The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

Cruz is going to learn that being a Presidential candidate is not the same as being a rightwing pundit

He will not be getting the same softball questions from Sean Hannity.....Why do you love America so much?

Cruz will not only be asked tough questions, but his answers will receive tough followup questions. He will have to deal with other Republican candidates who will not be willing to put up with his unsupported accusations.

Cruz is entering a whole new world and he is not going to like it

You mean he won't treated like Obama is by the media? They are on their knees drooling when they ask him a question...

I bet Cruz knows he will have to fight this traitors lamestream media, as well as the slime from the Democrat party

It is a myth that Obama did not receive tough questions on his plans for an economic recovery, Iraq, terrorism and energy. It was not just the media, but fellow Democrats who were ready to pounce on his answers

Unfortunately for Republicans, rather than attack his position on the issues, they chose to attack him on birth certificates, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers and whether his wife was proud of America

The result was an Obama landslide
LIES...... a synonym for OBUMA.....

Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich
The result was an Obama landslide

the illegal alien muslime mulatto, Hussein Obable landslide was due to dead, illegals and multiple votes by one person voting, plus vote tampering, intimidation etc., etc. but that is the way demonrats like and prefer, it is their standard and the only way they can win...., ANY DAMN THING ! :up:
The result was an Obama landslide

the illegal alien muslime mulatto, Hussein Obable landslide was due to dead, illegals and multiple votes by one person voting, plus vote tampering, intimidation etc., etc. but that is the way demonrats like and prefer, it is their standard and the only way they can win...., ANY DAMN THING ! :up:

and they wonder why they lost.........
The result was an Obama landslide

the illegal alien muslime mulatto, Hussein Obable landslide was due to dead, illegals and multiple votes by one person voting, plus vote tampering, intimidation etc., etc. but that is the way demonrats like and prefer, it is their standard and the only way they can win...., ANY DAMN THING ! :up:

and they wonder why they lost.........
Free shit, and Da Foist Negro!..... Difficult!
Cruz is going to learn that being a Presidential candidate is not the same as being a rightwing pundit

He will not be getting the same softball questions from Sean Hannity.....Why do you love America so much?

Cruz will not only be asked tough questions, but his answers will receive tough followup questions. He will have to deal with other Republican candidates who will not be willing to put up with his unsupported accusations.

Cruz is entering a whole new world and he is not going to like it

You mean he won't treated like Obama is by the media? They are on their knees drooling when they ask him a question...

I bet Cruz knows he will have to fight this traitors lamestream media, as well as the slime from the Democrat party

It is a myth that Obama did not receive tough questions on his plans for an economic recovery, Iraq, terrorism and energy. It was not just the media, but fellow Democrats who were ready to pounce on his answers

Unfortunately for Republicans, rather than attack his position on the issues, they chose to attack him on birth certificates, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers and whether his wife was proud of America

The result was an Obama landslide

The result was an Obama landslide

the illegal alien muslime mulatto, Hussein Obable landslide was due to dead, illegals and multiple votes by one person voting, plus vote tampering, intimidation etc., etc. but that is the way demonrats like and prefer, it is their standard and the only way they can win...., ANY DAMN THING ! :up:

and they wonder why they lost.........

Yes, they are still totally clueless.
Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?
The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

The junior senator from Texas is running for president. Here’s why his lies matter.

Oh happy day—freshman Texas Senator Ted Cruz is set to announce that he’s running for president. And he’s not going to announce at the Alamo or any other defiant Texas-type monument. He’s making a pilgrimage straight to the birthplace of the Moral Majority, the Jerry Falwell-founded Liberty University. The setting makes sense for a man who believes that God has called him to politics. After all, the only way to top shutting down the government is to try and run the government into the ground himself.

Earlier this month, Cruz released a short video that’s the best evidence yet for what a Cruz presidential campaign might be like. It’s called “A Time for Truth,” and the title has to be intentional irony.

Cruz’s Politifact track record for publicly-asserted falsehoods is the second-highest among front-runners, totaling 56 percent of all statements they’ve looked at. The only other leading contender with higher rating is Ben Carson, who has a 100 percent “pants on fire” history, the result mainly of his brief time in the national spotlight and only having given Politifact one assertion to check—that people choose to be gay. (The investigative process on verifying that claim could have been entertaining, had Carson taken up Dan Savage’s invitation to take a very personal version of the Pepsi Challenge. Politifact chose a less experiential approach.)

It’s not just Cruz’s habit of embellishment that makes the video’s title more wish-fulfillment than description. One would expect a video entitled “A Time for Truth” to contain, you know, truth. Or calls to speak the truth, at the very least. Cruz’s infomercial, on the other hand, is simply a collection of Cruz clips wherein he apparently confuses speaking the truth with speaking very dramatically and forcefully. It is the ugly American approach to foreign language in moral form.


There are objective falsehoods that show Cruz could just be looking at a different set of data. Other, more telling whoppers show that Cruz isn’t just looking at different data, he’s living in a different universe.

The former category contains his insistence that there’s no such thing as global warming. The latter kind of lie is why Cruz can look a child in the eye and tell her the world is on fire.

Multiple news organizations have found fault with this standard refrain from his stump speech: “There are 110,000 agents at the IRS. We need to put a padlock on that building and take every one of those 110,000 agents and put them on our southern border.” There are not 110,000 agents at the IRS. There aren’t even that many employees. There are about 82,000, of which about 14,000 are agents.

More Ted Cruz lies at the link.

You sound as bad as the ODS morons. It's Ted Cruz. Who cares? He's never going to be elected President. The only reason he managed to get into the Senate is because it's Texas, where almost everyone is retarded. This guy is an even bigger joke than Christine "I'm not a witch" O'Donnell. He's the biggest trump card since Donald Trump said he was going to run.
Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

Exactly. I hope this opens a few Hispanic/latinos eyes when they see the smears unleashed by the Democrat party and just what they think of them
Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

We will see how much Republicans love hispanics

Cruz will not win a single primary
DemocRATs only care about Hispanics when they think they can BRIBE THEM into voting for their eventual demise in a country run by Socialists!.... They'll make GOOD SLAVES once the subversives have done away with the Constitution!
Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

We will see how much Republicans love hispanics

Cruz will not win a single primary

It really doesn't matter as he will bring CONSERVATIVE ideas and policies to the forefront of the political conversation....and if he doesn't win, he will cement a strong base for the next election or 2...or more! The Trotskyite knows this, but couldn't possibly state it!
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

Is it too early to order Hillary Kneepads?
Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

We will see how much Republicans love hispanics

Cruz will not win a single primary

It really doesn't matter as he will bring CONSERVATIVE ideas and policies to the forefront of the political conversation....and if he doesn't win, he will cement a strong base for the next election or 2...or more! The Trotskyite knows this, but couldn't possibly state it!

And that is what makes Cruz such an effective tool for the Democrats

He is unwilling to do what is best for the team and will force Bush and Walker to accept far right positions that will not sit well with moderates
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

We haven't begun yet, subversive!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


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