The Two State Option Is Dying


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
" On April 26 in Washington,*the Middle East Policy Council held a discussion*about the "Future of the conflict: Opening the Debate," in which Steve Walt, Henry Siegman, and I argued that the two-state solution is over, one side controls all the territory, and we have to imagine a new future for Israel and Palestine. Below are excerpts of that conversation, focusing on Siegman and Walt's statements. . ...If in fact, the two-state solution is gone — and I believe that that’s the hard reality facing the Palestinians — I have suggested — and I’ve discussed with Palestinian leadership, and more importantly, I think, I’ve discussed it with Palestinian activists, who do not admire greatly their own leadership — the time has come for Palestinians to shut down the Palestinian Authority because the Palestinian Authority is an instrument of the occupation and perpetuates the occupation. And what that makes the leaders of the Palestinian Authority, I leave to your imagination. But certainly that is — that is the reason they virtually have no respect and enjoy virtually no support among the Palestinian public these days. But what I have suggested to them is that they shut down the Palestinian Authority and say to the international community and to Israel, you have succeeded in denying us a state; we have fought for the agreements, called for it, international calls for it, but you have denied that to us; it’s no longer possible; you have succeeded, with your settlement project, in ending that; consequently, what we — we are changing — we are altering our national struggle from statehood to equal rights in that single state that you have created. And if it is done in a way that is credible to the Palestinian — to the Israeli public, there are then only two possibilities, because the one thing that Israelis — the one price that the Israeli public will not pay for greater Israel is a state that, in time, will no longer be Jewish." This is what I expect will happen soon, for years people on the ground in Palestine have been saying the two state solution is dead. Things are changing in Israel/Palestine.
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Great news. Dump the damn PA. Abbas has been nothing but a hemorride for Israel. If he were elected instaed of Hamas to govern the Palestinians they would have had a two state solution with Israel having to return to the 67 borders & give the Palestinians East Jerusalem as well. A two state solution could only result in two states at endless conflict.

A lasting peace can only be achived with a one state solution whereby Israel finds some incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADy!
You mean, Frau Sherri, that you can't convince your good friend Mr. Weiss to ask Jordan to take back the West Bank and make the inhabitants citizens of Jordan and ask Egypt to take back Gaza and make the people there citizens of Egypt. After all, most of these people involved are Muslims so they will probably feel comfortable being citizens of a Muslim country. Don't forget that when Egypt and Jordan were administrating the two territories, no so-called Palestinian was clamoring for a state of their own.
The Palesdtinians could not survive a state of their own with self determination. Just look what happened when Israel granted the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza. Palestinians massacring Palestinians in record numbers. A Palestinian State would be a Palestinian genocide for them.

You mean, Frau Sherri, that you can't convince your good friend Mr. Weiss to ask Jordan to take back the West Bank and make the inhabitants citizens of Jordan and ask Egypt to take back Gaza and make the people there citizens of Egypt. After all, most of these people involved are Muslims so they will probably feel comfortable being citizens of a Muslim country. Don't forget that when Egypt and Jordan were administrating the two territories, no so-called Palestinian was clamoring for a state of their own.
Ask the" Christian" exactly what the Palestinians put forth to " negotiate" and there will not be a response. It's a fair question
Israel occupies Palestine.

Nobody is allowed to mention that.

Translation; Israel does not have the right to exist. The old man just won't give it up so he and everybody else get nothing lol

Israel has the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.
Translation; Israel does not have the right to exist. The old man just won't give it up so he and everybody else get nothing lol

Israel has the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.

Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.
Israel has the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.

Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

What a load of DRIVEL ! :cool:
Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.

Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

What a load of DRIVEL ! :cool:


The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its conservation and prosperity,...

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933

When Palestine declared independence in 1948 it was recognized by five states.

In 1979 Palestine was admitted to the Arab League as a member state.

By 1988 about 100 countries recognized Palestine.

Recently 138 countries in the UN recognized Palestine as a state.

Israel still claims that there is no Palestine because Israel is in Palestine.
Israel has the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.

Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

Didn't duck the question. " palestine" is not a Country. It might be a region, but not a Country. Regardless, the question is moot. Israel DOES exist. To say that " palestine" was never a state is a fact. To say that Israel doesn't is your wish. It is your mindset as to why there will never be a "Two State Solution". The Palestinians wouldn't be content with that.

Wait..... There are a lot of reasons why the " Two State Solution" will never be;

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

Once again, Palestinian savages desecrate Jewish holy site | BARE NAKED ISLAM


Just a few examples. E. Jerusalem has Israel's most religious sites and Israel is never going to give it up
Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.

Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

Didn't duck the question. " palestine" is not a Country. It might be a region, but not a Country. Regardless, the question is moot. Israel DOES exist. To say that " palestine" was never a state is a fact. To say that Israel doesn't is your wish. It is your mindset as to why there will never be a "Two State Solution". The Palestinians wouldn't be content with that.

Wait..... There are a lot of reasons why the " Two State Solution" will never be;

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

Once again, Palestinian savages desecrate Jewish holy site | BARE NAKED ISLAM


Just a few examples. E. Jerusalem has Israel's most religious sites and Israel is never going to give it up

Didn't duck the question. " palestine" is not a Country. It might be a region, but not a Country.

A region is an undefined territory. Palestine is defined by international borders.
Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

What a load of DRIVEL ! :cool:


The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its conservation and prosperity,...

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933

When Palestine declared independence in 1948 it was recognized by five states.

In 1979 Palestine was admitted to the Arab League as a member state.

By 1988 about 100 countries recognized Palestine.

Recently 138 countries in the UN recognized Palestine as a state.

Israel still claims that there is no Palestine because Israel is in Palestine.

International Recognition of Israel | Jewish Virtual Library

" palestine" was recognized by the UN? lol So was Israel. What were the " borders" that they rejected? What Gov't did they have? Who was the President? I know..... NOBODY !

Regarding the Countries that recognize " palestine", they obviously " forgot" they were once called parts of Jordan and Egypt

Let them recognize " palestine" without the 67 Borders that the Arabs themselves NEVER accepted, or " Right of Return" O.K. with me!
Your " question" is obvious that you do not believe Israel has the right to exist. At one time " Palestine" might have been a region but it was never a " Country."What you consider "Palestine" was part of Jordan and Egypt.Your mindset is the reason why there will never be the " Two State Solution". Israel knows that if Abbas gets his way the Two State Solution" will eventually become one and that is not going to happen.

Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

Didn't duck the question. " palestine" is not a Country. It might be a region, but not a Country. Regardless, the question is moot. Israel DOES exist. To say that " palestine" was never a state is a fact. To say that Israel doesn't is your wish. It is your mindset as to why there will never be a "Two State Solution". The Palestinians wouldn't be content with that.

Wait..... There are a lot of reasons why the " Two State Solution" will never be;

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

Once again, Palestinian savages desecrate Jewish holy site | BARE NAKED ISLAM


Just a few examples. E. Jerusalem has Israel's most religious sites and Israel is never going to give it up

That link is heartbreaking. Joseph was sold out twice in history. How savage!!
Of course that ducks the question. Where does Israel get the "right" to exist inside Palestine?

A country exists without the recognition of other countries. Palestine has been recognized as a state by other countries for over 60 years. To say that Palestine was never a state is a matter of political opinion not fact.

Didn't duck the question. " palestine" is not a Country. It might be a region, but not a Country. Regardless, the question is moot. Israel DOES exist. To say that " palestine" was never a state is a fact. To say that Israel doesn't is your wish. It is your mindset as to why there will never be a "Two State Solution". The Palestinians wouldn't be content with that.

Wait..... There are a lot of reasons why the " Two State Solution" will never be;

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

Once again, Palestinian savages desecrate Jewish holy site | BARE NAKED ISLAM


Just a few examples. E. Jerusalem has Israel's most religious sites and Israel is never going to give it up

That link is heartbreaking. Joseph was sold out twice in history. How savage!!

October 2000?

Wasn't that when Israel was shooting Palestinian protesters with live ammo?
Didn't duck the question. " palestine" is not a Country. It might be a region, but not a Country. Regardless, the question is moot. Israel DOES exist. To say that " palestine" was never a state is a fact. To say that Israel doesn't is your wish. It is your mindset as to why there will never be a "Two State Solution". The Palestinians wouldn't be content with that.

Wait..... There are a lot of reasons why the " Two State Solution" will never be;

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

Once again, Palestinian savages desecrate Jewish holy site | BARE NAKED ISLAM


Just a few examples. E. Jerusalem has Israel's most religious sites and Israel is never going to give it up

That link is heartbreaking. Joseph was sold out twice in history. How savage!!

October 2000?

Wasn't that when Israel was shooting Palestinian protesters with live ammo?

Wasn't that when Palestinians lynched two Israeli Soldiers ? Oh ya !

[ame=]??????' ??????? - ??????????? Lynch in Ramallah?? - YouTube[/ame]

Wasn't that also the time where Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad started their suicide bombing campaign against Israeli civilians? Yup !

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice the dates starting from 2001. Every freakin week Palestinians were blowing themselves up in cafes, buses etc...
Then Israel build a wall for it to stop, and the Palestinians started crying "Apartheid wall !"

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