The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.

You get more nasty every day. You should go smell the roses or something

It's his liquid diet
My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.

You get more nasty every day. You should go smell the roses or something

It's his liquid diet

Well that could do it I guess. lol
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.

As it should be as a man of ethics, morals, and principles....something UNKNOWN to the subversive left!
When he said, "And that is why I am announcing I am running for President of the United States", the cheering was nowhere near as loud as I expected.

Not even half the crowd was clapping.

Ted will take full control of every RW talking point in the playbook that gets morons all fired up, and just like Willard he'll never say how, just what.

scratch butt, sniff finger RW politics.

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

We will see how much Republicans love hispanics

Cruz will not win a single primary

It really doesn't matter as he will bring CONSERVATIVE ideas and policies to the forefront of the political conversation....and if he doesn't win, he will cement a strong base for the next election or 2...or more! The Trotskyite knows this, but couldn't possibly state it!

And that is what makes Cruz such an effective tool for the Democrats

He is unwilling to do what is best for the team and will force Bush and Walker to accept far right positions that will not sit well with moderates

I do like the way you have usurped the moderates, apparently you think they are as stupid as your plantation blacks!

Moderates decide elections

Republicans like Bush and Walker will compete for the moderate vote. The extreme fear mongering rhetoric of Cruz will be dismissed by moderates

Independents will decide the election results, it what I hear is true. That is, 40% have already made up their mind to go with a woman prez., and another 40% will be for moderates, and their minds are made up. This leaves the 20% who consider themselves independent and that is whose vote we libertarian-leaning conservatives, need to grab.
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.

As it should be as a man of ethics, morals, and principles....something UNKNOWN to the subversive left!

If they aren't having smoke blown up their ass with gibberish lines like:
I am going to stop Seas rising and heal the planet. then no one is worthy to them
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As he walked around the stage, there were a bunch of I STAND WITH RAND red shirts in the crowd.

Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.

As it should be as a man of ethics, morals, and principles....something UNKNOWN to the subversive left!

If they aren't having smoke blowing up their ass with gibberish lines like:
I am going to stop Seas rising and heal the planet. then no one is worthy to them

gibberish ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Obama lied right to your face and you people didn't give shit. so spare us your dumb nonsense
Failed deflection attempt, the topic is Cruz, not the president.

Address Cruz's lies, or start your own thread.
yeah rw lunch lady Stephanie . Stop w/ your FAILDeflecting :eusa_hand:

As to the OP, Rafael, no doubt, garners 4+ :eusa_liar:Pinocchios :laugh:
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

I cut the cord on cable, last week, but through my two Roku's can get just about anything, though if may be later in the day or tomorrow. I'll catch it though, one way or another. Can't wait for FNC and FBN to get their own app, as CBS and HBO are doing. :) The wave of the future.
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.

As it should be as a man of ethics, morals, and principles....something UNKNOWN to the subversive left!

You're in the same echo chamber, gutless wonder hiding behind cartoons. He's your boy, and you're his bitch.
Cruz ended his speech and started gladhanding the crowd, and then whoever was on the mike asked for everyone to pause for prayer. About two sentences into the prayer, NBC News cutoff the live feed.

The NBC News producer must have started puking and his head must have started spinning.

the Cruz popularity poll I posted last week among Republican voters was 6%..

not even double digits .. :lmao:

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