The two guys that are behind the raid of Trump home:

Oh, you want a Judge dead for being the attorney before Epstein was arrested.

You guys do know people hire law firms and the job of the law firm is to represent their clients as best as possible.

Now do you have the flights of when that Judge was on the Island and seeing that Judge knew Jeff mean that Trump knew the Judge…
Oh, Penelope I was defending the Judge and mocking the other poster, so thank you for supporting the other poster opinion about the Judge and showing how ignorant you are…
We’re both appointed by Trump, so here is my question for the Trump voting base and it why would they support something like this?

Judge Reinhart was appointed by Trump in 2018 FBI director Wray was appointed in 2017, so did Trump failed again to make sure he hired the most loyal candidates?

It draws into question about Trump ability to appoint the right people from USSC to Federal Judges to FBI directors to even picking wives, so tell me Trump voting base is everyone out to get Trump?

I mean let think about this and USSC Judges he appointed refuse to hear his case over the election and now this it make me wonder why is Trump so hated by so many that people are trying to ruin him?

Is it Deep State?


Is it Trump is just dumb as fuck?

In the end you should look at who is truly gunning for him and ask why his own appointments are not so loyal…

Reinhart was not appointed by Trump in 2018.

Magistrate judges are not appointed by the POTUS
Yeah, how could Trump have not seen all this coming when he hired these people? He should have known that years later they would raid his house and find NOTHING.
Democrats saw it coming....since according to Trumpers -- all of this is because of them....

Why are Democrats so powerful and Trump and his acolytes so weak and whiny??
Democrats saw it coming....since according to Trumpers -- all of this is because of them....

Why are Democrats so powerful and Trump and his acolytes so weak and whiny??
Well Biff it has to do with public perception and the two parties playing the stupidity of the public to think one side is weaker than the other when in fact they play the game to keep themselves in power and not allow a new party to play the game.
That tells me that he had a number of monkey-wrenchers in his administration, that he didn't smoke out.....I personally didn't trust Pence from the moment he was brought onto the '16 ticket.
isn't it kind of creepy to have better instincts than the guy you are worshiping??

I mean, you didn't trust Pence -- but somehow, it never factored into your trust for Trump for picking him??
What are republicans so afraid of?

Trump and his cult attack, anyone who questions them.
The burden of proof is with the accuser.
What are republicans so afraid of?

Trump and his cult attack, anyone who questions them.
The burden of proof is with the accuser.
That is the way I see it when it come to this investigation and Trump is innocent ( I know Penelope he isn’t innocent unless he is a Democrat ) until proven guilty…
Reinhart was not appointed by Trump in 2018.

Magistrate judges are not appointed by the POTUS
He wasn't suspended under DeSantis until he opines on abortion. He might agree with it shouldn't be prosecuted or might be fine with the ban.
Well Biff it has to do with public perception and the two parties playing the stupidity of the public to think one side is weaker than the other when in fact they play the game to keep themselves in power and not allow a new party to play the game.

Nope, it has to do with one side believing the purpose of obtaining power is to punish others.......which is why Trumpers are having such a hissy fit right now....because over 80% of their motivation for voting Trump back in 2016 -- was this goofy belief that he was going to "punish" the people they hate...which is why lock her up was yelled at every rally for 6 or 7 years....

Everything is projection with Trumpers...they whine about the FBI being political -- and yet -- when they regain power -- they want to purge every department and replace them with loyalists.....which is the definition of government agencies being political...

"Trump, in theory, could fire tens of thousands of career government officials with no recourse for appeals. He could replace them with people he believes are more loyal to him and to his 'America First' agenda,"

Say what you want about Biden, he didn't immediately replace Wray because Trump appointed either, Biden is so powerful and brilliant that he knew in advance that Wray was a secret Democrat -- or -- Trump is just the wrong person for Republicans to worship....just like they felt about the last guy they worshiped before Trump.....Bush...

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