The Truth Prevails: Roy Moore Once Locked Up WaPo Editors Brother....Accuser Had Ties To Drug Dealer

How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

he won't testify under oath for the senate. what does that say hmmmm? his ( at the time )14 yr accuser is

Oh do tell. When is the fucking hearing? When did Senator Allred set the date? Fucking idiot. There won't be a hearing.And why should there be. Two accusers whose stories are coming apart at the seams.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Apparently, you're desperate AND a liar...

Fuck you. I'm having a blast over watching the latest smear fall completely apart asshole. Especially running the comment sections in Alabama media and witnessing all those voters post that they aren't buying the smears.

The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.

BTW: What ever happened to those imaginary women who claimed that Donald Trump "groped" them?

They seem to be awful quiet these days.

the one that was willing to start a lawsuit stepped away because of death threats. btw why hasn't president reject gone after them like he SWORE he was going to sue & every one of them? was it cause he would have had to swear under oath that he never touched them?

yep & that is exactly WHY he turned tail.

False flag event. Just like those blacks vandalizing black churches.

If Trump's accuser really got death threats, it would be plastered all over the liberal media. The collective howls would be deafening and we'd never hear the end of it.

Come on, mang: Use your head for something besides a hat rack.

lol... using the term 'false flag ' has alex jones' written all over it.

you are dismissed.

I should have used the phrase" Reischstag Fire" instead of "false flag". That's more along the line of the shit leftists pull.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Apparently, you're desperate AND a liar...

Nope, she's neither. and never has been.

You are exposed, however.

Oh look, another dumbass Trumpkin attack poodle to nip at my ankles...oh no, whatever will I do....
Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

Watch the news video

This is more proof that he did it and what kind of a person he is. It also shows the character of Moore and he is not a good Christian. This is no hit job. You are the ones doing the hit job on women who came forward. Shitheads like you are disgusting.

Two accusers who aren't credible.

And they aren't accusers to you because they are
a) Women? or
b) Accusing a Republican?

You need to get up to speed. There were originally three accusers of sexual misconduct. I don't give a rats ass what the headlines were that there were multiple accusers. The headlines were a lie.

Started off with three accusers of sexual misconduct as I said. One has been completely blown out of the water as she accused very obviously out of revenge. Tina was a career criminal, committed fraud on her family with checks, was violent. All in court records. And Moore gave custody of her son to her mother

Two women dated him and said he was a gentleman and a romantic. No sexual misconduct.

The other women the press has piled on have accused Moore of asking them out on a date.

There were originally one accuser of sexual misconduct- she accused Moore of sexual activity when she was 14 and he was in his thirties

Let's review exactly what she said- shall we? Remember- you have declared that the accusers are liars...

Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore.

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”


Alone with Corfman, Moore chatted with her and asked for her phone number, she says. Days later, she says, he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.

“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking. “Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.” Corfman says she asked Moore to take her home, and he did.

Two of Corfman’s childhood friends say she told them at the time that she was seeing an older man, and one says Corfman identified the man as Moore. Wells says her daughter told her about the encounter more than a decade later, as Moore was becoming more prominent as a local judge.

So what? She's not credible whatsoever. Her timeline has just been seriously busted as well when you actually look at the court dates involved. All of it is coming out.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Apparently, you're desperate AND a liar...

Fuck you. I'm having a blast over watching the latest smear fall completely apart asshole. Especially running the comment sections in Alabama media and witnessing all those voters post that they aren't buying the smears.


You're not having a blast. You are a desperate, miserable little liar who is triggered by every shadow.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Not a single accuser has been 'proven' to be a liar

Which shows what a fucking hypocrite you are when you claimed:

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

You have claimed accusers are liars.

Why? Because you only hold Moore to 'innocent until proven guilty' - not women.

I didn't specify accuser did I asshole? You just fucking assumed it.

I said all the liars are being found out.

Okay- so if all the liars are being found out- and you didn't name Leigh Corfman- then you agree that the woman who has accused Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 14 years old- is not a liar.


Not a single woman has been proven to be a liar.

Not even the women who the Conservatives used to try to spread Fake News about Moore- the one who accused Moore of impregnating her when she was 15. She is probably lying- probably paid by O'Keefe for that lie.

But the rest- not one has been proven to be lying.
Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

Watch the news video

This is more proof that he did it and what kind of a person he is. It also shows the character of Moore and he is not a good Christian. This is no hit job. You are the ones doing the hit job on women who came forward. Shitheads like you are disgusting.

Two accusers who aren't credible.

And they aren't accusers to you because they are
a) Women? or
b) Accusing a Republican?

You need to get up to speed. There were originally three accusers of sexual misconduct. I don't give a rats ass what the headlines were that there were multiple accusers. The headlines were a lie.

Started off with three accusers of sexual misconduct as I said. One has been completely blown out of the water as she accused very obviously out of revenge. Tina was a career criminal, committed fraud on her family with checks, was violent. All in court records. And Moore gave custody of her son to her mother.

Lets see- you said there were three accusers- and you mention one. One of the last ones.

So lets see "Tina's" story

Another woman came forward on Wednesday to accuse Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct, saying he groped her in 1991 after she met with him in his law office to discuss custody of her children.

Tina Johnson told that Moore grabbed her buttocks as she was leaving his office behind her mother. Johnson was 28 at the time, and they had met with Moore to sign over custody of her 12-year-old son to her mother.

“He didn’t pinch it; he grabbed it,” she told, adding that Moore had made her uncomfortable during their meeting as well.

“He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked,” she said. “He was saying that my eyes were beautiful.”

Another Woman Has Accused Roy Moore of Groping Her

You claim she is lying- because she was 'out for revenge' - according to whom? What evidence is there that she is out for revenge?


But of course you don't apply the same standard to Tina Johnson as you claim to for Moore.

Because you are a hypocritical partisan hack.

Poor fool. Her mother got custody of her child. Court records show Moore gave the mother custody. Bitch was a career criminal. Violent. Fraud against family members. Some media have taken her out of their articles like the Daily Mail.

AKA not credible.
Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

Watch the news video
That’s no excuse for trying to fuck a bunch of children

For someone that was supposedly trying to fuck a bunch of children, he wasn’t very successful now was he? How many children did he actually have sex with? How many police reports were filed against him?

uh-huh. sure. a 14 year old girl.... 16 year old girls..... going to attempt to press charges against the ass. DA??????????

yep. looky how they are being believed & not scorned now 'eh? how ridiculous can you be

oh wait. you support a child molester & the vile creature that likes to grab pussy. they do tend to stick together like the POS they are.

You have proven yourself to be a one-trick pony. All you do is lie.

I will not waste my time with you.

How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

he won't testify under oath for the senate. what does that say hmmmm? his ( at the time )14 yr accuser is

Oh do tell. When is the fucking hearing? When did Senator Allred set the date? Fucking idiot. There won't be a hearing.And why should there be. Two accusers whose stories are coming apart at the seams.

no kidding there isn't any hearing sweety. alred wants it. his accuser wants it. they have said so publicly & sent a letter to get it going. guess who won't agree to show up.

lol.... what a fool you are.

Allred calls on Moore to testify under oath - CNN Video
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Apparently, you're desperate AND a liar...

Fuck you. I'm having a blast over watching the latest smear fall completely apart asshole. Especially running the comment sections in Alabama media and witnessing all those voters post that they aren't buying the smears.


You're not having a blast. You are a desperate, miserable little liar who is triggered by every shadow.

Oh bite me. You're a waste of time. You can't debate me so you've gone completely personal. I don't have time for you tonight.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Apparently, you're desperate AND a liar...

Nope, she's neither. and never has been.

You are exposed, however.

Oh look, another dumbass Trumpkin attack poodle to nip at my ankles...oh no, whatever will I do....

Lose another election?

I'm just taking a wild guess here.
Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

Watch the news video
That’s no excuse for trying to fuck a bunch of children

For someone that was supposedly trying to fuck a bunch of children, he wasn’t very successful now was he? How many children did he actually have sex with? How many police reports were filed against him?

uh-huh. sure. a 14 year old girl.... 16 year old girls..... going to attempt to press charges against the ass. DA??????????

yep. looky how they are being believed & not scorned now 'eh? how ridiculous can you be

oh wait. you support a child molester & the vile creature that likes to grab pussy. they do tend to stick together like the POS they are.

You have proven yourself to be a one-trick pony. All you do is lie.

I will not waste my time with you.


now you gone & hurt my feelings, captain. lol..... so them thar female accusers haven't been raked over the coals about this huh?
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

he won't testify under oath for the senate. what does that say hmmmm? his ( at the time )14 yr accuser is

Oh do tell. When is the fucking hearing? When did Senator Allred set the date? Fucking idiot. There won't be a hearing.And why should there be. Two accusers whose stories are coming apart at the seams.

no kidding there isn't any hearing sweety. alred wants it. his accuser wants it. they have said so publicly & sent a letter to get it going. guess who won't agree to show up.

lol.... what a fool you are.

Allred calls on Moore to testify under oath - CNN Video

The letter to the Senate is where? I'd like to see a copy of who Gloria is demanding a Senate hearing from. Moore isn't even a Senator and yet she expects a Senate hearing because her client made an accusation against a citizen.

Are you fucking crazy to believe this shit?
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

he won't testify under oath for the senate. what does that say hmmmm? his ( at the time )14 yr accuser is

Oh do tell. When is the fucking hearing? When did Senator Allred set the date? Fucking idiot. There won't be a hearing.And why should there be. Two accusers whose stories are coming apart at the seams.

no kidding there isn't any hearing sweety. alred wants it. his accuser wants it. they have said so publicly & sent a letter to get it going. guess who won't agree to show up.

lol.... what a fool you are.

Allred calls on Moore to testify under oath - CNN Video

The letter to the Senate is where? I'd like to see a copy of who Gloria is demanding a Senate hearing from. Moore isn't even a Senator and yet she expects a Senate hearing because her client made an accusation against a citizen.

Are you fucking crazy to believe this shit?

get them under oath & that can whether or not to seat him. you do know that there's a question they will even let him be seated. at least this gives him the opportunity to address his accuser. he won't do it. & yu need to ask gloria or mitch what's happening as far as getting that hearing. why won't your child molester be willing to do it hiself & VOLUNTEER to get his accuser under oath? what is he afraid of?

nice try... but you suck at what you are trying to spin.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Not a single accuser has been 'proven' to be a liar

Which shows what a fucking hypocrite you are when you claimed:

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

You have claimed accusers are liars.

Why? Because you only hold Moore to 'innocent until proven guilty' - not women.

I didn't specify accuser did I asshole? You just fucking assumed it.

I said all the liars are being found out.

Okay- so if all the liars are being found out- and you didn't name Leigh Corfman- then you agree that the woman who has accused Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 14 years old- is not a liar.


Not a single woman has been proven to be a liar.

Not even the women who the Conservatives used to try to spread Fake News about Moore- the one who accused Moore of impregnating her when she was 15. She is probably lying- probably paid by O'Keefe for that lie.

But the rest- not one has been proven to be lying.

I didn't say that the 2 accusers have been proven to be liars. Here's the biggie. Yet. But their credibility is fucking garbage. Plain and simple.
This is more proof that he did it and what kind of a person he is. It also shows the character of Moore and he is not a good Christian. This is no hit job. You are the ones doing the hit job on women who came forward. Shitheads like you are disgusting.

Two accusers who aren't credible.

And they aren't accusers to you because they are
a) Women? or
b) Accusing a Republican?

You need to get up to speed. There were originally three accusers of sexual misconduct. I don't give a rats ass what the headlines were that there were multiple accusers. The headlines were a lie.

Started off with three accusers of sexual misconduct as I said. One has been completely blown out of the water as she accused very obviously out of revenge. Tina was a career criminal, committed fraud on her family with checks, was violent. All in court records. And Moore gave custody of her son to her mother

Two women dated him and said he was a gentleman and a romantic. No sexual misconduct.

The other women the press has piled on have accused Moore of asking them out on a date.

There were originally one accuser of sexual misconduct- she accused Moore of sexual activity when she was 14 and he was in his thirties

Let's review exactly what she said- shall we? Remember- you have declared that the accusers are liars...

Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore.

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”


Alone with Corfman, Moore chatted with her and asked for her phone number, she says. Days later, she says, he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.

“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking. “Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.” Corfman says she asked Moore to take her home, and he did.

Two of Corfman’s childhood friends say she told them at the time that she was seeing an older man, and one says Corfman identified the man as Moore. Wells says her daughter told her about the encounter more than a decade later, as Moore was becoming more prominent as a local judge.

So what? She's not credible whatsoever. Her timeline has just been seriously busted as well when you actually look at the court dates involved. All of it is coming out.

Not credible at all to you.

Even though her mother has confirmed the meeting in the courthouse.
And her childhood friend has confirmed that Ms. Corfman told her at the time that she was dating Moore and confirmed the sexual encounter.

Yeah it is all coming out- woman after woman talking about how the 32 year old Moore liked to teenage girls.

And three of them have said he violated the law.
I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

he won't testify under oath for the senate. what does that say hmmmm? his ( at the time )14 yr accuser is

Oh do tell. When is the fucking hearing? When did Senator Allred set the date? Fucking idiot. There won't be a hearing.And why should there be. Two accusers whose stories are coming apart at the seams.

no kidding there isn't any hearing sweety. alred wants it. his accuser wants it. they have said so publicly & sent a letter to get it going. guess who won't agree to show up.

lol.... what a fool you are.

Allred calls on Moore to testify under oath - CNN Video

The letter to the Senate is where? I'd like to see a copy of who Gloria is demanding a Senate hearing from. Moore isn't even a Senator and yet she expects a Senate hearing because her client made an accusation against a citizen.

Are you fucking crazy to believe this shit?

get them under oath & that can whether or not to seat him. you do know that there's a question they will even let him be seated. at least this gives him the opportunity to address his accuser. he won't do it. & yu need to ask gloria or mitch what's happening as far as getting that hearing. why won't your child molester be willing to do it hiself & VOLUNTEER to get his accuser under oath? what is he afraid of?

nice try... but you suck at what you are trying to spin.

Copy of the letter from Allred to McConnell please. Otherwise one isn't scheduled.

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