The two guys that are behind the raid of Trump home:

I hate to have to explain this to your non-functioning brain for the 1,000th time but I didn't vote for Trump, I voted for his pro-US citizens platform.
If that bothers you, you can kiss my ass.
You voted for Trump -- you can try to dance around that all you wish -- but whenever you feel compelled to try to defend shit you never would if it was someone else -- you are a cuck....and too cowardly to admit it....

That whole "Pro-US citizens platform" is bullshit platitude talk -- to get around talking about policies....Trump's policies were the same policies Republicans always would have been the same if Romney was president, it would have been the same if McCain was were a Trump sycophant because of the are the mark he knew he could con, with words....not policies...
You voted for Trump -- you can try to dance around that all you wish -- but whenever you feel compelled to try to defend shit you never would if it was someone else -- you are a cuck....and too cowardly to admit it....

That whole "Pro-US citizens platform" is bullshit platitude talk -- to get around talking about policies....Trump's policies were the same policies Republicans always would have been the same if Romney was president, it would have been the same if McCain was were a Trump sycophant because of the are the mark he knew he could con, with words....not policies...
Eat shit.
I belong to a huge community and I have seen far too many people lose everything because the pieces of shit you vote for send jobs overseas and bring in foreigners and trespassers to replace US citizens.
You're probably a trespasser or fucking one or more trespassers.
SO, you're part of the problem.
Not even half of the US citizens are voting.
Guess why people don't vote, moron.
They're sick and tired of pieces of shit like yourself voting for the people that make them helpless.
If I were living in a slum, I wouldn't vote either.
Then why did Trump get rid of so many because they didn't kiss his ass?
You are just another in a long line of morons.
I have better things to do than wonder what goes on in Trump’s mind. All I can do is go by his actions. Maybe they didn’t pucker up enough. :dunno:
We’re both appointed by Trump, so here is my question for the Trump voting base and it why would they support something like this?

Judge Reinhart was appointed by Trump in 2018 FBI director Wray was appointed in 2017, so did Trump failed again to make sure he hired the most loyal candidates?

It draws into question about Trump ability to appoint the right people from USSC to Federal Judges to FBI directors to even picking wives, so tell me Trump voting base is everyone out to get Trump?

I mean let think about this and USSC Judges he appointed refuse to hear his case over the election and now this it make me wonder why is Trump so hated by so many that people are trying to ruin him?

Is it Deep State?


Is it Trump is just dumb as fuck?

In the end you should look at who is truly gunning for him and ask why his own appointments are not so loyal…

I have better things to do than wonder what goes on in Trump’s mind. All I can do is go by his actions. Maybe they didn’t pucker up enough. :dunno:
Must have sucked for you when he stopped those trespassers and you had to pay more than $5.00/hour for a cleaning lady.
Not really....he lied about meeting with Russians who were promising dirt on his Dad's opponent...

View attachment 679780

Even tho he knew there was an email contradicting that lie....and it didn't stop folks like you still to this saying dumb shit like "Why would Trump lie" -- how horrible it must be to have to gaslight yourself...
Nope. Your absurd claims will hold no weight here.
Guess why people don't vote, moron.
They're sick and tired of pieces of shit like yourself voting for the people that make them helpless.
Then sit back and whine "they're making ME helpless"?
No, retard, you did that yourself.
If I were living in a slum, I wouldn't vote either.
Because..............THAT'S how STUPID YOU ARE.
Then sit back and whine "they're making ME helpless"?
No, retard, you did that yourself.

Because..............THAT'S how STUPID YOU ARE.
I'm not helpless but I'm not a cold-hearted piece of shit like you and your fellow LibTards.
One fact I know about LibTards and neo-ConTards...neither one of you really cares about anything but yourselves.
You're all pieces of self-centered shit.
Trump is a billionaire on paper but liquidate his holding and pay off his debt and let see how much he is worth…

Funny how you guys keep on harping on that paper number!
Again, how many billions do you have on paper?
I'm not helpless but I'm not a cold-hearted piece of shit like you and your fellow LibTards.
One fact I know about LibTards and neo-ConTards...neither one of you really cares about anything but yourselves.
You're all pieces of self-centered shit.
Chill out! We’re only talking about politicians. You’d think we dissed your momma. :rolleyes-41:
Oh, you want a Judge dead for being the attorney before Epstein was arrested.

You guys do know people hire law firms and the job of the law firm is to represent their clients as best as possible.

Now do you have the flights of when that Judge was on the Island and seeing that Judge knew Jeff mean that Trump knew the Judge…
Some judges need to get the same treatment as those that they judge, are judges above the law?
Here is the fallacy/ if Trump has papers in a safe then That’s The Evidence . No one had any”evidence”. It’s in the safe. What they did have, once again, was suggestion and innuendo from a Hearsay source that shared what they heard about what Trump had taken from White House and put in his safe.
I'm not helpless but I'm not a cold-hearted piece of shit like you and your fellow LibTards.
One fact I know about LibTards and neo-ConTards...neither one of you really cares about anything but yourselves.
You're all pieces of self-centered shit.

December 11 2021
Tornadoes struck several Southern and Midwestern states Friday night. At least 50 people are confirmed dead in Kentucky alone, and that number is almost certain to rise as more bodies are discovered, FOX Weather reports.

December 13, 2021
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes beginning Dec. 10, 2021, and continuing.

July 29 2022
At least 16 people are dead, including children, and the toll is "going to get a lot higher" following catastrophic flooding in Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear said Friday.
An unknown number of people were missing, Beshear said at a news conference Friday morning, as rescuers scrambled to reach areas difficult to access.

July 29, 2022
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state, tribal and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides, beginning July 26, 2022, and continuing.

In the aftermath of the storm, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear requested federal assistance to help the state recover from the tornadoes. Paul wrote a letter to President Joe Biden echoing the need for federal relief.

"The Governor of the Commonwealth has requested federal assistance this morning, and certainly further requests will be coming as the situation is assessed," the senator wrote, according to a press release from his office. "I fully support those requests and ask that you move expeditiously to approve the appropriate resources for our state."

In 2013, after Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the northeast including New York, Rand Paul voted against a bill that provided recovery funds to the state.

He said he would have supported the bill if it reappropriated funds from other areas, rather than add on additional spending, reported WFPL, a Louisville-area news radio station.

"I would have given them 9 billion and I would've taken the 9 billion from somewhere else," Rand Paul said. "I would have taken it from foreign aid and said you know what, we don't have money for Egypt or Pakistan this year because we have to help the Northeast."

December 11 2021
Tornadoes struck several Southern and Midwestern states Friday night. At least 50 people are confirmed dead in Kentucky alone, and that number is almost certain to rise as more bodies are discovered, FOX Weather reports.

December 13, 2021
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes beginning Dec. 10, 2021, and continuing.

July 29 2022
At least 16 people are dead, including children, and the toll is "going to get a lot higher" following catastrophic flooding in Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear said Friday.
An unknown number of people were missing, Beshear said at a news conference Friday morning, as rescuers scrambled to reach areas difficult to access.

July 29, 2022
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state, tribal and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides, beginning July 26, 2022, and continuing.

In the aftermath of the storm, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear requested federal assistance to help the state recover from the tornadoes. Paul wrote a letter to President Joe Biden echoing the need for federal relief.

"The Governor of the Commonwealth has requested federal assistance this morning, and certainly further requests will be coming as the situation is assessed," the senator wrote, according to a press release from his office. "I fully support those requests and ask that you move expeditiously to approve the appropriate resources for our state."

In 2013, after Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the northeast including New York, Rand Paul voted against a bill that provided recovery funds to the state.

He said he would have supported the bill if it reappropriated funds from other areas, rather than add on additional spending, reported WFPL, a Louisville-area news radio station.

"I would have given them 9 billion and I would've taken the 9 billion from somewhere else," Rand Paul said. "I would have taken it from foreign aid and said you know what, we don't have money for Egypt or Pakistan this year because we have to help the Northeast."
Imagine that, a politician wanting tax money distributed and then getting their cut!

December 11 2021
Tornadoes struck several Southern and Midwestern states Friday night. At least 50 people are confirmed dead in Kentucky alone, and that number is almost certain to rise as more bodies are discovered, FOX Weather reports.

December 13, 2021
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes beginning Dec. 10, 2021, and continuing.

July 29 2022
At least 16 people are dead, including children, and the toll is "going to get a lot higher" following catastrophic flooding in Kentucky, Gov. Andy Beshear said Friday.
An unknown number of people were missing, Beshear said at a news conference Friday morning, as rescuers scrambled to reach areas difficult to access.

July 29, 2022
WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the Commonwealth of Kentucky to supplement state, tribal and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides, beginning July 26, 2022, and continuing.

In the aftermath of the storm, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear requested federal assistance to help the state recover from the tornadoes. Paul wrote a letter to President Joe Biden echoing the need for federal relief.

"The Governor of the Commonwealth has requested federal assistance this morning, and certainly further requests will be coming as the situation is assessed," the senator wrote, according to a press release from his office. "I fully support those requests and ask that you move expeditiously to approve the appropriate resources for our state."

In 2013, after Hurricane Sandy devastated parts of the northeast including New York, Rand Paul voted against a bill that provided recovery funds to the state.

He said he would have supported the bill if it reappropriated funds from other areas, rather than add on additional spending, reported WFPL, a Louisville-area news radio station.

"I would have given them 9 billion and I would've taken the 9 billion from somewhere else," Rand Paul said. "I would have taken it from foreign aid and said you know what, we don't have money for Egypt or Pakistan this year because we have to help the Northeast."
Why do you think I love a Libertarian?
I hate Liberaraians.

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