having it. They let Germany get away with an armistice after WWI, and all of Europe paid the price for that. They were not making that mistake again.
The japanese women and children busy stuffing explosives in bombs were not defenseless. They had the entire Japanese military fighting and killing for them.
You justify massacring women and children. WTF. Are you a psychopath like Dirty Harry was?

They were starving and their military destroyed, as was every major city in the country. They had nothing.

Don’t be stupid.
Are you so slanted you don’t know the planes dropping the a-bombs did so in broad daylight with little fighter escort? Do you know why?

It’s been proven Japan tried to surrender months before August 1945. Truman like FDR demanded unconditional surrender but after he incinerated thousands of innocent women and children with those bombs, he agreed to the one condition they’d asked for. Strange no?
The Japanese weren't wasting fuel intercepting recon flights which is what they thought the B-29 Silverplates were. The US wasn't flying daylight raids anymore because of the losses the Japanese were inflicting on the B-29s. And NO the Japanese hadn't tried to surrender. The had their ambassador propose a return to status quo ante, December 6th 1941, with the Japanese controlling the disarmament (which means NO disarmament), No war crimes trials, the Japanese government to be untouched. No occupation of Japan. The proposal was so delusional the Japanese ambassador told his own government that it wouldn't even be accepted by any neutral power to pass along. That's all in the Japanese's own records as well as wartime intercepts. No, the Japanese weren't ready to surrender, they were willing to grant the allies a "do-over" if it didn't cost Japan anything.
You justify massacring women and children. WTF. Are you a psychopath like Dirty Harry was?

They were starving and their military destroyed, as was every major city in the country. They had nothing.

Don’t be stupid.
You would have the USA lose the war.

No country wants a person that believes there country should lose a war. There is nowhere on earth for people like you.
You would have the USA lose the war.

No country wants a person that believes there country should lose a war. There is nowhere on earth for people like you.
What he refuses to acknowledge is that the Japanese were killing Allied POWs every day as well as hundreds of interned civilians and thousands of civilians in occupied territories every week. The Japanese were defeated, but they weren’t beaten, they still thought if they killed enough people, the USA would cave and give them favorable peace terms. The entire war was a case of Japanese delusion. First they were sure they could defeat both the British Empire and the USA each of which had hundreds of times the economic power and military might of Japan. Second, they thought the Americans would suck up the insult of a sneak attack in peacetime and not fight. Third they were convinced that the Yamato Daishi fighting spirit could overcome the inadequacies of ALL their weapons and lack of war production. As late as the invasion of the Philippines they still were convinced they could achieve a military victory despite having lost every battle after Midway. Calling the Japanese government delusional is like saying the ocean is slightly damp.
Oh, that is obvious. The US had absolutely no fighters that had the kind of range to escort a B-29 from Tinian to Japan. That was over 1,500 miles each way. The longest range fighter the US had was the P-51 Mustang at just 1,000 miles.

One does not need rocket science to know why there were no fighters escorting the bombers flying over Japan. None of them were escorted, we simply had no fighters that were capable of doing that. Even the fighters we had on Okinawa could have gone no farther than Kyushu.

Geography, you might want to learn it before making such stupid claims.

And no, it is a lie that Japan wanted to surrender. The fact is they wanted an Armistice. And it was not up to either FDR or Truman, terms had to be agreed upon by all of the Allied Powers (excluding the Soviet Union). Can you see China accepting an Armistice? The UK? Sure as hell the US was never going to accept an armistice.

And no matter what you try to say, an armistice is not a surrender. Japan wanted to end the war in place and return to 1941 borders. Still maintaining most of their presence in China, and in territory they still occupied. No war crimes trials, no occupation, no demilitarization. That is not surrender like you insist, that is an armistice.

And nobody was having it. They let Germany get away with an armistice after WWI, and all of Europe paid the price for that. They were not making that mistake again.
Lol. No.

They could have had carriers practically sitting in Tokyo Bay for fighter escort. Guess what? They didn’t need fighter escort because Japan was defenseless.

It’s well known by educated people,Truman did his dirty deed to impress and scare Stalin, as well as the world.

Funny thing…Stalin knew more about the a-bomb than Harry, thanks to FDR filling his administration with Soviet spies.
You would have the USA lose the war.

No country wants a person that believes there country should lose a war. There is nowhere on earth for people like you.
Lose? How’s that possible? We won long before August ‘45. Accept their surrender and go home.
Lose? How’s that possible? We won long before August ‘45. Accept their surrender and go home.
They didn’t surrender until we made them surrender. And that took the A bomb. They wouldn’t agree to the unconditional part of unconditional surrender so stop lying, gip.

You fool nobody
The Japanese weren't wasting fuel intercepting recon flights which is what they thought the B-29 Silverplates were. The US wasn't flying daylight raids anymore because of the losses the Japanese were inflicting on the B-29s. And NO the Japanese hadn't tried to surrender. The had their ambassador propose a return to status quo ante, December 6th 1941, with the Japanese controlling the disarmament (which means NO disarmament), No war crimes trials, the Japanese government to be untouched. No occupation of Japan. The proposal was so delusional the Japanese ambassador told his own government that it wouldn't even be accepted by any neutral power to pass along. That's all in the Japanese's own records as well as wartime intercepts. No, the Japanese weren't ready to surrender, they were willing to grant the allies a "do-over" if it didn't cost Japan anything.
he knows all this and ignores it because he is a lying retard.
They could have had carriers practically sitting in Tokyo Bay for fighter escort.

Right, sure they could have.

Never mind the thousands of suicide subs and aircraft they had. As well as the conventional subs and aircraft. You think they were so defenseless we could have parked a carrier inside Tokyo Bay.

You really are delusional.
The Bombing of Hiroshima wasn't destructive enough. The Emperor dug in his heels and said he would never surrender. That's when the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.

Now that is not true.

In reality, the Emperor was against the war from the start. However, he had absolutely no power in his own country.

For most of the duration, the nation was actually run by the Taisei Yokusankai or "Imperial Rule Assistance Association". In essence, that was the Japanese version of the Fascist Party. That was what really led the nation at the time the war started and during most of the war. And they made all the decisions, the Emperor could do nothing.

By the end of the war, the nation was effectively run by the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War, more commonly known as the "Big Six". That was the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of the Army, Minister of the Navy, Army Chief of Staff, and Navy Chief of Staff. During all of their meetings the Emperor was present, but was not allowed to say anything. In essence, he had even less power than the Vice President has in the US Senate.

Emperor Showa was only allowed to silently listen as the Big Six debated. They could not even see each other as he had to remain behind a screen so nobody could see him, and he could see nobody. It was only after two atomic bombs and the Soviets declaring war that the Big Six finally became deadlocked, and for the first time ever the Emperor was finally allowed to vote in his own Imperials Council. And he voted to end the war no matter what.

The Emperor did not "dig in his heels", it was the Big Six that insisted that the war continue to the end, no matter what. Even if it meant the end of Japan as a nation.
The Bombing of Hiroshima wasn't destructive enough. The Emperor dug in his heels and said he would never surrender. That's when the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
On the day Nagasaki was bombed, the USSR entered the war with Japan and the Red Army entered Manchuria It was this that was the last straw. Japan had nothing more to hope for.
Right, sure they could have.

Never mind the thousands of suicide subs and aircraft they had. As well as the conventional subs and aircraft. You think they were so defenseless we could have parked a carrier inside Tokyo Bay.

You really are delusional.
Yet daylight bombing had occurred for many months before August ‘45. Every major city and military installation was in ruins. EXCEPT…they saved Hiroshima and Nagasaki to impress and frighten Stalin, but we know that didn’t work. All those dead women and children for nothing.

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