The Truth Prevails: Roy Moore Once Locked Up WaPo Editors Brother....Accuser Had Ties To Drug Dealer

Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

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That’s no excuse for trying to fuck a bunch of children
Trying is not doing it.
That’s no excuse for trying to fuck a bunch of children

For someone that was supposedly trying to fuck a bunch of children, he wasn’t very successful now was he? How many children did he actually have sex with? How many police reports were filed against him?
Police reports? In 70s Alabama? many people covered for him? How many people have admitted to doing little things to keep him and girls apart BUT NEVER reported him?

In other words none, and zero people have claimed he had sex with them.
You know every time you say that, you remind people that you have no problem with perverted adults groping and making out with children, right?

I don't think he ever said that. That you would say that says you got 0.

wtf? 'tried but not getting it ' doesn't get him off the hook jr. i hope you never have to tell any female in your family that. time goes by, the accusers are getting shadier and shadier....

As time goes by, the Moore supporters are getting more desperate- even putting up a fake accuser

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

A woman with ties to a right-wing activist group falsely claimed to The Washington Post that she had conceived a child with Roy S. Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama, when she was 15, the newspaper reported on Monday afternoon.

The woman, identified by the paper as Jaime T. Phillips, claimed in recent interviews with reporters that she had an abortion after having sex with Mr. Moore in 1992. But The Post said that it had discovered inconsistencies in her account and evidence that the woman concocted the sensational claim to try to dupe reporters and coax them into discussing the political impact her story could have on Mr. Moore.

Those Moore supporters are the ones who are going to get him in the Senate. He is leading in the polls, you know.
Haha...desperate....what an embarrassing thread.

Who is desperate? We're down to two accusers and all the liars are being found out. It's awesome what's happening..

Not a single accuser has been 'proven' to be a liar

Which shows what a fucking hypocrite you are when you claimed:

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

You have claimed accusers are liars.

Why? Because you only hold Moore to 'innocent until proven guilty' - not women. time goes by, the accusers are getting shadier and shadier....

As time goes by, the Moore supporters are getting more desperate- even putting up a fake accuser

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

A woman with ties to a right-wing activist group falsely claimed to The Washington Post that she had conceived a child with Roy S. Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama, when she was 15, the newspaper reported on Monday afternoon.

The woman, identified by the paper as Jaime T. Phillips, claimed in recent interviews with reporters that she had an abortion after having sex with Mr. Moore in 1992. But The Post said that it had discovered inconsistencies in her account and evidence that the woman concocted the sensational claim to try to dupe reporters and coax them into discussing the political impact her story could have on Mr. Moore.

Those Moore supporters are the ones who are going to get him in the Senate. He is leading in the polls, you know.

Of course.

The Moore supporters would rather elect an accused child molester than the man who convicted KKK members.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

I see many on the right who are sticking with that old wonderful adage "innocent until proven guilty".

he won't testify under oath for the senate. what does that say hmmmm? his ( at the time )14 yr accuser is
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.

BTW: What ever happened to those imaginary women who claimed that Donald Trump "groped" them?

They seem to be awful quiet these days.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.

And by 'dropping like flies' you mean that not a single one of the named accusers in the WAPO articles has changed her position.
Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

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This is more proof that he did it and what kind of a person he is. It also shows the character of Moore and he is not a good Christian. This is no hit job. You are the ones doing the hit job on women who came forward. Shitheads like you are disgusting.

Two accusers who aren't credible.

And they aren't accusers to you because they are
a) Women? or
b) Accusing a Republican?

You need to get up to speed. There were originally three accusers of sexual misconduct. I don't give a rats ass what the headlines were that there were multiple accusers. The headlines were a lie.

Started off with three accusers of sexual misconduct as I said. One has been completely blown out of the water as she accused very obviously out of revenge. Tina was a career criminal, committed fraud on her family with checks, was violent. All in court records. And Moore gave custody of her son to her mother

Two women dated him and said he was a gentleman and a romantic. No sexual misconduct.

The other women the press has piled on have accused Moore of asking them out on a date.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.
Evidently slow.. time goes by, the accusers are getting shadier and shadier....

As time goes by, the Moore supporters are getting more desperate- even putting up a fake accuser

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

Woman Tried to Dupe Washington Post With False Claim About Roy Moore, Paper Says

A woman with ties to a right-wing activist group falsely claimed to The Washington Post that she had conceived a child with Roy S. Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama, when she was 15, the newspaper reported on Monday afternoon.

The woman, identified by the paper as Jaime T. Phillips, claimed in recent interviews with reporters that she had an abortion after having sex with Mr. Moore in 1992. But The Post said that it had discovered inconsistencies in her account and evidence that the woman concocted the sensational claim to try to dupe reporters and coax them into discussing the political impact her story could have on Mr. Moore.

Those Moore supporters are the ones who are going to get him in the Senate. He is leading in the polls, you know.

Of course.

The Moore supporters would rather elect an accused child molester than the man who convicted KKK members.

murderous KKK filth.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.

BTW: What ever happened to those imaginary women who claimed that Donald Trump "groped" them?

They seem to be awful quiet these days.

Yeah- you folk didn't care about Trump groping women even though he told you he did.

Where are they? One of those 'imaginary woman' is suing Trump

Suing Donald Trump- and he is trying to do all he can to prevent the case from coming to court

Trump’s Female Accusers Feel Forgotten. A Lawsuit May Change That.

But that could change if a defamation lawsuit brought by a woman who accused Mr. Trump of unwanted sexual advances is allowed to proceed in New York State Supreme Court, a legal ruling that could come before the end of the year. Lawyers in the suit sought a subpoena seeking all Trump campaign records related to his female accusers. If the case advances, the accusers could be deposed, going up against Mr. Trump yet again.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit — Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Mr. Trump’s show “The Apprentice” .... They claimed that Mr. Trump defamed Ms. Zervos during the campaign when he repeatedly described her and other accusers’ accounts as “lies” and “nonsense” and said the women either were being put forward by his opponent Hillary Clinton’s campaign or were motivated to come forward by getting “10 minutes of fame,” according to the complaint.

Mr. Trump has sought to dismiss or stay the case, claiming that a sitting president cannot be sued in state court and that his comments amount to political speech, arguments that were reaffirmed by his legal team in a brief filed on Tuesday. But lawyers for Ms. Zervos point to the United States Supreme Court ruling that allowed Paula Jones to bring a sexual harassment suit against President Bill Clinton while he was in office, and several law professors have filed briefs supporting the legal grounds for such a suit.
We are watching a media purge, Trump style.

Next, the schools and the fucking alphabet agencies.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.

And by 'dropping like flies' you mean that not a single one of the named accusers in the WAPO articles has changed her position.

Of course not. They were paid handsomely to lie.
Isn't interesting how the truth always can lie but truth will come out sooner or later. Roy Moore has been vindicated. This has all been a hit job by the Deep State.

Watch the news video

This is more proof that he did it and what kind of a person he is. It also shows the character of Moore and he is not a good Christian. This is no hit job. You are the ones doing the hit job on women who came forward. Shitheads like you are disgusting.

Two accusers who aren't credible.

And they aren't accusers to you because they are
a) Women? or
b) Accusing a Republican?

You need to get up to speed. There were originally three accusers of sexual misconduct. I don't give a rats ass what the headlines were that there were multiple accusers. The headlines were a lie.

Started off with three accusers of sexual misconduct as I said. One has been completely blown out of the water as she accused very obviously out of revenge. Tina was a career criminal, committed fraud on her family with checks, was violent. All in court records. And Moore gave custody of her son to her mother

Two women dated him and said he was a gentleman and a romantic. No sexual misconduct.

The other women the press has piled on have accused Moore of asking them out on a date.

There were originally one accuser of sexual misconduct- she accused Moore of sexual activity when she was 14 and he was in his thirties

Let's review exactly what she said- shall we? Remember- you have declared that the accusers are liars...

Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

Leigh Corfman says she was 14 years old when an older man approached her outside a courtroom in Etowah County, Ala. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her mother, they both recall, when the man introduced himself as Roy Moore.

It was early 1979 and Moore — now the Republican nominee in Alabama for a U.S. Senate seat — was a 32-year-old assistant district attorney. He struck up a conversation, Corfman and her mother say, and offered to watch the girl while her mother went inside for a child custody hearing.

“He said, ‘Oh, you don’t want her to go in there and hear all that. I’ll stay out here with her,’ ” says Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71. “I thought, how nice for him to want to take care of my little girl.”


Alone with Corfman, Moore chatted with her and asked for her phone number, she says. Days later, she says, he picked her up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, drove her about 30 minutes to his home in the woods, told her how pretty she was and kissed her. On a second visit, she says, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear.

“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking. “Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.” Corfman says she asked Moore to take her home, and he did.

Two of Corfman’s childhood friends say she told them at the time that she was seeing an older man, and one says Corfman identified the man as Moore. Wells says her daughter told her about the encounter more than a decade later, as Moore was becoming more prominent as a local judge.
We are watching a media purge, Trump style.

Next, the schools and the fucking alphabet agencies.

Right on! Donald J. Trump is dismantling the liberals' little dream world by the death of a thousand cuts. Most of them aren't even aware of some of the things he's done over the last year. They would really freak out if they knew. :laugh:
Nice words, SSGT...but the 'Herman Cain' treatment pushers won't be satisfied with is, after all, 'election time'.
Fraken is one of those people. And he is still in the Senate.

all being put under the microscope with an ethics investigation--- which he welcomes & is cooperating fully. moore? not so much. & if franken loses ... he LOSES. ba bye.... good riddance. moore won't even fathom an investigation even as he claims innocence. why is that?

he's slime, a mall rat & a child molester all wrapped up in the bible he profess' to follow.
How is that rightist believe Moore not guilty yet anyone on the left with unproven allegations is guilty and vica versa with the leftist? Do you people not see a pattern here..?

Why should we believe he's guilty if the lawyer representing those women refuses to provide evidence? We do have what's called "The rule of law" in this country.
The same rule of law which you and others abuse when it is a hit on the opposition?

The opposition seems to be dropping like flies. Obviously there is some substance to the allegations against them.

And by 'dropping like flies' you mean that not a single one of the named accusers in the WAPO articles has changed her position.

Of course not. They were paid handsomely to lie.

LOL- and you of course have proof that they were paid- because of course you believe in 'innocent until proven guilty'

Just another partisan hack.

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