The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

I cut the cord on cable, last week, but through my two Roku's can get just about anything, though if may be later in the day or tomorrow. I'll catch it though, one way or another. Can't wait for FNC and FBN to get their own app, as CBS and HBO are doing. :) The wave of the future.

I have Roku, too, but got tired of the selected pieces broadcast on the cable channels, instead of live television. It's too creepy right now.
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.

As it should be as a man of ethics, morals, and principles....something UNKNOWN to the subversive left!

You're in the same echo chamber, gutless wonder hiding behind cartoons. He's your boy, and you're his bitch.

And this from a 2 digit IQ's clown..... Hilarity never stops!
the Cruz popularity poll I posted last week among Republican voters was 6%..

not even double digits .. :lmao:

He knows he can't win. But there's money to be made in the publicity he will receive for his campaign, not to mention they can abuse and use their PAC money to no end.
After eight years of sucking Obama's balls the lamestream media will be fired up and ready to get back on the job. Well, for the Republican candidate
Yeah, play that Right-wing Perpetual VICTIM Card. Some day people will believe you crybabies if you just keep whining long enough! :cuckoo:
the Cruz popularity poll I posted last week among Republican voters was 6%..

not even double digits .. :lmao:

He knows he can't win. But there's money to be made in the publicity he will receive for his campaign, not to mention they can abuse and use their PAC money to no end.

Seems we've heard this shit before...History does have a way of repeating itself!

Cruz knows he hasn't a prayer of winning. I've always wondered why some people run who know they can't possibly win.

Maybe he's hoping the winner will pick him as their VP.
When he said, "And that is why I am announcing I am running for President of the United States", the cheering was nowhere near as loud as I expected.

Not even half the crowd was clapping.


Now you are also blind, go get Boo's glasses!
It was not a particularly enthusiastic crowd.

The audience is made up of kids from far right evangelical backgrounds who really aren't even sure who Ted Cruz is, except what they were told this morning as they filed into the auditorium. Liberty University is Christianity on steroids.
Comparing Cruz to Reagan is like comparing a dog turd to chocolate cake.

So if Cruz is making you go, "Mmmm, yummy!"...I pity you. I really do.
Please nominate Ted Cruz for President.

Here is the link to his campaign....where you can donate your money if you like:
You got the web address wrong. It's

No, it's .org.

I'm's very important that Republicans nominate this kook. It's going to be a close election and Hillary will need every advantage. Ted Cruz is good for about 500,000 popular votes.
With the announcement of Cruz for the office of President, and next month I hear that Rubio will announce, and of course Rand Paul says he will announce, that gives conservatives three very articulate men who can speak easily about core principles and why the current setting in D.C. has it exactly 180 degree wrong. Government should not be putting shackles on people. People MUST put shackles on government.

I'm not in Cruz's corner right now. I think he will make a much better candidate in 2020, after he has sharpened his message. It is My hope that Walker will throw his hat in the race. However, make no mistake, if Cruz is standing at the end of the summer next year, I will gladly vote for him over any imbecile the Democrats put up. Of these four, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Walker, if one of them makes the cut, I may for the first time, make a vote on a candidate that brings at least some of what I want for this country. In other words, I won't have to hold My nose for that vote.

And clearly, any of these four just squeezes the juices out of the left. You can see it simply by the ferocity of the attacks already, and it is only 2015....
the Cruz popularity poll I posted last week among Republican voters was 6%..

not even double digits .. :lmao:

He knows he can't win. But there's money to be made in the publicity he will receive for his campaign, not to mention they can abuse and use their PAC money to no end.

Seems we've heard this shit before...History does have a way of repeating itself!




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