The Truth Behind Ted Cruz’s Lies

So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

Right now, Cruz will face more attacks from his fellow Republicans than he will face from the left

No doubt, the left will mock him mercilessly. But it is the camps of Bush, Christie, Paul and Walker who will do the most damage

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Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

We will see how much Republicans love hispanics

Cruz will not win a single primary

It really doesn't matter as he will bring CONSERVATIVE ideas and policies to the forefront of the political conversation....and if he doesn't win, he will cement a strong base for the next election or 2...or more! The Trotskyite knows this, but couldn't possibly state it!

And that is what makes Cruz such an effective tool for the Democrats

He is unwilling to do what is best for the team and will force Bush and Walker to accept far right positions that will not sit well with moderates

I do like the way you have usurped the moderates, apparently you think they are as stupid as your plantation blacks!
I have asked these questions of the supporters of every potential candidate. I have even asked these questions of Cruz supporters in the past.

So far, no one has had the balls or the intelligence to answer a single one of them, which tells you their support for a candidate is built entirely on bullshit. If a person can't even tell you a single thing of substance about their candidate, then the only reason they support them is because they have the right letter after their name.

Here they are, once again, for you Cruz supporters. Be specific. "BUT HILLARY" and "MOAR FREEDUM" are not acceptable answers:

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what comprehensive reform plan for healthcare in America does he have on the table?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

If you have no clue what the answers are to these questions, then you should ask yourselves what the fuck you are doing here besides masturbating in public.
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

Right now, Cruz will face more attacks from his fellow Republicans than he will face from the left

No doubt, the left will mock him mercilessly. But it is the camps of Bush, Christie, Paul and Walker who will do the most damage
Yes, this will be a replay of 2012 where the GOP candidates will turn their knives on each other, and provide the Democrats with lots of campaign ad material.

Newt Gingrich wrote Obama's attack ads against Romney for him.
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

Right now, Cruz will face more attacks from his fellow Republicans than he will face from the left

No doubt, the left will mock him mercylessly. But it is the camps of Bush, Christie, Paul and Walker who will do the most damage

Proving the Trotskyite wrong, and a propagandist, over and over again, is one of life's small pleasures!....Fucking :ahole-1: NEVER up on the latest news! Cruz, or Walker, or another RIGHT LEANING candidate will get the job done, after the Obomanation has made the WORLD (except the fucking terrorist scum muslim part) hate America!

Scott Walker responds to Cruz prez announcement… by bashing Jeb Bush!

The Right Scoop ^ | March 22, 2015
Now that it’s been confirmed that Ted Cruz is running for president, it’s time for everyone to weigh in, and Scott Walker was one of the first to be asked about the announcement on Fox News. Walker was very gracious to Ted Cruz, while jabbing at Jeb Bush yet again by saying we need a fresh face to combat Hillary’s haggard decrepit visage. Watch.. [comments start at 6 minute mark] [full interview with Fox runs around 8:00] While Cruz will almost certainly get a bump for being the first candidate to declare his campaign, Walker is still ahead in the...
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

We haven't begun yet, subversive!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

If all you have is cartoons, you are going to get your ass kicked in the Presidential race once again.

You retards never learn.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

It didn't work in 2008.

It didn't work in 2012.

It won't work in 2016.

You better get a new playbook, son.
Well, I said he'd have to fight the SLIME and lies from the DNC: here they are ALREADY. they are slimy liars and don't care they mislead their voters.

DNC "Factivists" Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid
Katie Pavlich | Mar 23, 2015


Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been a longtime foe of the left and in light of his presidential announcement later today, the DNC is already taking aim with their "factivist" team.

"President Ted Cruz. If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," an email sent to supporters late Sunday says. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."

The DNC is accusing Cruz of being against equal pay for women and the minimum wage. Disingenuous accusations to say the least. The DNC is also predictably blaming the 2013 government shutdown on Cruz.

ALL of it here and email from the DNC at]
DNC Factivists Already Slamming Ted Cruz Presidential Bid - Katie Pavlich

Why does the DNC hate Hispanics?

We will see how much Republicans love hispanics

Cruz will not win a single primary

It really doesn't matter as he will bring CONSERVATIVE ideas and policies to the forefront of the political conversation....and if he doesn't win, he will cement a strong base for the next election or 2...or more! The Trotskyite knows this, but couldn't possibly state it!

And that is what makes Cruz such an effective tool for the Democrats

He is unwilling to do what is best for the team and will force Bush and Walker to accept far right positions that will not sit well with moderates

I do like the way you have usurped the moderates, apparently you think they are as stupid as your plantation blacks!

Moderates decide elections

Republicans like Bush and Walker will compete for the moderate vote. The extreme fear mongering rhetoric of Cruz will be dismissed by moderates
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

Right now, Cruz will face more attacks from his fellow Republicans than he will face from the left

No doubt, the left will mock him mercylessly. But it is the camps of Bush, Christie, Paul and Walker who will do the most damage

Proving the Trotskyite wrong, and a propagandist, over and over again, is one of life's small pleasures!....Fucking :ahole-1: NEVER up on the latest news! Cruz, or Walker, or another RIGHT LEANING candidate will get the job done, after the Obomanation has made the WORLD (except the fucking terrorist scum muslim part) hate America!

Scott Walker responds to Cruz prez announcement… by bashing Jeb Bush!

The Right Scoop ^ | March 22, 2015
Now that it’s been confirmed that Ted Cruz is running for president, it’s time for everyone to weigh in, and Scott Walker was one of the first to be asked about the announcement on Fox News. Walker was very gracious to Ted Cruz, while jabbing at Jeb Bush yet again by saying we need a fresh face to combat Hillary’s haggard decrepit visage. Watch.. [comments start at 6 minute mark] [full interview with Fox runs around 8:00] While Cruz will almost certainly get a bump for being the first candidate to declare his campaign, Walker is still ahead in the...

Very telling quote

It shows that Walker does not consider Cruz to be a legitimate threat and is concentrating his efforts on he should
So now Rafael is going to get a taste of his own medicine. All the smear tactics and mud slinging the brainless minions of the Right have been throwing for the past two years against Hillary Clinton are now going to be employed against Cruz.

And the Right has already begun whining. :badgrin:

Turnabout is fair play.

We haven't begun yet, subversive!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

If all you have is cartoons, you are going to get your ass kicked in the Presidential race once again.

You retards never learn.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

It didn't work in 2008.

It didn't work in 2012.

It won't work in 2016.

You better get a new playbook, son.

Who did the Republicans RUN in 2008 and 2012...:ahole-1:

My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.
My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.
What are Ted Cruz's proposals?
My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.

You get more nasty every day. You should go smell the roses or something
What are Ted Cruz's proposals?

So far, nothing. He's all "imagine" bloviations with ZERO substance of how he would achieve a single thing.

Now try to answer the questions I asked and it will become immediately evident you haven't a clue.
My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.

You get more nasty every day. You should go smell the roses or something
You should wake up and smell the bullshit.

There's a very good reason why I am pissed. I'm sick and tired of the retards, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths who have hijacked my party.
Ted is making his speech right now.... you can surely find it on one of the NEWS channels!

Yep, I'm listening to it right now

And please note that he is making his announcement inside a far right evangelical echo chamber, Liberty University. Started by an asshole in the 1980s who said AIDs was god's way of taking care of the homosexual problem.

Where did Obama make his presidential run announcement? On the steps of the old state capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Public property where any and all could attend and hail or heckle. That took guts.

Cruz is a lily-livered chicken preaching to the choir today.
Show me one plan Ted Cruz has written down for all his "imagine" bloviations he is spewing right now.
My, my, my. Look at how desperate the Tu Quoque Brigade is. In a topic about Ted Cruz, they dump a truck load of red herrrings. :badgrin:

I asked some serious questions about Ted Cruz, and as usual, the retards flick boogers.

So let me explain to you retards how this works:

America faces a lot of serious problems, and they want people with serious answers. They are going to look at what answers each side presents.

If all you have are cartoons and mud, which is all you have had for over eight years now, then you will lose. Again.

You see, a voter like me looks at what the Democrats offer, and I see them putting real proposals on the table. But I do not like their proposals. At all.

Then I look at what my party puts on the table, and all I see is a plastic dog turd.

So I stay home on Election Day.

When will you retards EVER figure this out? Stop masturbating in public.

You get more nasty every day. You should go smell the roses or something
You should wake up and smell the bullshit.

There's a very good reason why I am pissed. I'm sick and tired of the retards, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and psychopaths who have hijacked my party.


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