The truth of Floyd’s death

Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
It doesn't matter who or what he was? It doesn't matter that he was a scum bag criminal with a long history of anti social behavior? That he'd been in jail five times? That he did time for aggravated assault? That he was on meth and resisted arrest?

OF COURSE IT MATTERS WHO AND WHAT GEORGE FLOYD WAS!!! Anyone who claims that it doesn't is a buffoon!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Doesn’t matter dunce.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Doesn’t matter dunce.
It doesn't matter to YOU, Gipper but that's because this isn't about reality with's about the "narrative" that you've bought into...that poor George Floyd...the Gentle Giant...was killed by malicious, racist Police because they hate blacks but in order to make that narrative work you have to change who George Floyd WAS and what he was doing that day!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Doesn’t matter dunce.
It doesn't matter to YOU, Gipper but that's because this isn't about reality with's about the "narrative" that you've bought into...that poor George Floyd...the Gentle Giant...was killed by malicious, racist Police because they hate blacks but in order to make that narrative work you have to change who George Floyd WAS and what he was doing that day!
Lol. I haven’t bought the narrative because it’s not applicable to the issue of police brutality. Something you could learn from.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Doesn’t matter dunce.
It doesn't matter to YOU, Gipper but that's because this isn't about reality with's about the "narrative" that you've bought into...that poor George Floyd...the Gentle Giant...was killed by malicious, racist Police because they hate blacks but in order to make that narrative work you have to change who George Floyd WAS and what he was doing that day!
Lol. I haven’t bought the narrative because it’s not applicable to the issue of police brutality. Something you could learn from.
Oh, you've bought that narrative hook, line and sinker, Gipper! You hide behind that narrative of "police brutality" because it's easier to pretend THAT'S the problem with the black community than admit that it's 60 years of failed liberal policies that have turned our urban ghettos into complete shitholes!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell

Chauvin wasn't a warrior cop, he was so bad at his job, that he should have been fired long ago, he was incompetent and stupid at it.
Boots don't kill people. He was mentally ill. Slipped through a crack somehow. Obviously an exception, not the rule. Plus he was white goddammit! Who's side are you on?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Doesn’t matter dunce.
It doesn't matter to YOU, Gipper but that's because this isn't about reality with's about the "narrative" that you've bought into...that poor George Floyd...the Gentle Giant...was killed by malicious, racist Police because they hate blacks but in order to make that narrative work you have to change who George Floyd WAS and what he was doing that day!
Lol. I haven’t bought the narrative because it’s not applicable to the issue of police brutality. Something you could learn from.
Oh, you've bought that narrative hook, line and sinker, Gipper! You hide behind that narrative of "police brutality" because it's easier to pretend THAT'S the problem with the black community than admit that it's 60 years of failed liberal policies that have turned our urban ghettos into complete shitholes!
Lol. Your the one upset about narrative, not me. You bemoan the media’s veneration of Floyd, because your too blind to see the truth. The media is playing you like a fiddle. Stop accepting being played.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
Doesn’t matter dunce.
It doesn't matter to YOU, Gipper but that's because this isn't about reality with's about the "narrative" that you've bought into...that poor George Floyd...the Gentle Giant...was killed by malicious, racist Police because they hate blacks but in order to make that narrative work you have to change who George Floyd WAS and what he was doing that day!
Lol. I haven’t bought the narrative because it’s not applicable to the issue of police brutality. Something you could learn from.
Oh, you've bought that narrative hook, line and sinker, Gipper! You hide behind that narrative of "police brutality" because it's easier to pretend THAT'S the problem with the black community than admit that it's 60 years of failed liberal policies that have turned our urban ghettos into complete shitholes!
Lol. Your the one upset about narrative, not me. You bemoan the media’s veneration of Floyd, because your too blind to see the truth. The media is playing you like a fiddle. Stop accepting being played.
What...the truth about Floyd? He was who he was. A five time loser that left Texas for Minnesota because the cops in Texas knew what a piece of human garbage he was! That home invasion and holding a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman tells me exactly who and what George Floyd was. You can polish a turd until it shines, Gipper...but it's still shit! The media and people like you have done the best you can to make George Floyd something he never was...worthy of anyone's sympathy!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
The gipper?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
Have you ever looked down the barrel of a gun? If not , go fuck yourself. When George decided to rob a pregnant woman at gun point, i lost all empathy for the fucker. Back in the day, when someone did shit like him, he would be having 10,000 volts running through him. Today, we just see repeat offenders over and over, due to liberal policies. Please have your police defunded, see what your cities will be like. Show US all the kumbayas from all those peace loving protestors...
It isn't just that he robbed a pregnant woman at's that he and five others did a home invasion of her home and then George Floyd pointed a gun at that poor woman's belly and threatened to kill both her and her unborn child! What kind of an ANIMAL does something like that?
The gipper?

Gipper and the media need George Floyd to be something other than what he was. It's the same thing they did with both Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. The truth gets stepped all over when "symbols" need to be created!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
America has always been divided by race and Floyds being black was an excuse for the cop to do what he did. This shit has been happening to blacks since this place was a colony.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Saying that if George didnt try to pass a counter fit 20 dollar bill while on drugs, and was a model citizen, he would be alive today, but Liberals and their policy that tells blacks to resist police, got him killed, not a cop who was just doing his job, twice trying to put George into the police car. Liberals are so stupid to try to resist a police command, then after his actions get him killed, more stupid liberals go out and burn cities. The liberal thuggery has to stop or more dumb people are going to get killed.
Since he did not resist arrest your post is proof of your ignorance.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
America has always been divided by race and Floyds being black was an excuse for the cop to do what he did. This shit has been happening to blacks since this place was a colony.
True and it must change but why do blacks murder other blacks in such high numbers, and no one in the black community cares?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!

And so you now will shut your mouth the next time some old white racist gets beat up by blacks because they would have deserved if for being racists when they were young.

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