The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

stand in front of a mic for hours on end talking about his daddy because he wants to shut down the American government ...

and this moron wants to be President ?


People in hell want a glass of ice tea.
Only a retard could possibly believe the IRS could or would be abolished.

That will never happen. Not even with a Cruz presidency and a supermajority Republican House and Senate.
The Interstate Commerce Commission will also never be abolished!
stand in front of a mic for hours on end talking about his daddy because he wants to shut down the American government ...

and this moron wants to be President ?


People in hell want a glass of ice tea.
Did Cruz claim he was dead broke when he left the White House?
Did Cruz claim he was under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Did Cruz claim he cleaned up on cattle futures trades because he read the Wall St Journal?

It is hysterical watching libs trying to smear Cruz when their side is so ethically challenged.
These things you claim are lies - how do each of them affect society and public policy in the way that Cruz' climate denialism does?
Tell me when Obama has actually told the truth?

The left so predictable . They never run on their candidates records. all they rely on is smears, dirt and garbage like this from the some site called, the dailyBeast.

"The left so predictable . They never run on their candidates records. all they rely on is smears, dirt and garbage like this from the some site called, the dailyBeast"

The above quote by Stephanie also describes the far right. It's a daily occurrence for both sides of the aisle for the most part.
This thing where ideologues gleefully point at the other side and claim just the other side "does it" while ignoring thousands and thousands examples of their side daily doing the same thing right here on this very board is denial at its apex.
Hmm, Walker's campaign is largely based o his performance as governor. So is Rick Perry's. So is Jeb Bush's. What is Hillary's campaign based on? What is Rainwater O'Malley's?

I don't think we can ask that of her. They are trying to hide it. She's done nothing outstanding but be a CAEEER Politician. and they wailed about Reagan age while he was President. Hell Hillary must be going on 90:biggrin:. All these old career Democrats are now getting face lifts.
Hell Hillary must be going on 90:biggrin:. All these old career Democrats are now getting face lifts.
If she is elected, Hillary will be the same age Reagan was when he first took office. Actually, she'll be about six months younger.

You are uglier on the inside than Hillary is on the outside.
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.

Obama made his frist announcment in Bill Ayers house
After eight years of sucking Obama's balls the lamestream media will be fired up and ready to get back on the job. Well, for the Republican candidate
Yeah, play that Right-wing Perpetual VICTIM Card. Some day people will believe you crybabies if you just keep whining long enough! :cuckoo:

Um...I know you're cynical of people who question government and all, but how is my wanting the press to challenge Democrats like they do Republicans "Victim" anything? I want politicians to be scrutinized. My objection is that they don't scrutinize Democrats, not that they do scrutinize Republicans. Republicans deserve it, they get it. Problem is Democrats deserve it to and get a pass. You really aren't the sharpest sock in the drawer...
Did Cruz claim he was dead broke when he left the White House?
Did Cruz claim he was under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Did Cruz claim he cleaned up on cattle futures trades because he read the Wall St Journal?

It is hysterical watching libs trying to smear Cruz when their side is so ethically challenged.
These things you claim are lies - how do each of them affect society and public policy in the way that Cruz' climate denialism does?
Do you deny that Hillary's statements are lies? She made every one of them. Every one of them is either patently not true or so absurd as to fail the laugh test.
Ted Cruz believes something many many respected scientists believe and somethign that science has not proven in the least.
That you could even compare the two shows the depth of your depravity.
Don't worry - President Hillary Clinton is going to be your president, too!
The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

The junior senator from Texas is running for president. Here’s why his lies matter.

Oh happy day—freshman Texas Senator Ted Cruz is set to announce that he’s running for president. And he’s not going to announce at the Alamo or any other defiant Texas-type monument. He’s making a pilgrimage straight to the birthplace of the Moral Majority, the Jerry Falwell-founded Liberty University. The setting makes sense for a man who believes that God has called him to politics. After all, the only way to top shutting down the government is to try and run the government into the ground himself.

Earlier this month, Cruz released a short video that’s the best evidence yet for what a Cruz presidential campaign might be like. It’s called “A Time for Truth,” and the title has to be intentional irony.

Cruz’s Politifact track record for publicly-asserted falsehoods is the second-highest among front-runners, totaling 56 percent of all statements they’ve looked at. The only other leading contender with higher rating is Ben Carson, who has a 100 percent “pants on fire” history, the result mainly of his brief time in the national spotlight and only having given Politifact one assertion to check—that people choose to be gay. (The investigative process on verifying that claim could have been entertaining, had Carson taken up Dan Savage’s invitation to take a very personal version of the Pepsi Challenge. Politifact chose a less experiential approach.)

It’s not just Cruz’s habit of embellishment that makes the video’s title more wish-fulfillment than description. One would expect a video entitled “A Time for Truth” to contain, you know, truth. Or calls to speak the truth, at the very least. Cruz’s infomercial, on the other hand, is simply a collection of Cruz clips wherein he apparently confuses speaking the truth with speaking very dramatically and forcefully. It is the ugly American approach to foreign language in moral form.


There are objective falsehoods that show Cruz could just be looking at a different set of data. Other, more telling whoppers show that Cruz isn’t just looking at different data, he’s living in a different universe.

The former category contains his insistence that there’s no such thing as global warming. The latter kind of lie is why Cruz can look a child in the eye and tell her the world is on fire.

Multiple news organizations have found fault with this standard refrain from his stump speech: “There are 110,000 agents at the IRS. We need to put a padlock on that building and take every one of those 110,000 agents and put them on our southern border.” There are not 110,000 agents at the IRS. There aren’t even that many employees. There are about 82,000, of which about 14,000 are agents.

More Ted Cruz lies at the link.
Lol, now you want a politician to be honest? Go to hell, you haven't worried about the truth for over six years. In fact you have supported Obama's lies. You have lost all credibility on criticizing any republican candidate.
Do you need your diaper changed?
The result was an Obama landslide

the illegal alien muslime mulatto, Hussein Obable landslide was due to dead, illegals and multiple votes by one person voting, plus vote tampering, intimidation etc., etc. but that is the way demonrats like and prefer, it is their standard and the only way they can win...., ANY DAMN THING ! :up:
Do you need your diaper changed?
The latter kind of lie...

but Hussein O's lies you are comfortable with ? typical for a liberliar !! :up:
Thank you for admitting that Cruz is a liar.

To admit that someone is a liar would require valid evidence.

So... given that there's no valid evidence that Cruz is a liar... an admission of such is quite impossible.

But in fairness to you... given the intellectual threshold required to understand that, there's no way you could have known that.

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