The Truth Prevails: Roy Moore Once Locked Up WaPo Editors Brother....Accuser Had Ties To Drug Dealer

Unfortunately we Americans will be truly fucked for several decades by Trump's actions.

nah, Trump's presidency will be ineffectual overall. He is already a lame duck. His Presidency is effectively already over. He has no sway in congress, and his executive orders barely pass muster ( the small percentage of the time they actually do pass muster). The military has zero respect for him and would not follow his orders, should they deviate from establish norms. He barely has any leadership over his own cabinet and top officials, much less over his own party. His dumb ass wrote a bunch of checks his party can't cash, as they are ow a rudderless boat, with every man for himself positioning for the next election cycle. You literally will see GOP candidates running against the platforms of other GOP members. The only thing he can do is burn shit down, and all of it can be rebuilt.

Still haven't come to grips with the fact that everything you leftists have worked so hard for the last 50 years, is being systematically dismantled, one piece at a time? That's one hell of a case of denial you have, son.

President Donald J. Trump, that Magnificent Orange Bastard, is the stuff your nightmares are made of. I will make a little prediction here: After two more years of Trump in the White House, this country will be barely recognizable to you.
Oh look, another dumbass Trumpkin attack poodle to nip at my ankles...oh no, whatever will I do....

Lose another election?

I'm just taking a wild guess here.

As if you "won" an election ....haha, you idiot Trumpkins still havent figured it out yet, have you? You are nothing to Trump. He wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire. He uses you fools to extract applause for himself. Think about that....Trump, a clueless moron, actually uses you and fools you. How embarrassing.

OK, so it's only an "election", right? Never mind that we have a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court now, and the certainty that we'll have two more of them on there within the next 3 years.

Never mind that Donald trump has been not only dismantling Obama's legacy one piece at a time, but destroying everything the liberal/progressive movement has done the last 50 years.

Never mind that Donald Trump has been packing the lower courts with conservative judges. Do you have any clue as to how you people are going to be fucked for the next several decades?

Think about it for awhile.

I wouldn't consider myself "fucked" at all. Your problem is that you actually think you are normal. You honestly think everyone is a delusional drama queen, just like you... else you could not also think you were normal. No, you are not normal. Also, you clearly are ignorant of all of history, to think the SCOTUS will just be a conservative parrot. That is never how the SCOTUS has worked, much to the chagrin of presidents and their parties. you also seem to be completely ignorant that, just as easily as Trump can dismantle shit for the sake of dismantling it (which is moronic, but appeals to weirdos like you, and that is the ONLY reason he does it), so can another president. Just as easily as a Congress can pass a law, so can another Congress. So not only do you seem completely unable to see even 5 minutes into the past, you are also completely unable to see 5 minutes into the future.

But none of that makes any difference to you, and you know it. You would declare victory if someone shot your dog, because that's what cackling fools like you always do.

You need to think about it for a while longer.

People aren't going to get as dumb as you by thinking more, professor.
Still haven't come to grips with the fact that everything you leftists have worked so hard for the last 50 years, is being systematically dismantled, one piece at a time?

Because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard... no , you white supremacist pukes aren't getting your 1940 back. Sorry.
Lose another election?

I'm just taking a wild guess here.

As if you "won" an election ....haha, you idiot Trumpkins still havent figured it out yet, have you? You are nothing to Trump. He wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire. He uses you fools to extract applause for himself. Think about that....Trump, a clueless moron, actually uses you and fools you. How embarrassing.

OK, so it's only an "election", right? Never mind that we have a constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court now, and the certainty that we'll have two more of them on there within the next 3 years.

Never mind that Donald trump has been not only dismantling Obama's legacy one piece at a time, but destroying everything the liberal/progressive movement has done the last 50 years.

Never mind that Donald Trump has been packing the lower courts with conservative judges. Do you have any clue as to how you people are going to be fucked for the next several decades?

Think about it for awhile.

I wouldn't consider myself "fucked" at all. Your problem is that you actually think you are normal. You honestly think everyone is a delusional drama queen, just like you... else you could not also think you were normal. No, you are not normal. Also, you clearly are ignorant of all of history, to think the SCOTUS will just be a conservative parrot. That is never how the SCOTUS has worked, much to the chagrin of presidents and their parties. you also seem to be completely ignorant that, just as easily as Trump can dismantle shit for the sake of dismantling it (which is moronic, but appeals to weirdos like you, and that is the ONLY reason he does it), so can another president. Just as easily as a Congress can pass a law, so can another Congress. So not only do you seem completely unable to see even 5 minutes into the past, you are also completely unable to see 5 minutes into the future.

But none of that makes any difference to you, and you know it. You would declare victory if someone shot your dog, because that's what cackling fools like you always do.

You need to think about it for a while longer.

People aren't going to get as dumb as you by thinking more, professor.

Typical liberal ad hominem attack.: Can't rebut the argument, so attack my character.

That didn't work very well for Hillary either, did it? Yawn.
Still haven't come to grips with the fact that everything you leftists have worked so hard for the last 50 years, is being systematically dismantled, one piece at a time?

Because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard... no , you white supremacist pukes aren't getting your 1940 back. Sorry.
We desperately need the virility back. We knew the enemy then and it is becoming clear we need to recognize them again. Not that it matters to you.
Trump is already changing the dynamics of America through his endless appointments of conservative nationalist judges to the bench that'll fundamentally transform America into a beautiful nationalist nation. Indeed, Trump is already making America great again.
Still haven't come to grips with the fact that everything you leftists have worked so hard for the last 50 years, is being systematically dismantled, one piece at a time?

Because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard... no , you white supremacist pukes aren't getting your 1940 back. Sorry.

I’ve had a crappy day.

Your posts make me happy.

Thank you for the laughs and making me feel better. :biggrin:

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